
  • 网络Independent;separatist;Independentists
  1. 独立派的这种转变尤其明显。

    The shift is especially sharp among independents .

  2. 独立派:对电视工作室体系的再思考〉,第34-52页。

    Alvey , Mark . " The Independents : Rethinking the Television Studio System ," pp. 34-52 .

  3. 在政治方面,63岁的馨祥博士称自己是“典型的独立派”。据联邦选举委员会(FederalElectionCommission)称,他总共为竞选捐款8.24万美元,其中6万捐给了民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)。

    On politics , Dr. Soon-Shiong , 63 , called himself the " quintessential independent . " He has donated $ 82400 to campaigns , according to the Federal Election Commission , including $ 60000 to the Democratic National Committee .

  4. 最初看来,独立派似乎会轻松取胜。

    Initially it seemed that the separatists would win a comfortable majority .

  5. 因而这三分之一的人里面只有三分之一是真正的独立派。

    Only a third of a third are true independents .

  6. 康涅狄格州独立派参议员约瑟夫.列波曼将会票选共和议员约翰.麦凯恩。

    Connecticut Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman is endorsing Republican Senator John McCain .

  7. 当政治独立派看到辩论赛时,他们会产生负面情绪。

    And political independents developed negative feelings while they watched the debate .

  8. 更糟糕的是,自称为独立派的人士也变得越来越保守。

    Worse , self-proclaimed independents are also increasingly conservative .

  9. 在圣马可广场上庆祝希腊统一的独立派人士。

    Festival of the Radicals celebrating the union with Greece , St Mark 's Square .

  10. 这种情绪大多表现在言语上,很少有行动,但是康涅狄克州的独立派人士利伯曼表示,他们有足够的理由感到担忧。

    It has been mostly talk and little action , but Joseph Lieberman-a Connecticut independent-says there is plenty of reason for concern .

  11. 布隆伯格最初是共和党人,后来变成独立派人士。布隆伯格赞扬奥巴马为解决汽车和工厂产生的污染问题做出努力。

    The mayor , a former Republican turned Independent , cited the president 's efforts to fight pollution from cars and factories .

  12. 独立派人士表示他们应该享有英国的航空母舰、坦克和护卫舰,因为苏格兰人口占英国人口的十二分之一。

    The separatists say they are due a share of the UKs aircraft carriers , tanks and frigates as Scotland is one-twelfth of the UK population .

  13. 这种情绪大多表现在言语上,很少有行动,但是康涅狄克州的独立派人士利伯曼说,有足够的理由为此感到担忧。

    It has been mostly talk and little action , but Joseph Lieberman - a Connecticut independent - says there is plenty of reason for concern .

  14. 共和国成立后没有解决英国的宪政问题,而是一步步走向集权,共和国成为披着共和外衣的独立派专政工具。

    However the Republic did not solve any constitutional problem but become centralized step by step . It was separatists ' dictatorship under the cloak of republicanism .

  15. 他的吸引力已至顶峰,尤其是对本报这样的独立派而言,只要他能够坚持己见。

    He has been at his most attractive , especially to independents such as this newspaper , when he stands up for issues that he believes in .

  16. 首相茱莉亚佳拉德和反对党领袖汤尼亚伯特都没有赢得8月21日的选举大多数选票,这表示一方必须赢得与独立派国会立法议员的协商,共同组成政府。

    Neither Prime Minister Julia Gillard nor opposition leader Tony Abbott gained a majority in the Aug.21 election , meaning one side must win negotiations with independent lawmakers to form government .

  17. 政治也对气候的认知有所影响,超过3/4的民主党人和六成独立派人士认为在过去几年中气候越来越极端,而不到半数共和党人认同这种转变。

    Politics also color perceptions of the weather , the survey found . More than three-quarters of Democrats and six in 10 independents believe that the weather has become more extreme over the last few years , while less than half of Republicans say they have perceived such a shift .

  18. 唯一的例外就是1972年,当时我把票投给了独立保守派候选人约翰施利茨(johnschlitz),而没有投给理查德尼克松。

    The only exception was 1972 , when I voted for John Schmitz , the independent conservative candidate , over Richard Nixon .

  19. 20世纪30年代独立评论派的乡村建设观

    Independent Review 's Rural Construction Theory in 1930s

  20. 五四新文化运动与《诗经》学独立思考派地位的确立

    The Relationship between the Establishment of the Position of the Independent Thinking School and the May-Fourth New Cultural Movement

  21. 但是,已经宣布独立的亲俄派组织并没有参与这次会谈。

    However , no pro-Russian groups , who have already declared independence , have been included in the talks .

  22. 克钦独立组织及其武装派别克钦独立军与缅甸执政的军政府在1994年达成停火协议。

    The Kachin Independence Organization and its armed wing Kachin Independence Army ( KIA ) had reached the ceasefire agreement with ruling Burma Army in1994 .

  23. 在独立公投的过程中,苏格兰顶尖大学的教授们分为了两个阵营:支持独立的独派学者(AcademicsforYes)和反对独立的统派学者(AcademicsTogether)。

    In the run up to the referendum , Scotlands top university professors had split into two groups : the pro-independence Academics for Yes versus the anti-independence Academics Together .