
  • 网络Product topology;prodiKt topology
  1. 积拓扑与箱拓扑的比较

    The comparison of product topology with box topology in Cartesian product

  2. 证明了一类模型积拓扑中图同态的连续性与单调推理算子空间上一类单调泛函不动点的存在性。

    The existence of smallest fixed point of a class of monotone functions and some conclusions about continuous graph homomorphism are obtained by using the topological method .

  3. 积Fuzzy拓扑分子格的连通性

    Connectivity in Product Fuzzy Topological Molecular Lattices

  4. Berry相的可积性与拓扑性

    The Integrable Property and the Topological Property of the Berry 's Phase