
kōng zhōng dǎo háng
  • air navigation;aeronavigation;avigation
空中导航[kōng zhōng dǎo háng]
  1. 塔康(TACAN)又称战术空中导航系统,是为适应舰载、移动台而开发的军用战术空中导航系统。

    The Tactical air navigation ( TACAN ) system is designed for ship-based , mobile station and the development of military tactical air navigation system .

  2. 北苏门答腊首府棉兰的KualaNamu机场负责空中导航的经理对美联社(AssociatedPress)说,在该地区执飞短途航班的小型飞机被警告避免靠近火山飞行。

    Small planes serving short-haul flights in the region have been warned to avoid flying near the mountain , the manager for air navigation at Kuala Namu airport in North Sumatra 's capital Medan told the Associated Press .

  3. 为了空中导航设备和空间运用的微波功率三极管YD-1380,YD-1381

    Microwave power triodes YD 1380 YD 1381 for space Applications and airborne nevigation equipment

  4. 油燃烧器M有一个优化的空中导航系统,提供一个安静和压力稳定风机。

    The oil burners M have an optimized air guidance system , providing a quiet and pressure-stable blower .

  5. 空中导航技术委员会

    Air Navigation Technical Committee

  6. 空中机器人视觉导航与控制若干问题研究

    Research on Several Problems of Vision-based Navigation and Control for Aerial Robotics

  7. 随着燃烧着的尾巴消失在空中,中国组网导航卫星北斗上升了。

    As the flaming tail disappears into the sky , came the rise of China 's navigation network , Beidou .

  8. 卫星导航定位系统已经全面的应用于陆地,海洋和空中交通运输的导航,且为各种军事运载体导航,使武器的命中率大为提高。

    The satellite navigated system is applied to the land , ocean and navigation of the communications and transportation in the sky . It navigates for various kinds of militarily carrier , and makes the hit rate of the weapon greatly improved .