
  • 网络Unique Visitor
  1. 他表示,Prowler每个月有120万独立访客,其中35%的访问来自注册用户。

    Prowler sees 1.2 million unique visitors a month , according to skurman .

  2. 在myspace改变计划之际,该公司正面临来自竞争对手facebook的激烈竞争,最近,facebook吸引的独立访客数量超过了myspace。

    The change of plan comes as the company faces intense competition from rival Facebook , which recently overtook MySpace in the number of unique visitors it attracts to its site .

  3. 根据ComScore的数据,11月独立访客数量同比增长62%,至4580万。

    Unique visitors increased 62 per cent to 45.8m in November from a year ago , according to ComScore .

  4. 它的数字订户正在攀升,在每月独立访客(UMV)一项上已经超过《纽约时报》(NYT),正在追赶BuzzFeed。

    Its digital reach is climbing and it has just overtaken the NYT in unique monthly visitors , with BuzzFeed in its sights .