
  • 网络fee for service
  1. 然后在后文详细介绍了运营阶段的收费管理内容,制定高速公路BOT项目收费标准综合考虑了利益和风险的合理分担,体现公平原则,并使其在实践上具有实用性和可控性。

    This paper introduces the details of the operation stage management fees ; highway BOT project fee considers the rationality of risks and benefits more , and set about whether the practice is controllable and practically rational , it also can reflects the principles of fairness .

  2. 全国12省(市)医疗服务项目收费标准分析

    Analysis of Charge Standards for Medical Service Items in 12 Provinces in China

  3. 项目收费尚需规范化;

    Lack of standardization in charges for various programs ;

  4. 这个项目收费六万美元,不含住宿费用。

    The program will set executives back $ 60,000 , not including residency costs .

  5. 试验检测项目收费按照国家有关规定进行计收费。

    The test item ( s ) shall be charged according to the relevant regulations of the state .

  6. 无论你是独立顾问,还是按小时、按天、按星期或按项目收费的自由职业者,你都是用时间来赚钱的人。

    Whether you are an independent consultant or freelancer who charges by the hour , day , week , or project , you are trading time for money .

  7. 省、德国和日本等四国有关医疗服务项目收费标准的相关项目,结合我国的相关医疗服务项目,对目前正在某市使用的《统一医疗服务收费标准》进行了必要的研究。

    Province of Canada , Germany and Japan and combined with relevant medical service items in China , the article studies the 《 Unified Fees for medical service 》 that is currently used in a city .

  8. 结论:唐氏综合征筛查项目收费标准高于标准成本,诊断项目收费标准低于标准成本。

    Conclusions : Compared to current charge , standard cost of screening for Down 's Syndrome was lower and that of diagnosis item was higher . Current charge may be adjusted rationally based on standard cost counting .

  9. 通过对五个国家的检验项目收费标准进行比较、分析,发现:现行《统一医疗服务收费标准》中医疗检验价格的最大值与最小值的倍数明显高于加拿大B.C。

    After the comparison between and analysis to fee standard for medical lab test in 5 countries , it found that the multiples of maximum and minimum for medical lab test price are clearly higher than that in USA , B.C.

  10. 国家开发银行新增贷款逐年提高用于西部地区的比重。扩大以基础设施项目收费权或收益权为质押发放贷款的范围。

    The National Development Bank will increase the ratio of new loans used in the western region , and expand the range of mortgage loans that are granted to infrastructure projects with future rights of tolling or claims to profits as mortgages .

  11. 有关部门应当根据护理服务的特点,适当提高护理级别收费标准,提高部分护理专科项目收费或补充个别护理收费项目,来体现护理人员的劳动价值。

    In order to reflect the value of nursing work , relevant departments should appropriately increase the level of care fees , and heighten or supply some of the fees of special care item according to the characteristics of nursing care . 3 .

  12. Lead项目的收费为1.6万美元,比哈佛的在线课程收费高得多。

    At $ 16000 , Lead is considerably more expensive than Harvard 's online offering .

  13. 个别部门利用收费项目的收费标准的浮动值给企业增多了额外的费用。

    Using the difference of charging standard , some departments often add extra expense to the company .

  14. 帐单上额外增加的服务项目的收费(如在旅馆或餐馆)。

    A percentage of a bill ( as at a hotel or restaurant ) added in payment for service .

  15. 许多项目的收费高达1000美元或更高,然而,也有一些穷人可以负担的项目。

    Many programs cost up to one thousand dollars or more , though some are available for poor families .

  16. 过去3年,她为其他人提供这个项目,收费每小时165英镑。

    In the past three years , she has offered it to others for up to 165 an hour .

  17. 证券交易的收费项目、收费标准和管理办法由国务院有关管理部门统一规定。

    Fees for securities exchanges , fee standards and management procedures shall be standardized by relevant authorities under the State Council .

  18. 第一项之规定项目及收费标准,由内政部定之。

    The specified items and fee standard mentioned in the first paragraph will be determined by the Ministry of the interior .

  19. 第四十条证券交易的收费必须合理,并公开收费项目、收费标准和收费办法。

    Article 40 . Fees for security exchanges shall be reasonable ; fees , fee standards , and fee methods shall be made public .

  20. 这家英国组织帮助大公司的雇员寻找与其匹配的发展中国家项目,收费与聚贤社相近。

    This UK organisation matches people in large companies with projects in emerging markets , at a price similar to that of Leaders ' Quest .

  21. 授予私人投资者对项目的收费权,引进私人资本,投资公共物品的生产。

    The governments give the right to charge for project to some individual investors and introduce private capital to invest the production of public commodity .

  22. 他的服务范围从建立一个基本网站,收费约500美元,到开展需要雇用三个人的项目,收费几千美元。

    His projects range from around $ 500 for a basic website to several times that amount for one project that required hiring three people .

  23. 专项清理工作将撤销一批收费站点。对违法设置或到期仍然违规收费的收费公路项目及收费站点,要立即停止收费,撤销站点。

    In the work , many toll stations will be removed and illegal or expired stations should stop collecting tolls as soon as possible and should be removed .

  24. 第五章是对美国、加拿大等市场经济国家的收费项目与收费管理方式进行了比较,总结了可借鉴的几点经验。

    The fifth chapter compares the fees items and fees management modes of market economy countries like United States and Canada , and sums up experiences to be learned from .

  25. 前款所列药品的检验费项目和收费标准由国务院财政部门会同国务院价格主管部门核定并公告。

    The inspection fee and charge standards for the above-mentioned pharmaceuticals shall be jointly checked , ratified and promulgated by the financial department under the State Council and the competent authority of price control under the state council .

  26. 经营者销售、收购商品和提供服务,应当按照政府价格主管部门的规定明码标价,注明商品的品名、产地、规格、等级、计价单位、价格或者服务的项目、收费标准等有关情况。

    In marketing and purchasing merchandises or providing services , business operators should clearly tap the related prices , specify names , places of origin , specifications , grades , price units , prices or items , fee collection standards and other related information according to the government 's regulations .

  27. 美国公司海洋之门已计划在2019年开展这一潜水游览项目,每人收费10万5129美元。

    American company OceanGate has scheduled diving trips for 2019 , costing $ 105129 per person .

  28. 项目确定排污收费为0.60元/吨,具有一定的抗风险能力。

    The fee for the pollutant discharge is 0.60 Yuan per ton , which has some anti-risk ability .

  29. 任何部门和单位不得擅自设立收费项目和提高收费标准。

    Without authorization no department or unit may work out projects for administrative charges and heighten charging standards .

  30. 项目的新型收费模式和人才培养模式对其他劳动密集型行业技术人才的培养均有借鉴意义。

    The new pricing model and talent training model for other labor-intensive industry and technical personnel training are reference .