
  • 网络Coadjutor bishop;coadjutor-bishop;assistant bishop
  1. 一次,在封斋节,有个年轻的助理主教来到迪涅,在天主堂里讲道。

    In the course of one Lent , a youthful vicar came to D & , and preached in the cathedral .

  2. 凤翔教区还有一位主教,是不获政府承认、八十岁已退休的助理主教张志勇,他也有参与投票。

    Retired Coadjutor Bishop Peter Zhang Zhiyong , 80 , who is not recognized by the government , was also present in the election .

  3. 主教总是相当忙的,他得每天接见主教区的秘书枣通常是一个司祭神甫,并且几乎每天都得接见他的那些助理主教。

    A Bishop is a very busy man : he must every day receive the secretary of the bishopric , who is generally a canon , and nearly every day his vicars-general .