
  • 网络articulated arm;knuckle arm
  1. 给出了采集板控制软件的基本结构,讨论了PC端USB驱动程序开发基本思路。最后完成了与关节臂式坐标测量机精度有关的实验。

    Not only elementary frame of acquisition system control software is given , but also USB driver between PC and machine development idea is introduced . Finally , experimental studies on accuracy related problems of articulated arm CMM are carried out .

  2. 关节臂式坐标测量机误差仿真系统建模与分析

    Error-simulation system modeling and error analyzing of an articulated arm coordinate measuring machine

  3. 关节臂式柔性三坐标测量系统的数学模型及误差分析

    Mathematical Model and Error Analysis of the Articulated Arm Flexible CMM

  4. 实验表明,该测量系统能够很好地完成关节臂式坐标测量机的数据采集任务。

    The experiments show that the data acquisition system works well .

  5. 关节臂式坐标测量机的虚拟样机模型及仿真

    Virtual prototyping model and simulation of articulated coordinate measuring machine

  6. 形状记忆合金丝驱动的仿生转动关节臂

    Bionic Rotary Articulated Arm Driven by Shape Memory Alloy ( SMA ) Wires

  7. 关节臂式坐标测量机数据采集系统的研究

    Research of Articulated Arm-cmm 's Data Acquisition System

  8. 目前市场上的便携式坐标测量机主要有关节臂式、工业近景摄像式和手持探头式。

    At present , Portable CMMs in the market are mainly articulated-arm CMMs , industrial-camera CMMs and hand-probe CMMs .

  9. 天津大学研究开发的便携式坐标测量机有关节臂式坐标测量机和光笔式坐标测量机(手持探头式的一种)。

    Articulated-arm CMMs and light-pen CMMs ( one of the hand-probe CMMs ) are being researched in Tianjin University .

  10. 关于桥式三座标测量机精度分析的探讨关节臂式坐标测量机标定系统的设计

    An Approach to Accuracy Analysis for Three Coordinate Measuring Machine of Bridge Type Construction Study on Calibration System of Articulated Arm Flexible CMMs

  11. 测绘仪器计量站测量标准的评定方法关节臂式坐标测量机标定系统的设计

    Method of Get the Measurement Uncertainty of Measure-standard for Constructing a Station of Measure and Testing Study on Calibration System of Articulated Arm Flexible CMMs

  12. 在搭建的系统实验平台上,用逻辑发生卡产生光栅信号验证了数据采集系统的正确性。总之,本文以上工作为研制具有自主知识产权的关节臂式坐标测量机奠定了良好的基础。

    On building system experiment platform , data acquisition system feasibility is proven by grating signal from logical generating card . Briefly , this paper establishes favorable foundation for developing articulated arm CMMs with our own intellectual properties .

  13. 关节臂是一种新型的坐标测量机,具有灵活轻便,效率高,能够实现对复杂结构和隐蔽点的测量等特点。

    Articulated arm coordinate measuring machine is a new type of coordinate measuring machines . It is flexible , light and convenient . Also it has high efficiency and can take measure directly when the object measured has a complex shape or some points in the covert area .

  14. 基于SWIFT算法的球关节操作臂最优路径规划

    An optimal path planning of the manipulators with globe joint based on swift algorithm

  15. 采用DH法建立该多关节机械臂完整的运动学模型,并给出了在各种情况下的运动学逆解。

    Integrated kinematics model was made by using method of DH , and all kinds of the inverse kinematics problems were also solved .

  16. 基于DSP/FPGA的反步法阻抗控制柔性关节机械臂

    Backstepping impedance control flexible joint manipulators using DSP / FPGA structure

  17. 多关节机械臂的运动学分析与综合

    Analyses and Syntheses on Kinematics of the Multijoint Mechanical Arm

  18. 本文首先简单介绍串联多关节机械臂的原理,而后详细的阐述了机械臂的机械结构。

    And the particular of the serial multiple-joint manipulator would be expounded .

  19. 拟人多关节全臂假手是用于截肢者的一种机械手。

    The whole-armed anthropomorphic prosthesis is a kind of manipulator used by amputees .

  20. 使用拉格朗日公式建立的六自由度柔性关节机械臂的动力学方程。

    The dynamic equations of the6DOF flexible-joint manipulator are established using Lagrangian formulation .

  21. 基于加速度反馈的柔性关节机械臂接触力控制

    On acceleration sensor-based feedback control for contact force of the flexible joint manipulator

  22. 谐波驱动柔性关节机械臂接触力的动态特性

    The Dynamic Characteristics of Contact Force for the Flexible Joint Manipulator of Harmonic Drives

  23. 多关节机械臂的坐标模型和参数标定

    Coordinate model and calibration algorithm of multi-joint arm

  24. 四自由度柔性关节机器臂残余振动的输入整形控制

    Input Shaping Technique Applied to Vibration Reduction of a Four-DOF Flexible Joint Robot Arm

  25. 柔性关节机械臂残余抖动抑制与实验研究

    Research on Approach of Suppresssing the Residual Vibration of Flexible Joint Manipulator and Its Experimental Verification

  26. 对多关节机械臂式三维坐标采集系统中使用的空间坐标模型和参数标定方法进行了研究。

    The focus of the paper is on the coordinate model and calibration of multi-joint type CMM .

  27. 介绍水轮机叶形检测多关节机械臂的主要结构特点及其工作原理。

    The main structure 's characteristics and working principle of the multijoint measuring manipulator were introduced in this article .

  28. 针对对某型号6关节机械臂设计了代数解法,几何解法,以及数值解法等解决了运动学求逆解的问题。

    Algorithms based on algebra , geometry and numeral are designed independently for a 6R manipulator to solve the inverse kinematics .

  29. 尽管工业机器人存在关节及臂杆刚性不足等缺点,但可以通过采取适当的补偿措施,以满足不同应用的要求。

    Despite shortcomings of the joints in industrial robot but through appropriate compensation measures , they can still meet the different processing .

  30. 本文以平面运动的三关节机械臂为例,建立它的力学模型和动力学方程。

    The mechanical model and dynamic equations of a manipulator , which consists of three joints and three links and operates in a horizontal plane , are established .