
  • 网络Investment Incentives
  1. 不完全契约;专用性;人力资本;投资激励;

    Incomplete Contract ; Specificity ; Human Capital ; Investment Incentives ;

  2. 对外商投资激励和投资促进是引进外资中使用的不同手段,两者在内涵、形式和影响上存在很大差异。

    Investment incentives and investment promotion are different means of attracting FDI .

  3. 产业的市场结构与技术投资激励

    Market Structure and Motivation of R & D Investment of Industries

  4. 外商投资激励与投资促进的比较与启示

    The Comparison and Revelation towards Investment Incentives and Investment Promotion

  5. 国际直接投资激励措施管制研究

    Study on the Regulation of International Direct Investment Incentives

  6. 食品生产纵向投资激励和食品安全问题

    The Vertical Ownership of Food Production and Food Safety

  7. 专用性人力资本投资激励研究

    Studies on incentives for investment in specific human capital

  8. 不完全契约可能导致的事后谈判将使得事前投资激励不足。

    The possible ex post renegotiation may cause the deficiency of ex ante investment incentives .

  9. 风险投资激励机制之研究

    Study of Incentive Mechanism in Venture Capital

  10. 论我国高技术产业免税期政策的投资激励效应

    Stage ⅲ . On the Effect of Tax Holiday Policy in High-Tech Industry in China toward Prompting Investment

  11. 目前对投资激励是否实施国际管制、为什么要实施国际管制还没有取得一致性的认识。

    Actually the reason and necessity of the international control on investment incentives is far from reaching agreement .

  12. 另一个好处是,它会让赤字可信地短暂:投资激励相当容易收回。

    Another advantage is that it would make deficits credibly temporary : investment incentives are quite easy to withdraw .

  13. 逐渐兴起的国有化浪潮削弱了投资激励,卷走了私人投资所需的资源。

    The creeping tide of nationalisation eroded incentives for investment , and swept away the resources needed for private investment .

  14. 运用博弈论中委托-代理理论对股权-债权的风险投资激励机制进行了研究。

    The paper analyses systemically incentive scheme of venture capital under equity-debt by applying principal-agent theory in the game theory .

  15. 技术创新合约是一个不完全合约,创新所有权配置影响各方的专用性投资激励。

    Technological innovation contract is an incomplete contract . Innovational ownership distribution impacts the motivation of specialty investment of the parties involved .

  16. 现阶段,专用性人力资本投资激励不足已经成为制约我国企业生存和成长的瓶颈。

    At this stage , the lack of incentives for specific human capital investment has become a constraint " bottleneck " of business survival and growth .

  17. 而对企业来说,重大投资激励(在推行根本性税务改革的背景下)能够直接降低工厂、设备开支的资金成本。

    For businesses , significant investment incentives ( in the context of fundamental tax reform ) can directly lower the cost of capital for plant and equipment spending .

  18. 必须建立企业人力资本投资激励机制,各级政府也应采取切实措施促进企业人力资本投资。

    It is compulsory to establish encouraging mechanism of manpower investment . Government at various levels should also take feasible measures to promote the investment of manpower in enterprises .

  19. 在分析了知识管理如何实现专用性人力资本投资激励并提出具体激励措施后,本文创新性地提出基于知识管理的专用性人力资本投资激励的运行模式。

    After analyzing how knowledge management encourages specific human capital investment and proposing specific incentives , this paper put forward the operation mode of specific human capital investment incentives .

  20. 为了防止消费税上调打击内需,日本政府还降低了企业税并向企业提供投资激励,同时扩大公共支出。

    To prevent higher consumption tax weakening domestic demand , the government has also cut corporation tax and dished out investment incentives to business , while raising public spending .

  21. 专用型投资激励的作用在于降低资产专用性给企业带来的损害,消除企业参与装备保障的顾虑,达到激励微观主体的作用。

    Incentives to special investment are to reduce the harm brought by asset specificity to the enterprises and play down their worry so that it can incentive these microcosmic individuals .

  22. 当这种外部性非常大的时候,企业创新投资激励不足,必须设计和供应商之间更复杂的关系,把自己做为供应链的一部分,加强供应链管理。

    If such externalities are large , they will weakening the incentives for innovation , so the firm must work out more elaborate relations with its suppliers and strengthen supply chain management .

  23. 从理论上讲,符合我国国情军情的军民一体化装备保障激励机制应当考虑三个因素:产权激励、专用性投资激励、逆向选择的克服。

    Theoretically speaking , the incentive mechanism which is proper for our country and army should take three factors into account , property right incentives , incentives to special investment , conquering converse elections .

  24. 所以,政府要将薪酬、养老金、其它长期支出承诺等领域的必要结构性改革,与减税、投资激励以及大型一次性基建项目等可信的暂时性抵消措施结合进行。

    So combine the necessary structural changes to pay , pensions and other long-term spending commitments with credibly temporary offsetting measures , such as lower taxes , incentives for investment and large one-off infrastructure projects .

  25. 企业内专用性人力资本投资激励存在两种情况:一种是谁投入谁被套牢,被套牢的风险使得双方都不可能主动投入。

    There are two situations in the specific human capital investment incentives : one is that the one who invests is " stuck ", and the risk of " be stuck " makes the two sides not to take the initiative to invest .

  26. 资本结构作为内部经理人的信息信号,能够有效传递企业的内部信息,影响外部投资者的投资激励,削减因逆向选择而产生的代理成本,提高融资效率和公司价值。

    The capital structure , as an information signal used by internal managers , can efficiently transfer inside information , influence the investment incentives of external investors , reduce the agency cost caused by adverse selection , and increase the financing efficiency and firm value .

  27. 目前,国内外学者对专用性人力资本投资激励的研究角度单一、主要集中在经济学领域,通过建立数量模型从投资&收益的角度对专用性人力资本投资进行定量分析。

    At present , domestic and foreign scholars on specific human capital investment incentives has a single point of view , mainly in the field of economics , they carry on quantitative analysis through the establishment of models from the investment income point of view .

  28. 本文简述了东道国外资激励政策的理论依据,从溢出效应、提升产业竞争力、扩大出口和就业等方面分析了东道国投资激励政策的收益;

    This paper summaries the theory basic of the investment incentive policy of host country ; analyzes the profit of incentive policy received by host country from spillover effect , the promotion of competition ability of industry and the enlargement of export and employment , etc.

  29. 据毕马威(KPMG)的专家们分析,这些变化有望为企业节省巨额税收,最初可能导致企业汇回更多利润,但最终将形成加大投资的激励。

    The changes could save companies billions of dollars worth of tax payments , which might initially lead companies to repatriate more profits , but ultimately should provide incentives for more investments , according to experts at KPMG .

  30. 物流合作中最优专用性投资的激励契约设计

    The Incentive Contract Design for Optimization Specific Investment in Logistics Cooperation