
  • 网络Project demonstration;project argumentation;Project Justification
  1. 企业技术创新项目论证决策支持系统研究

    A study on a Decision Support System for the Evaluation of Enterprise Innovation

  2. 项目论证激活职工劳动竞赛参与热情

    Project Feasibility Studies Kindle the Workers ' Enthusiasms of Participating in Working Competition

  3. 大庆炼化公司聚丙烯项目论证及评估

    Assessment and Analysis of the Polypropylene Project of DaQing Refining and Chemical Company

  4. 从分组业务和直流远供项目论证小灵通的发展前景整流器供电直流拖动

    To Demonstrate the PHS Development Prospect by Packet Mode Project and Faraway DC Power Supply Project

  5. 最后,基于2个坑口电厂建设项目论证了该评估模型的可行性和有效性。

    Finally , the feasibility and effectiveness of the evaluation model are proved based on two electric factory projects .

  6. 但部分公司经过投融资后,出现盈利能力大幅下滑的现象,说明还存在非理性融资、投资项目论证不科学的问题。

    But some listed companies ' profitability clearly descended after investment , it shows irrational financing and improper feasibility analyses still exist in some listed companies .

  7. 信息生产成本,私利影响的净效果决定了分工授权也就是项目论证和项目经营相分离与否。

    The delegation , i.e. , separation of project evaluation and project management , depends on the cost of information production and the net effect of private benefits .

  8. 论述了市场经济条件下,投资项目论证应坚持科学的程序和方法,以解决不确定性问题,充分认识风险。

    Discussing that investment item argumentation must insist on scientific program and means under the circumstances of market economy , in order to resolving indeterminacy matters and meeting risk plenty .

  9. 为规范湖北上市公司募集资金的使用,防止上市公司随意变更募集资金投向,提出了完善融资制度、改善股权结构、健全管理层激励约束制度、提高项目论证的科学性等相应的对策和建议。

    Finally some corresponding remedies and measures are suggested , such as improve the equity structure and feasibility research , perfect the financing system and the incentive and constraint system of manager .

  10. 量化飞机发动机排放对机场大气环境污染的影响,衡量排放污染的影响范围及深度,对于机场建设项目论证和实现机场可持续发展意义重大。

    Quantify atmospheric impact from aircraft engine emission in airport and the effects ' scale and depth , it is important to demonstrate the construction project and implement the sustainable development of airport .

  11. 本论文作者是国家烟草专卖局计算机网络安全系统的主要设计者之一,参加了项目论证,方案设计,以及工程实施的整个过程。

    The author of the paper is one of the major designers of the National Tobacco monopoly Bureau computer network , who engaged in the whole procedure of the project including demonstrability , design and execution .

  12. 通过分析,本文认为其失败的主要原因是在项目论证、技术基础、组织人员、信息搜集及创新过程管理等方面存在不同程度的问题。

    Through analysis , the main reason for its failure is that there are problems in the project feasibility prove technical basis , organizations , information gathering , innovative process management , and other aspects in some degree .

  13. 建设项目论证是进行项目可行性研究的主要组成部分,可行性研究是运用多种科学成果,对一项工程在建设投资决策前进行技术经济论证的一门综合性学科。

    It is the major composition part that carries out project feasibility research to expound and prove for development construction project . Feasibility research is a comprehensive subject of technical economic demonstration that utilizes various scientific accomplishment for a project before building investment decision .

  14. 本文通过对西安高架快速干道的意义分析,指出了重大城市交通项目论证中遇到的各种争论的分析要点,对类似交通项目的决策具有借鉴作用。

    Based on analysis of construction significance of Xi'an Elevated Fast Trunk , some controversial key points are raised in the appraisal of key projects for city traffic , which can be used as a reference for making decisions of traffic projects of similar nature .

  15. 浅谈农业科技成果产业化项目的论证评估

    Discussion on the Assessment of Agro - technological Achievements Industrialization Project

  16. 项目前期论证工作的组织与实施

    Organization and Implementation of Demonstration Work at Earlier Stage of Project

  17. 新产品开发项目的论证方法

    Evaluation method on R & D project of new products

  18. 旅游资源开发项目的论证与实践

    The Project Demonstration and Practice of Tourism Resources Development

  19. 军队卫生立法规划项目的论证研究

    Research on item demonstration of military health legislation plan

  20. 上海港口外高桥六期码头岸电试点项目方案论证

    Plan Proving of the Onshore Power Supply Trial Project in Shanghai Port Waigaoqiao Terminal

  21. 该方法用重庆市旅游开发项目进行论证,取得了较好的效果。

    This method has been proved by the Tourism Industrial Development Project in Chongqing .

  22. 建设项目可行性论证中质量与寿命评价指标体系的设置

    Establishment of index system for evaluation of quality and life during construction project feasibility study

  23. 寻求投资支持,并做好第二期滚动项目的论证和启动工作

    To seek support for funding and ensure that stage II projects are feasible and launched on schedule

  24. 最后,结合自己参与的设计项目,论证本文的研究内容及其实践意义。

    Finally , Undering my real experiences the study argument my research and its feasibility in practice .

  25. 工程项目可行性论证的理论与方法公路工程可行性研究工作存在的问题及对策

    Theory and methodology of feasibility demonstration for engineering projects Problems with feasibility study of highway engineering and countermeasures

  26. 项目前期论证工作是企业针对重大研发项目进行正确决策的关键环节。

    The earlier stage demonstration work is a key link of enterprise 's correct policy decision in view of major research and development project .

  27. 在使用内部收益率方法进行工程项目的论证和此较时,由于方法内在原因,可能发生不确定现象。

    When assessing or comparing engineering projects with the method of internal profit rate , ambiguous answers might take place because of the internal reasons of the method .

  28. 在此基础上,制定了理性的规划途径,并根据不同层次,制定具体的方法,并结合具体项目进行论证。

    Based on that , has formulated the rational plan way , and according to different levels , formulate specific methods and conduct feasibility studies of unifies specific projects .

  29. 交通部第三航务工程勘察设计院(以下简称三航院)抓住机遇全过程参与了项目前期论证,承担了一期工程设计任务。

    The Third Harbour Engineering Investigation and Design Institute of Ministry of Communications ( THEIDI ) has attended the whole evaluation and undertake the design task for the first period construction .

  30. 通过指标体系测算出同一资金不同方案对指标体系中敏感指标增量的多少来指导资源的分配,提高资源的使用效率,为项目预算论证和执行过程及产生的效果进行量化评价提供数据基础。

    Through the index system to townify same capital of different schemes of index system of incremental sensitivity index how to guide in the allocation of resources , improving the resources use efficiency .