
  • 网络The second-hand housing market;The second-hand building market
  1. 首先,需求的增加二手房市场。

    First of all , the increased demand for second-hand housing market .

  2. 中国城市二手房市场高价柠檬悖论

    On the High Price Lemon in the House Market in Chinese Cities

  3. 网上交易已经成为二手房市场的共识。

    Net trade becomes a common view of second-house markets .

  4. 广州市二手房市场发展现状与前景分析

    Study on the Status and Prospects of Second-handed Housing Market in Guangzhou City

  5. 目前,该模式的二手房市场已经基本形成。

    At present , the pattern of second-hand housing market has been basically formed .

  6. 加快发展二手房市场和住房租赁市场。

    We will speed up development of the market for second-hand homes and the home rental market .

  7. 我爱我的家庭房地产公司今年的二手房市场一直非常好。

    I love my family real estate company on this year 's second-hand housing market has been very good .

  8. 促进二手房市场的发展是缓解买房压力的一个有效手段。

    Promotion of the development of the market for second-handed houses is an efficient method relieving the pressure purchasing houses .

  9. 规范发展二手房市场,倡导住房租赁消费。盘活住房租赁市场。

    We will standardize and develop the market for used homes , encourage home renting , and stimulate rental housing market .

  10. 一个城市的房地产市场有两个基本组成部分,廉价的二手房市场和昂贵的新房市场。

    A real estate market has two basic tiers-the cheap , second handed houses market and the expensive new houses market .

  11. 在高房价的人数减少非理性因素,整个二手房市场价格将更加稳定。

    In the High house prices reduce the number of irrational factors , the entire second-hand housing market prices will be more stabilized .

  12. 杭州,二手房市场的毛坯这么多年的发展时间了,因为时间已经不良好的技能。

    Hangzhou , second-hand housing market in the rough so many years of development time down , because time has not been good skills .

  13. 但是,这并不意味着北京将很快二手房市场已经进入一个繁荣,活跃,成交情况呢?

    But it does not mean that Beijing will soon be second-hand housing market has entered a prosperous , active turnover of a situation like this ?

  14. 再次,规划布局要合理,合理发展房地产一级市场(住房增量市场)、二级市场(二手房市场)和三级市场(租赁市场)。

    Third , the layout should be reasonable . Develop the three levels real estate market , housing incremental market , the secondary market and rental market .

  15. 结合实际状况,公共租赁房、限价商品房以及二手房市场将成为夹心层群体的住房供应体系的主要组成部分。

    Light of the actual situation , a supply system for " sandwich class " group is made up housing public rental housing , limit room and second-hand housing market .

  16. 考虑到北京二手房市场的快速发展以及信息不通畅的现状,北京二手房指数的建立迫在眉睫。

    Considering the fast development and current situation of obstructed information of the second-hand house market of Beijing , the setting-up of the second-hand house index of Beijing is extremely urgent .

  17. 其次,房地产市场结构非均衡,主要包括:产品结构不合理;房地产二手房市场发展迟缓;区域发展不平衡等。

    Secondly , structural disequilibrium of real estate market is obvious , including : product structure is irrational ; second-hand housing markets of real estate develop slowly ; regional development is unbalanced .

  18. 论文分为三个大的部分:第一部分主要介绍了重庆二手房市场的房源现状和中介服务企业存在的问题;

    This paper is comprised of three main parts : The first part introduces the situation of the resource of the Second-hand in Chongqing , and the problems existed in Second-hand agency service companies ;

  19. 随着国内房价的持续上涨,及保障房建设难以在短期内迅速落实,需要二手房市场承担部分缓解住房问题的重担。

    With the continued rise in domestic prices , and protection of housing construction is difficult to implement in the near future . It requires that the secondary housing market to bear the burden of partially alleviate the housing problem .

  20. 与此同时,我国的信息非共享制度已经严重阻碍了二手房市场的健康发展,损害了房地产经纪人和二手房交易者的利益,极大地降低了二手房买卖市场的效率。

    At the same time , information non-sharing system has seriously hindered the healthy development of second-hand housing market in our country , and damages the interests of real estate brokers and second-hand housing traders . It also greatly reduces the efficiency of second-hand house trading market .

  21. 二手房经纪市场博弈及其效率分析

    Second-hand House Brokerage Market Game and Effect on Efficiency

  22. 面对高房价,有许多人将目光投向了二手房买卖市场。

    In the face of high prices , many people will turn their attention to the sale of second-hand housing market .

  23. 而在二手房交易市场中,一房二卖甚至一房多卖的行为屡禁不止,诉讼不断。

    And the housing transactions in the secondary market ," a number sells " behavior is banned repeatedly more than , constantly proceedings .

  24. 一些房地产经纪利用二手房经纪市场中存在的信息不对称,从最大化自身利益的角度出发,采取欺诈手段欺骗消费者,赚取不法利润。

    But some real estate brokers utilize information asymmetry on the second-hand house brokerage market to deceive the consumer in order to get more benefit .

  25. 对二手房交易市场网上交易系统进行了总体设计,并在此基础上对各功能模块的设计与开发进行了详细的研究,对系统所涉及的相关数据表进行了设计。

    Secondly , the design and development of each functional module are studied in detail as well as involved data tables based on the conceptual design of secondhand-house trade system .

  26. 二手房买卖市场作为房地产市场的重要组成部分,在带动国民经济、促进住房梯级消费多样化以及保障居民住房需求等方面具有举足轻重的地位。

    As an important part of the real estate market , second-hand house trading market has played a decisive role position in aspects of driving the national economy and promoting housing consumption diversification and ensuring residents ' housing demand and so on .

  27. 培育二手房租赁房市场,加大普通商品房的供给;

    Foster the second-hand house and lease the room market , strengthen the supply of the ordinary commodity apartment ;

  28. 强调了在我国由商品房在房产市场中起决定作用向二手房在房产市场中占主导地位转变的历史必然性。

    This paper stresses the historical inevitability that second hand houses are taking the place of the commercial apartment and playing a dominant role in chinese real estate market .

  29. 虽然现在过户的场景有点冷清,但一些房产中介预测,二手房新政对市场的影响有限,未来二手房市场并不会一直冷清下去。

    On the other hand , some agencies of real estates predict that the policy has a limited influence on the market of the pre-owned real estates , which is still promising .

  30. 与二手房直接交易市场相比,二手房经纪市场由于房地产经纪的参与有效降低了买卖双方的交易成本,是一种更为有效的交易市场。

    Compared to the second-hand house direct exchange market , the second-hand house brokerage market can efficiently save buyers ' and sellers ' transaction costs with real estate brokers ' service , so it is a more efficient exchange market .