
  • 网络Vacancy Rate
  1. 我相信目前的空房率高得要命。

    I believe the vacancy rate is dangerously high at present .

  2. 纽约市空房率为2.8%,但是肯定房价很高。

    New York's2.8 % vacancy rate keeps prices high , of course .

  3. 在这三项指标中,空房率是影响价格增加的最大因素。

    Of the three , vacancy rates most affect price acceleration .

  4. 其必然的结果就是空房率过高。

    The inevitable result was high vacancy rate .

  5. 反正,就像你刚才提到的,空房率仍然很高。

    Anyway , as you just mentioned , the vacancy rate is still too high .

  6. 比起郊区,市镇中心的空房率目前较高。这相当程度的说明了文章中兴建办公大楼的反意。

    The local tax rates in Villieu 's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu 's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings .

  7. 官方说,奥运会于8月8日开始(将于24日结束)后,北京120多家奥运指定饭店的空房率为五分之一。

    Officials say one-fifth of rooms at the city ' s120-odd designated Olympic hotels were unoccupied after the games started on August8th ( they finish on the24th ) .

  8. 有些人的固定收入无法在洛杉矶一类地方支付房屋租金——在洛杉矶,空房率不到3%。

    And there are some on a fixed income who cannot afford the rent in places like Los Angeles , which has a vacancy rate of less than 3 percent .