- 网络steady-state value;steady state value;steady value

The results show that another steady-state value can reach after a series of changes and it can be accord with requirement of smooth operation .
The steady-state value of RDP in water-saturated granite is higher than that in dry granite , and correspondingly , the value increases with the increase of water content .
In this lecture ratiocinate the formula of computation which need only once adjust enough to be steady state value based on the AGC system translating function , eliminate the critical value about 1-M / Q.
The mixed logical dynamic system ( MLDS ) and its predictive control are introduced , which can stabilize MLDS on desired reference trajectories while fulfilling operating constraints , and possibly take into account previous qualitative knowledge in the form of heuristic rules .
Excursion of both instantaneous and cumulative average size occurs as soon as fluctuation begins .
The time evolution of large deviation from the steady solution is studied by using computer simulation .
The mean droplet diameter decreases with the increase of the time at a given cross section .
The Young 's modulus was gradully increasing and the elastic strain decreasing during aging after artificial partial stress relaxation .
The value of steady stator flux only depends on the torque current values in case of the stable grid voltage .
A new method for calculating secondary arc current and recovery voltage on double-circuit transmission lines by twice-model transformation was proposed .
Merely when the target bears a constant velocity , the steady state value of dynamic error presents zero , otherwise reverse .
Furthermore , the steady state value of the field-aligned current 2 calculated from our model is even closer to the observed value .
However , DMC can 't solve the contradiction between the effect of the disturbance on the stable value and the regulating speediness .
The dynamic phase behavior study showed that the form of middle phase is a dynamic course and IFT will be stable while phase transition is steady .
The improved first-order capture kinetic equations can explain qualitatively the processes of electron capture and the variation of the steady-state values captured by traps with the fields .
With this controller a train can avoid adjusting speed frequently around the steady-state speed , consequently decrease the power consumption and provide passengers a much more comfortable environment .
Since then , we got the numerical form of the differential equation system by calibrating the parameters and computing the steady-state value of variables in the differential equation system .
But there are some differences between them : under current driving situation , the potential at the boundary of the polar cap is not constant but decreases exponentially toward the steady state ;
The ratio of initial infected nodes can affect the transient process of virus spread in the network , but it can not affect the number of infected nodes in the steady state .
When the initial disturbance is the form of step function , electromechanical disturbance transient transition process is composed of a series of ladder waver with linear superposition which have a specified delay .
The results show that the control precision , the speed of reaching steady-state value and anti-interference and otherwise , the fuzzy controller with variable region can be superior to ordinary fuzzy controller .
They have decoupled structure for state and asymptotic stability . Further , they have the reduced online computational burden since steady-state values of local gain matrices , covariance matrices and fusion weights can be computed offline .
The simulation results indicates that the turning angular acceleration is minished from maximum to zero , the turning angular velocity is changed from the steady value to another steady value , the turning angle is enlarged at all times .
The response time of state parameters are shorten and steady state value is decreased , and the operation stability is increased if full-load mining truck rear tire lateral stiffness is increased or the center of suspension mass is moved foreword .
The response of each state parameter for empty and full-load mining truck is calculated under angle step input , the result shows that the response time of the parameters for full-load mining truck are long , and the steady state values are larger .
This paper focuses on the monitoring requirements of the test-bed and real circumstances , and analyzes how the speed factor impacts the steady value of the wheel as purpose . Development process of the rail-based monitoring system is introduced in detail , and some experiments are made .
The dynamic resistance curve ( DRC ) of high temperature alloy in spot welding under the shunt effect are measured and analyzed . The relationship between quasi steady resistance value rs of DRC and nugget diameter dn is discussed .
The proposed fuzzy system can run a traditional fuzzy controller and an integral controller added by a stable parameter value .
Moreover , we prove the uniqueness of stationary reputation distribution and theoretically derive the condition under which the optimal action rule is evolutionarily stable .
The non-dimensional pump head coefficient tends to become larger than the quasi-steady value at the very beginning of the start , which indicates obvious transient effect .