
  • 网络Aerial Triangulation;aerotriangulation
  1. 自动空中三角测量软件ISAT在生产实践中的应用

    The Application of Automatic Aerial Triangulation Software ISAT in Practical Production

  2. 此设计把光束分成测量光束和参化光束。光束法空中三角测量

    This device splits the light beam into a measuring light beam and a reference light beam . bundle aerial triangulation

  3. GPS辅助空中三角测量的现状和展望

    Current situation and vista of GPS assistant aerotriangulation surveying

  4. GPS辅助空中三角测量在新疆基础测绘中的应用

    Use of GPS-supported Aerial Triangulation in Fundamental Surveying and Mapping of Xinjiang , China

  5. 三线阵CCD影像短航线空中三角测量的模拟实验研究

    The short strip aerial triangulation of three-line array CCD imagery

  6. 辅助GPS空中三角测量已投入使用,取得了一定成绩,在现代社会中应用越来越广泛。

    Auxiliary GPS air triangle measuring has been used , and has obtained some achievements in the modern society , used more widely .

  7. 本论文是研究以全数字摄影测量系统为主的摄影测量试验研究,其中涉及到用辅助GPS空中三角测量方法来加密控制点。

    This paper is to study the digital photogrammetric system of photogrammetry experimental study , which involves using auxiliary GPS measurement method to measure the triangle .

  8. 本文简单介绍了GPS辅助空中三角测量的发展概况、GPS辅助空中三角测量实时定位的基本原理以及GPS辅助空中三角测量实施过程中的有关问题。

    The development of GPS assistant aerotriangulation surveying is introduced simply , and the basic theory of real time positioning and the carrying out of GPS assistant aerotriangulation surveying is discussed too .

  9. 解决基于ISAT的POS辅助空中三角测量流程中的关键问题。

    Solve the key issues of the POS Supported Aerial Triangulation flow based on ISAT . 3 .

  10. 本文分析了GPS用于空中三角测量的发展现状,介绍了GPS相对动态定位原理及GPS数据用于空中三角测量的几个问题的处理。

    At first , the article analyzes the development at present which GPS data applied in the aerial triangulation , introduces the relative dynamic location principle of GPS and the revolution on problems of GPS applied in aerial triangulation .

  11. ISAT空中三角测量及相关问题的探讨

    ISAT Aerial Triangulation and Discussion about Some Issues

  12. 对于无地面控制的传输型卫星摄影测量,三线阵CCD相机是较为理想的传感器,但将三线阵CCD影像用于空中三角测量计算的结果却始终达不到高程精度的要求。

    For trasmission photogrammetrical satellite with no ground control , three-line array CCD camera is a perfect sensor , but the result of aerial triangulation using three-line array CCD images can not meet the needs of height precision .

  13. 而且,将POS数据引入自动空中三角测量中,可以免除传统航带间影像转点需要构建自由航带网、人工选取航带间偏移点、建立航带间近似空间变换关系等繁琐步骤。

    Furthermore , by introducing POS data in the aerotriangulation , cumbersome steps in the traditional method such as free strip network construction , articial selection of offset point between strips , establishment of approximate relationship between neighboring strips and so on can be eliminated .

  14. 机载三线阵影像空中三角测量的关键问题

    Key issues on the triangulation of airborne three line array images

  15. 这大大降低了空中三角测量的自动化程度。

    This greatly reduces the automatic level of aerial triangulation .

  16. 基于光束法空中三角测量理论的树高测量方法研究

    Study on Measurement of Tree Height Based on Theory of Bundle Aerotriangulation

  17. 利用测量显微镜开展激光束角漂实验研究光束法空中三角测量

    Measurement of laser angle drift by means of measure microscope bundle aerial triangulation

  18. 激光三角法综述空中三角测量及其成果共享

    Survey on the Laser Triangulation Aerial Triangulation and the Sharing of the Results

  19. 数值线代数在模型法解析空中三角测量中的应用

    Application of numerical linear algebra to aerotriangulation with model

  20. 一种基于AUKF的航天器自主导航算法航带法空中三角测量

    An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Based Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Algorithm strip aerial triangulation

  21. 空中三角测量及其成果共享

    Aerial Triangulation and the Sharing of the Results

  22. IMU/DGPS辅助空中三角测量精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of IMU / DGPS-supported Aerial Triangulation

  23. 独立模型法空中三角测量

    Aerotriangulation by independent model

  24. 一直以来,都是利用合理分布的地面控制点通过空中三角测量方法来间接实现的。

    For a long time , this goal has been indirectly achieved by aerotriangulation with a lot of ground control points ( GCPs ) .

  25. 首先介绍了航空摄影测量的理论基础,包含摄影测量、空中三角测量平差原理和数字摄影测量三方面,说明了该方法的科学依据。

    First introduced the theoretical basis of aerial photogrammetry , including photogrammetry , aerial triangulation and digital photogrammetry , the scientific basis of the method .

  26. 文章主要从实际应用的角度出发,介绍了自动空中三角测量AATM/PAT-B系统的作业流程以及实际作业当中应特别注意的一些问题;

    This paper introduces the process of AATM / PAT-B system , automatical aerial triangulation , and problems which should pay attention to in practical operation .

  27. 反之,摄影区域中的影像没有GPS/IMU等辅助数据时,实现全自动的空中三角测量仍具有挑战性。

    Otherwise , it is still a challenge to realize automatic aerial triangulation without GPS / IMU and other auxiliary data for the images in photography area .

  28. 在获取正确的数字影像后,对影像格式的正确转换、畸变校正以及缩略影像拼接是对以后做正射影像、空中三角测量做好坚实的基础。

    The correct image format conversion calibration and Thumbnail images mosaics after acquiring the correct digital image which are very important for doing Point-blank images and Air triangle measuring .

  29. 本文针对现有自动空中三角测量转点方法的不足,提出了一种简单易行的像方匹配自由网平差物方匹配的策略。

    In this paper , aiming at the shortcoming of traditional aerotriangulation methods , a simple and practical strategy of matching in image space-free network adjustment-matching in object space is proposed .

  30. 本文研究利用测区前期的地形图来获取进行空中三角测量时所需的控制点三维坐标信息,对整个测区进行自动空中三角测量,获取每张像片的外方位元素,建立立体模型。

    It is studied that the aerial triangulation surveying is auto-finished to whole area to get elements of exterior orientation of every photo and build stereoscopic model using topographic map to acquire 3D coordinates of control points .