
  • 网络Project Assistant;Program Assistant;Project Administrator;Project Coordinator
  1. 我和一个六人团队紧密合作,成员包括项目助理艾丽斯·郎。

    I work closely with a team of six , including my PA , Alice Lang.

  2. 该项目助理会得到基本的商贸项目运作培训,并且有机会了解相关产品的市场。

    The candidate will be totally trained for basic project running in merchandising , and have a good chance to know the market well in China .

  3. 普渡大学国际项目主任助理凯文.麦克纳马拉说,参与这个项目的每个人都专注于振兴阿富汗农业。

    Purdue 's assistant director of International Programs , Kevin McNamara , says everyone involved is focused on enhancing Afghanistan 's agrarian society .

  4. 三年前,我碰到了PEKKA项目的现场助理,她劝我加入该项目,并与其它单身妇女见面。

    Three years ago I met a PEKKA field assistant . I was asked to join PEKKA .

  5. 项目管理专业助理师(APM)质认证,专为项目团队成员及入门的项目经理人设计,同时适用于在校大学生或本科毕业生。

    The Certified Associate in Project Management ( CAPM ) credential is designed for project team members and entry-level project managers , as well as qualified undergraduate and graduate students .

  6. 哥伦比亚大学EMBA项目的主任助理凯莱·布兰科(KelleyBlanco)对此有着切身的体会:她的另一半便是自己所在学习小组的一位成员。

    Kelley Blanco , assistant dean at Columbia University 's E.M.B.A program , knows that first hand : she married one of her learning group members from the program .

  7. 我申请到贵公司当一个营销项目经理的助理。

    I apply for the position of assistant to your marketing project manager .

  8. 该项目主管,助理研究员迈克尔·德洛内表示建造珀尔修斯二世的技术要求相当具有挑战性。

    The Project supervisor , Research Associate Michael DeLorne , says the technical requirements were challenging .

  9. 这段视频是由野生动物保护协会印度项目组的助理导演维奈·库马尔拍摄的。该组织的科学家们对视频中大象展示出的这种不寻常行为的原因感到困惑。

    The video , taken by Vinay Kumar , Assistant Director with the Wildlife Conservation Society 's ( WCS ) - India Program , stumped the organization 's scientists as to why the elephant is showing off the unusual behavior .

  10. MIT必须在顺利完成培训项目后才能担当助理经理的职责。

    The MIT must successfully complete the training program to be moved into an Assistant Manager role .

  11. 英语语言学教授迈克尔-塞缪尔斯于1965年启动该项目。4年后(1969年),凯教授(现年69岁)来到格拉斯哥大学并成为该项目的研究助理。

    It was in 1969 that Professor Kay , now 69 , arrived at the University of Glasgow to work as a research assistant on a project that had been started four years earlier by the Professor of English Language , Michael Samuels .