
  • 网络Feasibility Analysis;Project feasibility analysis
  1. 化肥企业CO2回收项目可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on CO_2 Recovery Project of Chemical Fertilizer Enterprise

  2. CRM项目可行性分析方法研究

    Research on Feasibility Analysis for CRM Project

  3. 海南CNG汽车工程项目可行性分析与实证研究

    Feasibility Analysis and Empirical Study on CNG Vehicle Project in Hainan

  4. 本文提出的ERP项目可行性分析框架和分析方法使企业ERP项目可行性分析更具全面性和可操作性,对企业ERP项目科学决策具有一定现实意义。

    The framework and methods of feasibility research of the ERP project proposed in this paper have a certain practical significance for enterprise ERP project decision .

  5. FJ房地产公司时代花园项目可行性分析

    The Time Garden 's Feasibility Analysis of FJ Real Estate Company

  6. 最终得出HK微电子总公司汽车导航系统项目可行性分析的结论,从而完成了可行性研究理论应用于实践的探索过程,并为项目的投资决策者提供了可用的依据。

    Eventually the viable conclusions of car navigation systems industrialization projects of HK Microelectronics are drawn , and the exploring process from feasibility study to applying the theory into practice is completed , and the conclusions provide a useful basis for investment decision-makers of the project .

  7. 本可行性方案严格按照工业项目可行性分析的要求,从各个方面论证了ZP公司专营一汽马自达M6轿车项目的可行性。

    This feasibility research project was strict according to the requests of feasibility research , proved the feasibility of the chengdu M6 sedan sales and service center Project of ZP Auto Sales Company from each aspect .

  8. 因此项目可行性分析对于项目的建设具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore project feasibility analysis is very important for projects construction .

  9. 病案数字化管理项目可行性分析报告

    The Feasibility Analysis Report for the Digital Medical Records Management Program

  10. 长春汽车改装车有限公司混凝土搅拌车项目可行性分析

    Changchun Automobile Vehicle Co. , Ltd. Concrete Mixer Project Feasibility Analysis

  11. 投资项目可行性分析的根本性误区及纠正

    Fundamental Mistake of Feasible Analysis of Investment Project and Its Correction

  12. 论加强对房地产项目可行性分析特殊性的研究

    On Increasing Possibility Analysis and Speciality Research for Real Estate Item

  13. 城市环保基础设施投资项目可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Urban Infrastructure Investment of Environmental Protection Project

  14. 关于深加工工程项目可行性分析的探讨

    Discussion on the Feasibility Study of Deep Processing Project

  15. 地源热泵项目可行性分析仿真模型

    A Simulated Model for Assessing the Feasibility of Ground - Source Heat Pump Projects

  16. 房地产项目可行性分析研究

    The Feasible Research of Real Estate Project

  17. 通过工程项目可行性分析,港珠澳大桥的建设能够带动区域社会经济及各项事业的发展,与此同时,大型建设项目交通影响分析的问题也浮出水面。

    The construction project of HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will promote socio-economic development with project feasibility analysis .

  18. 德尔菲法点读式导游机在韶山景区项目可行性分析中的应用

    Application of the Delphi Method in the project for the Click-Reading Guiding machine Popularization in Shaoshan Scenic Zone

  19. 研究了SEEADSS数据库系统设计、模型库系统设计、知识库系统设计和问题处理系统的设计。完成了软件项目可行性分析、软件项目招投标管理、软件项目成本估算和软件项目定价问题的实现工作。

    Deeply study database design , model base design , knowledge base design and problem processing system design .

  20. 在进行项目可行性分析后,论文展开用户需求分析和系统分析。

    After the project feasibility analysis , the paper goes forward to make customer requirement analysis and system analysis .

  21. 从第二章开始对第一章所提出的生命周期模型的各个阶段分别分析研究。研究重点是战略合作的需求分类和项目可行性分析和项目启动。

    Chapter 2 researched key points is the strategic cooperation demand classification and the project feasibility analysis and the project start .

  22. 交通量的预测是提高交通运输管理水平、降低运输成本的重要手段之一,同时也是进行交通状况评价、路网规划、线路改造以及工程建设项目可行性分析的基础。

    Traffic prediction is one of the important means to improve the transportation management level and reduce the cost of transportation .

  23. 其次,通过对大连港的原油码头现状分析,并采用项目可行性分析模型对大连沿海原油码头进行综合评价,得出评价结果为大连港原油码头属于好等级。

    Secondly , through the status analysis of Dalian crude oil terminal , evaluate it comprehensively by using of project feasibility analysis model and then obtained the result that Dalian crude oil terminal belongs to " good " rating .

  24. 本文首先分析和介绍了国内外项目可行性分析与技术经济评价的相关理论发展。然后,对高速公路项目进行了简单的介绍,分析了该项目建设的重要意义。

    This paper analyzes and introduces the domestic and international technical and economic feasibility analysis and evaluation of relevant theories of development . Then , on the highway project was a brief , analysis of the significance of the project .

  25. 作者从可行性分析的一般性问题和房地产项目可行性分析的特殊性,阐述了房地产项目选择的多样性、风险的复杂性,提出了避免风险的办法和措施。

    The author has explained diversify of choice of real estate item and complex of risk , from a general question of possibility analysis and speciality of possibility analysis , and has put forward some methods and steps to avoiding the risk .

  26. 本文首先介绍了其研究背景及选题意义,继而阐述了项目可行性分析的相关理论和方法,然后进入论文的主体,即对该项目进行可行性研究。

    The paper firstly introduces the research background and significance of the topic , project feasibility analysis , and describes the theory and method of feasibility study , and then comes the main body of the paper , which conducts feasibility study of the project .

  27. 在此基础上,以项目可行性分析的相关知识为理论基础,进而分析了苏州高新区数字城管的技术和经济上的可行性、组织管理实施方案和最终的预期效果。

    On this basis , the thesis then analyzed the technical and economic feasibility of digital urban management in Suzhou New District with the theoretical basis of the knowledge of project feasibility analysis , the implantation plan of organization and management and the expected result .

  28. WF电厂二期扩容项目的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis on WF Power Plant Phase ⅱ Expansion Project

  29. 接着分析了隆辉公司项目可行性的分析方法&辩识项目优先性法(IPP);

    Secondly , analyses the project feasibility evaluation method of LAFE company & IPP method ;

  30. Φ5.8m×97m回转窑托轮改造项目的可行性分析与评价

    Feasibility analysis and assessment on supporting roller reformation for Φ 5.8 m × 97 m kiln