
kōnɡ yù huà fēn
  • division of airspace
  1. 论文第二部分在对相控阵雷达系统进行建模仿真和对弹道导弹的弹道特性进行分析的基础上,提出了相控阵雷达系统弹道导弹防御工作模式的特点和搜索空域划分方法。

    In section two , based on simulating the phased-array radar and analyzing the ballistic characters of TBM , the characters of phased-array radar TBMD and divide means of search region is discussed .

  2. 空域通常划分为机场飞行空域、航路、航线、空中禁区、空中限制区和空中危险区等。

    The airspace is usually divided into aerodrome flight airspace , airways , air routes , prohibited areas , restricted areas and danger areas .

  3. 空域的扇区规划是指各个国家的空域规划部门将管制空域按照相关文件划分基本管制单位。

    The airspace sector planning is the process that the controlled airspace is divided into basic control units in accordance with the relevant state documents by airspace planning departments .