
  • 网络blank solution;Rinse blank;Calibration Blank
  1. Hap在空白溶液中的表面电动电势ζ为负值,且随pH值的增加其电负性增大。

    The ζ potential of Hap in blank solution is negative , and the electronegative values increase as pH increases .

  2. 在广泛的pH值范围内,Hap在含镉溶液和空白溶液中均表现为质子催化和非化学计量比的溶解机理。

    In a broad pH range , the dissolution mechanisms of Hap in aqueous cadmium and blank solution accord with non-stoichiometric dissolution and hydrogen catalytic model .

  3. 在没有添加粘液素的空白溶液中,生成的一水草酸钙(COM)为无定形的多晶面晶体,其(010)晶面择优生长;

    In the control systems without mucin , calcium oxalate monhydrate ( COM ) crystals appeared as polymorphs with its ( 010 ) crystal face preferential growth .

  4. 在测定波长处空白溶液对盐酸丁卡因测定无干扰,样品溶液在7h内稳定。

    The sample solution was steady with in 7 h.

  5. AFM力曲线测试结果指出,含有十二胺的溶液中力曲线显示粘附力特性,而且探针与样品表面之间的长程静电斥力与空白溶液相比有减小趋势。

    AFM force curve measurements were also performed and showed that as a result of the adsorption of dodecylamine on copper-nickel alloy surface , adhesive forces between the tip and the sample surface were detected and the long-range electrostatic repulsive forces between the tip and the sample surface were decreased .

  6. 通过实验确定了测定纤维素酶活力的波长为530nm,确定了底物+柠檬酸缓冲液+DNS作为纤维素酶解反应的空白溶液。

    Through the experiments , wave for determining cellulase activity was set as 530 nm , and the blank solution should be reactant of substrate , citrate buffer and DNS .

  7. 结果表明:空白溶液中N80的累计失重在4m/s以后急剧增大,即介质的临界流速为4~5m/s。

    The results showed that the cumulative mass loss increased greatly in the blank solution when flow velocity was higher than 4 m / s , and the critical flow velocity for the blank solution was about 4 ~ 5 m / s.

  8. 黏度法测分子质量中空白溶液流出时间的确定

    Determination of time for blank solution in molecular weight measurement by viscometry

  9. 实验表明试液的物理性质与空白溶液一致。

    The experiment indicates that the physical properties of the testing solution are identical with the blank solution .

  10. 提出了配制空白溶液的原理及方法,通过在试液中加入适量聚异丁烯乳浊液,找出了与试液粘度相同的聚异丁烯空白溶液。乳浊液进样-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定润滑油添加剂中的锌、铅

    Application of Emulsion Sampling Technique in the Determination of Zinc and Lead in Lube Additives by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  11. 对介质影响、试液与空白溶液粘度一致性及检出限进行了考察。

    Identity of viscosity for test solution and its blank solution , and the effect of medium and detection limit were studied .

  12. 该方法得到的结果与聚苯胺膜在空白溶液中采用循环伏安法研究其降解动力学时得到的结果类似。

    Which was similar to the results obtained when the kinetic degradation process of PAn films was studied in blank solutions by cyclic voltammetry .

  13. 对样品溶解条件、电离干扰、试液与空白溶液粘度一致性进行了考察。

    The dissolving condition of sample , ionization interference , identity of viscosity for test solution and its blank solution , detection limit were studied .

  14. 结果试液的黏度与其空白溶液的一致,无背景吸收干扰。

    Result The test indicated that the viscosity of the test solution is identical with its blank solution and there is not background absorption interference .

  15. 如果样品的稀释剂和移动相所有溶剂不同(比例和类型),空白溶液也会观察到波动。

    Undulations may be observed at the void volume if the diluent for the sample is different from the solvents ( proportion and type ) used in the mobile phase .

  16. 对样品处理方法、溶剂及乳化剂的选择、试液与空白溶液粘度的一致性、各种干扰及检出限进行了考察。

    The pretreatment method of chloroprene rubber sample , choices of solvent and emulsifier , identity of viscosity for test solution and for blank solution , interferences and detection limit were studied .

  17. 对样品悬浮液稳定时间、盐酸溶液(1+1)用量、试液与空白溶液粘度的一致性、背景吸收干扰进行了考察。

    The stabilization time of suspension , amount of hydrochloric acid solution ( 1 + 1 ), identity of viscosity for test solution and its blank solution , background absorption interference were studied .

  18. 对乳化剂的选择、化学干扰的消除及空白溶液的配制进行了考察,提出了配制与试液粘度相同的空白溶液的原理及方法。

    Choice of emulsifier , elimination of chemical interference and preparation of blank solution were studied . A Principle and method of preparing blank solution having the same viscosity with test solution has been examined .

  19. 对消解溶剂及乳化剂进行选择,对化学干扰、混合酸、介质、试液与空白溶液粘度一致性及背景吸收干扰进行了考察。

    The selection of acid for digestion and of emulsifier , the chemical interferences , the interference of background absorption , and the matching of viscosity of standard solutions with the viscosity of sample solutions were thoroughly studied .

  20. 实验表明,在悬浮液中加入适量盐酸可显著提高被测元素的吸光度,试液的物理性质与空白溶液的一致,无背景吸收干扰。

    The results indicate that adding suitable amount of hydrochloric acid in suspension solution can increase the absorbance of tested element markedly . The physical properties of test solution is identical with blank solution and there is no background absorption interference .

  21. 根据Arrhenius方程计算结果,添加了缓蚀剂的活化能大于空白盐酸溶液的活化能,缓蚀剂的加入增大了腐蚀过程的反应能垒。

    And the activation energy which is calculated by the Arrhenius equation is bigger than blank . The energy barrier is increased with the addition of corrosion inhibitors .

  22. 皮肤致敏实验:试验组及空白对照组溶液家兔的致敏率为0%,而阳性对照组为100%,二者相比有显著性差异;

    The cutaneous allergic rate was 0 in the study group and the negative control group but the rate was 100 % in the positive control group .

  23. 提出一个快速简易的定量方法,只需在试样载流中分别注入一个空白和标准溶液,就能由导出的一个简单方程得出待测样品浓度。

    With this technique , the concentration of the sample ( used as carrier ) is obtained rapidly by a proposed simple equation only after injecting a pure water and a standard .

  24. 测定杨梅汁对羟自由基的清除能力时,将杨梅汁用超纯水稀释10倍,用0.15%柠檬酸作为空白,消除酸性溶液对体系产生的影响。

    Arbutus juices were diluted by ultra pure water to 10 multiple . 0.15 % citric acid solution as blank control .