
  • 网络stable region;stable area;stable zone;stability area;constant region
  1. 文中建立了溢流槽的流量公式,并利用实验数据得出了稳定区内流量系数Cd的经验公式。

    An analytical discharge equation for the overflow channel is offered , and an empirical formula for discharge coefficient C_d in stable area under small head developed by means of experimental data .

  2. 相对较稳定区占27.3%,相对稳定区占18.2%,二者之和占45.5%。

    While the relatively stable area is 27.3 % , and stable area is 18.2 % , both 45.5 % .

  3. 针对ta饱和的附加稳定区判别法;

    To add additional stable region to verify TA saturation ;

  4. 自缩短效应对Kerr被动锁模激光器稳定区的影响

    The Effect of Self-shortening on the Stability Region of Passive Kerr Mode-locking Laser

  5. 天琴座RR型变星脉动不稳定区红端边界

    On the red edge of the RR Lyrae instability strip

  6. 碰撞脉冲锁模(CPM)激光器腔型稳定区的数值计算

    The stability calculation of a ring cavity for colliding pulse mode-locking ( CPM ) laser

  7. 该结果与传统的g参数等价法表示的稳定区是等价的,同时克服了传统的g参数判定方法物理意义不清晰的缺点,使折叠腔稳定性判别更直观。

    The results are equivalent to the results gained though the g parameter method while they have clearer physical meanings and stability criterion of folded cavity becomes more directly .

  8. 锋区900hPa以下是一个大气弱对流不稳定区,向上气层变为潮湿中性直至400hPa,等θse线基本上呈垂直分布;

    The stability conditions of the front zone turn into the moist neutral above 900 hPa from the weak convective unstable under 900 hPa ;

  9. 本文根据溶液晶体生长理论与实践,认定在金刚石结晶V形区域内存在着晶体生长准稳定区。

    According to the theory and practice of crystal growth from solution , we consider that there is a quasi stable region in V area of diamond crystallization .

  10. 本文给出了无碰撞等离子体中电子温度梯度驱动的不稳定性的某些性质,包括ηe的阈值、长波不稳定区以及β值的影响等。

    Some properties including the threshold , the unstable region for long wave lengths , amd finite β and η I effects of the electron temperature gradient instabilities are given .

  11. 方石英形成于石英或鳞石英热力学稳定区是一种普遍的现象,并基本上是由非晶态SiO2转变而成。

    The cristobalite , transformed from amorphous silica basically , is ubiquitous in the thermodynamic stable region of quartz or tridymite .

  12. 在新参量S、H正方形核素图中,稳定区奇A核素的上界表现出优美的三点共线对称组。

    In the square chart of nucleus with new parameters S and H , upper limits of nucleus with odd A for stable region are shown graceful regularities of three points collinear symmetry .

  13. 绘制的碳酸铵溶液中包括NH2COO~-在内的各组分的平衡分布图表明,图中存在NH2COO~-的稳定区;

    An equilibrium distribution diagram is plotted for the species , including NH_2COO ~ - in an ammonium carbonate solution .

  14. 在PbO-B2O3助溶剂中GdIG的相稳定区及单晶生长

    Stable phase region and crystal growth of GDIG in flux pbo-b_2o_3

  15. Infliximab是针对TNF的特异性IgG1单克隆抗体(由人Ig稳定区和鼠Ig可变区组成的嵌合体);

    Infliximab is an IgG1 monoclonal antibody ( a chimera of human constant and mouse variable regions ) .

  16. 从Landau自由能系统的这三组参数出发,得到了两个稳定区和一个亚稳区的相空间。

    From the three parameters varied in the Landau energy system , two stability and one quasi-stability ranges were obtained .

  17. 根据海气相互作用强度(αγ)和ε(=cs/ca。cs,ca分别为海洋和大气中的重力波波速)的大小,可以把不稳定区分成三个部分。

    Based on the magnitude of the air-sea coupled strength and ε ( ratio of the ocean gravity wave velocity to the atmosphere one ), the unstable region can be divided into three parts .

  18. 随着矿石中金的浸出,溶液中金离子的浓度增大,金-溶液的平衡电位随之升高,金离子的水解pH值减小,溶液的稳定区减小;

    With the gold extracting , the concentration of gold ions will be increasing , the equilibrium potentials will be enhanced , and the hydrolyzed pH of the gold ions and the stabilization region of the solution will be decreasing .

  19. 根据光束传输矩阵,用计算机数值法计算了三镜折叠腔不同谐振腔参数所对应的稳定区,对Nd:YAG/KTP进行腔内倍频,实验获得了3-5W纯连续绿色激光输出。

    Corresponding stable region of 3-mirror folded cavity for different parameters was calculated by computer numerical method according to propagating matrix of beam .

  20. TnI(84-330bp)稳定区基因的克隆及表达

    Cloning and Expression of Tnl ( 84-330bp ) Stable Fragment

  21. 分析结果表明随着温度的升高α&Fe2O3和Fe3O4的稳定区向低pH值方向移动,铁的稳定区缩小向负电位方向移动,碱性腐蚀区扩大。

    The results indicate that with the increasing in temperature , the stable zone of α - Fe_2O_3 and Fe_3O_4 move to low pH zone and the stable zone of iron move to the negative potential direction .

  22. 同时,低层在40°N附近有明显的东西向锋区配合锋生变形场逼近鲁西北一带的潜在不稳定区,该冷涡会造成山东大范围降雹。

    Meanwhile in the low level there is a obvious east west frontal zone around 40 ° N with deformation field of frontogenesis , which approaching to the potential unstability area in northwest of Shandong province , the cold vortex will cause a large area hail shooting .

  23. 从Ri来看,Ri小于1时,混合效率与0.2非常接近,尤其是在双稳定区;而Ri大于1时,混合效率随着Ri的增大又有所增大。

    On the other hand , when Ri is less than 1 , the mixing efficiency is close to 0.2 , especially in the doubly stable regions ; but when Ri is larger than 1 , it increases with Ri .

  24. 用建好的虚拟样机对摆振各种工况进行分析,最后由摆振临界速度与阻尼形成稳定区曲线并且与shimmyview软件计算出的结果进行对比,得出结论。

    Based on the prototype , the load case of the shimmy is analyzed , and then the shimmy stability curve of critical shimmy velocity versus damping is gotten , which will be contrasted with the result gotten from the analysis with the software shimmy view to make the conclusion .

  25. 从Brunt-Vaisala频率N和水平风切变计算的Richardson数Ri剖面也显示出季节差异,Ri<1/4的动力不稳定区出现在夏季,而Ri>0.4的稳定区出现在冬季。

    Richardson number Ri calculated from Brunt-Vaisala frequency N and horizontal wind shear S also reveals seasonal difference : dynamically unstable regions of Ri smaller than 1 / 4 are observed in summer , whereas stable regions of Ri larger than 0.4 are observed in winter .

  26. 而在南太平洋,不稳定区的面积较小,且主要局限于海盆东侧,因而传播较弱,这样就造成了ENSO信号在太平洋南、北半球的非对称传播。

    While in the South Pacific , the area with instability is much smaller and mainly confined in the eastern part , which weakens ENSO signal propagation in the South Pacific . An asymmetric propagation of ENSO-related oceanic anomaly exists between the South Pacific and the North Pacific .

  27. 与动力无碰撞气球模结果不同,当有限ITG存在时,剪切阿尔芬模存在第二稳定区。

    The electromagnetic instability is also found to exist in the second stable region of the ideal modes when a finite ITG is present . The results are compared with previous results of similar analyses for kinetic collisionless ballooning modes .

  28. 以碱性熔岩为主的HT熔岩是产生于幔源石榴子石稳定区的低度部分熔融,其化学变异受控于单斜辉石(Cpx)[±橄榄石(Ol)]分离作用。

    The predominantly HT alkaline lavas were generated by low degrees of partial melting in the garnet stability field of the mantle source . The chemical variation of the HT lavas is controlled by a clinopyroxene ( Cpx ) [ ± olivine ( Ol ) ] fractionation .

  29. 电子储存环的纵向粒子动力学理论及800MeV同步辐射储存环的相稳定区、慢加速方案

    The theory of longitudinal particle dynamics in electron storage rings and the calculations on the buckets and slow acceleration scheme of Hefei 800 MeV storage ring dedicated to synchrotron radiation

  30. 暴雨区上空低层是MPV<0的不稳定区,MPV负中心出现在暴雨中心附近,两者强度的演变近乎一致,并且有MPV1<0、MPV2>0和MPV1>MPV2。

    Above the rainfall area there were the instability area of MPV < 0 , and the negative focus of MPV located at the focus of heavy rainfall when MPV1 < 0 , MPV2 > 0 and | MPV1 | > | MPV2 | .