
  • 网络spatial gradient;space gradient;spatial grade
  1. 状态空间梯度投影法在汽车设计中的应用

    Application of State Space Gradient Projection Algorithm to Vehicle Designs

  2. 用边界元法和状态空间梯度投影法进行两维形状优化

    Using the boundary element method and the state space gradient projection method to optimize two dimentional contours

  3. 上海与武汉周边地区发展空间梯度比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Spatial Grade of Development Around Shanghai and Wuhan

  4. 深圳市景观格局空间梯度分异的研究

    Analysis of Spatio-gradient Change of Landscape Pattern of Shenzhen City

  5. 给出了基于虚拟力信号空间梯度的消除振荡的方法。

    Compared with passivity-based stability analysis method , a force filtering method based on force-position gradient is proposed .

  6. 结果显示,江苏省城镇分布的空间梯度依然存在,城市化发展水平的两级分化和空间收敛趋势明显。

    Spatial gradient of urbanization still exists . The trend of polarization and spatial convergence of urbanization is obvious .

  7. 随着发展段长度增加,掺混加强,局部锯齿状程度降低,总体上空间梯度也有所降低。

    The local serration degree and space gradient can be weaken as the development section length increased , due to the enhanced mixing .

  8. 考虑了混凝土多相系统中固体速度、饱和度乘蒸汽密度的空间梯度和孔隙压力空间梯度;

    The model includes solid velocity , space grade of saturation with vapour density and space grade of porous pressure in concrete multiphase system .

  9. 另一种方法是基于边缘不连续性的海岸线提取,利用整条高光谱向量计算空间梯度,比传统灰度梯度表达边缘信息更准确、可靠。

    Another is coastline extraction that is based on the spatial gradient of the whole hyperspectral vector thereby acquires precise and robust edge information .

  10. 模型边界的温差变化表现了温度场的空间梯度,越大的边界温差需越高的计算阶数。

    The temperature difference variation of model boundary shows the space gradient of temperature field , and the larger boundary temperature difference requires higher order .

  11. 海峡地区由于地形和水动力条件多变,沉积物分布的空间梯度大,有利于揭示不同搬运机制的作用和影响以及评价区域性和局部性的影响。

    Because of the highly variable topological and hydrodynamic condifitions at a strait , the distribution of sediment is complex , with a large gradient in grain size parameters .

  12. 第1轴反映了群落在海拔和坡度方面的空间梯度,第2轴反映了群落的坡向分异格局,两轴综合反映了群落沿水分梯度的空间分异。

    Axis 1 reflected the spatial pattern of plant communities along the gradient of altitude and slope , while axis 2 showed the plant community distribution on different aspects .

  13. 首先利用小波多尺度积计算梯度的幅值和幅角,将空间梯度信息引入到归一化互信息的计算中,从而定义一种新的测度函数。

    Firstly calculate the gradient amplitude and angle by using wavelet multi-scale product , then combine the spatial gradient and normalized mutual information to define a kind of new measure function .

  14. 指出以产生场的主体&绿地为中心的综合生态效应场为空间梯度场,场强由绿地中央至外围逐渐减弱,其减弱的程度各绿地间存在差异。

    It is suggested that around green space there exist a spatial gradient effect field and field intensity decreased from the center of green space to margin which different in the type of green spaces .

  15. 基于HSV空间和梯度形态学的车牌定位方法的研究

    A Research Method of License Plate Location Based on HSV Space and Morphology Gradient

  16. 另外,PSO有很快的收敛速度,并且,对搜索空间和梯度信息无特殊的要求。

    In addition , PSO , while with fast converge speed , has no specific requirements for the search space and the gradient information .

  17. 颤振速度和突风响应量各自在控制参数向量空间的梯度均直接解析计算。

    The gradients of both flutter velocity and gust response are analytically evaluated .

  18. 基于形态学尺度空间和梯度修正的分水岭分割

    Watershed Segmentation Based on Morphological Scale-Space and Gradient Modification

  19. 局部凸空间下梯度映射的连续性和均匀连续性

    The continuity and the uniform continuity of gradient mappings in Locally Convex Spaces

  20. 写入光强度的空间变化梯度产生横向电场,使垂直排列液晶分子倾斜,发生双折射效应。

    The transverse field derived from the write light intensity gradient tilts the LC moleculars from the perpendicular alignment .

  21. 本文利用空间价格梯度场模型分析了森林认证对关税壁垒的替代效应,并在最后提出了相关建议。

    This paper analyzes the substituting effect of forest certification against tariff barriers using a space-price gradient model , and gives suggestions .

  22. 由于此类加速度计是用于测量空间重力梯度这类慢变信号的,因此还重点分析在低频信号输入时的系统响应特征。

    As this accelerometer is aiming to detect gravity gradient signal with low frequency in space , its response to lower frequency excitation is of special interests in here .

  23. 由于生态因子的时空异质性以及在一定的干扰体系作用下,物种多样性在异质性景观中随空间环境梯度和群落演替时间梯度而产生明显的时空分异现象。

    Because of the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of ecological factors and the forest disturbance , species diversity on heterogeneous landscapes changes with the spatial environmental gradient and the temporal community successional gradient in the tropical forest .

  24. 研究了两相不相容聚合物共混物在静态退火时,由温度梯度引起的分散相尺寸的空间分布梯度相形态,讨论了分散相体积分数和两相之间界面张力对梯度形态形成的影响。

    The gradient phase morphology of polymer blends caused by temperature gradient during quiescent annealing process was studied . The influence of volume fraction of dispersed phase and interfacial tension on the gradient phase morphology was discussed .

  25. 因此,分析区域内典型植物群落的地下水水位、水质在时空上的动态变化,有助于探讨土壤水盐动态变化的形成条件,揭示植被在空间上梯度变化的原因。

    For this reason , to analyze the spatial and temporal dynamic of ground water table and water quality beneath the typical phytocommunity in particular areas , will be helpful to probe into the dynamic formation of soil moisture and salinity , and to understand the spatial variation of vegetation .

  26. 提出了一种新的基于GVFSnake模型的分割方法。包括二个要点:①在多尺度空间上计算梯度向量流。

    The innovative achievements of the thesis include : 1 . A new segmentation method based on GVF snake is proposed .

  27. 而后采用基于Lab空间的色差梯度边缘检测方法检测天空图像的云层,结合云层特征点匹配计算出云层移动速度。

    After that , using gradient edge detection method based on Lab space color difference to detect the clouds of the sky , and with the feature points of the clouds , this work can calculate the clouds moving speed .

  28. 提出了基于压力梯度的DLA指进模拟方法,通过定义几何空间和压力梯度结合的压力导向行走规则,研究了粒子在岩心孔隙空间的DLA行走问题,模拟了粘性指进的发展过程。

    We propose a DLA viscous fingering model based on pressure gradient . The model , which is called pressure-guided rule , combines geometric space and pressure gradient . We investigate the DLA walking problem of particles in pore space and simulate the viscous fingering development process .

  29. 基于空间域共轭梯度法的盲目图像复原

    Blind image restoration based on space domain conjugate gradient algorithm

  30. 发现超导电子的正则动量和空间相位的梯度有正比例的关系;

    It is found that the canonical momentum is directly proportional to the gradient of space phase .