
  • 网络Integral control;PID;Integral control action
  1. H∞积分控制在船舶自动舵中的应用

    Application of H ∞ integral control on autopilot for ships

  2. 多变量滑模积分控制在AUV艏向控制中的应用

    Application of sliding mode integral control to heading control of AUV

  3. 具有积分控制功能的CCD驱动电路设计

    The design of CCD with integration control function based on CPLD

  4. 在谷点过后的上升阶段,采用比例积分控制算法(PID)进行控制;

    In the climbing period after valley point , the PID algorithm was applied for control .

  5. 提出一种新的改进PID控制算法&连续变速积分控制算法。

    The new improved PID algorithm & an algorithm of continues speed change integral and its application are presented .

  6. 试验结果表明,所设计的蒸汽发生器水位FUZZY-1控制系统综合了积分控制和两级模糊控制的优点,完全达到了设计性能指标的要求。

    The results of the experiments show that the FUZZY-I controller combines good qualities of integral controller and fuzzy controller and meets the requirement of the system .

  7. 双积分控制策略研究及在单相并联APF中的应用

    Double Integration Control and Its Application in Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter

  8. 本文用一实例通过MATLAB仿真实验,研究了比例控制;比例积分控制;

    By MATLAB simulation experiment , the paper studies the effect of proportional control , proportional-integral control , proportional-derivative control on system control .

  9. 根据传统基于比例积分控制(PID)控制系统的运行数据,自动生成模糊控制规则库采用遗传算法;

    According to the data produced by PID control system , a genetic algorithm is used to establish the fuzzy rule base automatically .

  10. 并通过模拟实验,对比了几种方案,结果表明利用Lyapunov第二方法得出的比例-积分控制方案性能最好。

    The result shows that the proportional-integral control of the second method of lyapunov is the best .

  11. 通过调节PID参数控制温度的过程,研究了增量式PID算式中的三种控制规律:比例控制规律,积分控制规律,微分控制规律在温度控制过程中所起的不同作用。

    Then , it studied the different control effect of the three control regulation : Proportional control , Integration control and Differential control in the increment PID algorithm .

  12. BTT导弹自动驾驶仪LQG/LTR积分控制设计

    BTT Missile Autopilot Design Using Integral LQG / LTR Control

  13. 当系统误差较小时加入积分控制环节,系统切换为模糊PID控制,从而改善和提高系统的控制性能。

    When the error is smaller , the integral control tache is added , the system switches to Fuzzy PID control so as to improve the capability of the system .

  14. 对此,在上述模糊自动舵中增加积分控制功能,提出了两种船舶航向模糊PID自动舵控制算法,分别对航向偏差和舵角进行积分。

    Then , integral control , i.e. integrating course error and rudder angle , respectively , is fused into the above controller , and two kinds of fuzzy-PID autopilot are designed .

  15. 用可编程定时/计数器8254构成线阵CCD光积分控制信号周期的数字调节器。

    The programmable timer / counter 8254 is used to construct the digital controller of the linear CCD . The digital controller adjusts the period of the linear CCD integrate signal .

  16. 结果表明模糊积分控制的效果优于PID控制方式。

    Simulation of the combined controller of fuzzy and integral is carried out , and the result indicates that combined controller of fuzzy and integral is better than PID controller when comparing the control effect .

  17. 仿真结果证明,使用模糊控制与比例积分控制相结合的模糊PI控制比传统单一的PI控制具有更好的控制效果。

    Simulation results show that fuzzy PI control , which is a combination of fuzzy control and proportional integration control , exhibits an effect superior to that of traditional single PI control .

  18. 将其与传统的积分控制和模糊自调整PI控制相比较,仿真结果表明模糊决策控制能够使系统获得更好的动态特性。

    Comparing its control effect with the classical integral type controller and fuzzy adjustive PI controller , Simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy decision control strategy can generate the best dynamic response .

  19. 在基于嵌入式重复控制和传统P控制的复合控制方案的基础上,加入积分控制,应用于110V50HzUPS的逆变环节,加速了调节过程,改善了系统静态特性。

    On the basis of the conventional P control and the plug-in repetitive control method in the 110 V 50 Hz online UPS , the application of integral control accelerate the adjustive process , and improve the static characteristic .

  20. 提出了一种基于定频积分控制的直接电流跟踪式的逆变器并网方案,对其工作原理进行了理论分析,推导了控制方程,并利用DSP实现了定频积分数字化并网控制。

    A new control approach based on constant-frequency integration control for current tracing is presented for photovoltaic grid-connected inverters . The working theory is analyzed and the control equation is deduced . The control approach is realized by a digital controller DSP .

  21. 仿真结果验证了ADRC的控制效果和较强的鲁棒特性,表明ADRC在不引入积分控制的情况下,使系统迅速达到零稳态误差,增强了稳态抗偏差能力。

    Simulation results prove the high performance and robustness . ADRC achieves zero steady state error without integration and enhances the ability of steady state error rejection .

  22. 论文从网河洪水的积分控制方程推导出发,引入Newton叠代法,对河网洪水演进方程组进行直接求解。

    One-dimensional unsteady flow modeling in river network Starting from the deduction of the integral form of the governing equations , the author introduces the Newton 's Iteration method for one-dimensional unsteady flow modeling in river network .

  23. 采用积分控制消除了受控混沌系统各阶导数必须已知的限制,同时基于Lyapunov方法并引入参数自适应律,使系统的抗干扰性增强。

    The aim of the integration control is to eliminate the limit that we must know the all differentials of the controllable chaos system . The adaptive law of system parameters is derived based on Lyapunov theory , which makes the system much more strong against disturbance .

  24. 改进的Fuzzy-PI控制策略,模糊控制单元为比例积分控制提供实时增益调节,模糊规则合成推理的改进提高了控制鲁棒性。

    In this fuzzy - PI control strategy , fuzzy control unit provides real-time scoring gains for PI control , and strategy increases the robustness of the power system stabilizer with improved reasoning of synthetic ambiguous rules .

  25. 然后对组成大气波导测量系统的各个电路单元,如晶体振荡器、中放电路、鉴相积分控制电路以及PLL频率合成器电路等进行了详细设计,同时对设计的电路进行了仿真、优化和制作。

    Then each circuit element of composed atmospheric duct , such as crystal oscillators , the amplifier circuit , phase integral control circuit and PLL frequency synthesizer circuit , designed in detail . At the same time the designed circuit is simulated , optimized and produced .

  26. 第四,分别确定两罐、三罐和四罐系统的平衡点,基于能量成形控制方法,求取了PCH控制器;为了消除稳态误差,还引入了积分控制。

    Fourthly , the equilibrium point of the two-tank , three-tank and four-tank system are respectively determined ; the PCH controller based on energy-shaping method is ultimately obtained ; integral control is introduced in order to eliminate the static error .

  27. 从电力系统的运行实际出发,推导了对发电机机端电压偏移量施加积分控制时系统的线性化增广状态方程式,并在此基础上推导了积分型线性最优励磁控制规律(以下简称ILOEC)。

    As there are steady-state errors when using LOEC , and considering the power system operation condition , the power system linear extended state equations are achieved as using integral control to generator extremity voltage deviation , and the integral linear optimal excitation control ( ILOEC ) is obtained .

  28. 具弱奇性核的积分控制系统的快速控制问题

    Time Optimal Control for Integral Control Systems with Weak Singularity Kernel

  29. 一种基于积分控制的大长度精密测量的新方法

    New precise measurement of long - length base on integral control

  30. 采用比例-积分控制的实时子结构试验等效力控制方法

    Equivalent force control method with proportional-integral controller for real-time substructure testing