
  • 网络Project management;project management skill;Project Management Ability
  1. 理解3D游戏的策划设计和实现过程,具备项目管理能力和必需的计算机技能。

    Understanding of3D games , game design , project management skills , and computer technology skills are required .

  2. 同时,双球管可同时输出不同能量的X线,提高了CT对不同组织的鉴别能力,拓展了CT的应用范围,提高了对病变诊断的正确性。项目管理能力拓展新思维探索

    Dual energy output by two x-ray tubes improves the differentiation of body tissues , clinical application and lesion diagnostic accuracy of CT . Explore the new way of developing the ability of project management

  3. 熟悉CMMI者优先;较强项目管理能力;能够按时按预算的高质量完成任务;

    Could deliver project on time , within budget and with acceptable quality level ;

  4. PCS7的分布式控制系统技术,结合西门子的项目管理能力,使我们选择了他们。

    The PCS7 DCS technology , combined with Siemens'project management capabilities , led to the selection .

  5. 你知道你有令人敬畏的判断力和项目管理能力。

    You know you have awesome estimation and project management skills .

  6. 项目管理能力拓展新思维探索

    Explore the new way of developing the ability of project management

  7. 建筑企业项目管理能力的模糊数学评审方法

    Fuzzy Maths Evaluation on Project Management of Construction Company

  8. 要提高项目管理能力,施工企业需要首先了解自身的能力,给自己进行定位。

    Construction companies firstly need to understand their own ability to improve project management .

  9. 有产品项目管理能力。

    Knowledge of project product management .

  10. 项目管理能力评价模型就为施工企业提供了一个测定和改进自己能力的标尺。

    Evaluation model of project management ability provide construction companies with a measure to improve their ability .

  11. 具备较丰富的项目管理能力,具有负责数款游戏测试管理工作的经验。

    Has the rich project management ability , has is responsible for several section game test management tm work the experience .

  12. 对其进行系统的研究对于提高组织的项目管理能力,从而提高组织的市场竞争力是具有重大意义的。

    It is very important for us to do research on it for improving the project management ability and the market competitiveness .

  13. 在进行技术更新和完善服务的过程中,通信企业的项目管理能力和水平是一项重要的因素。

    In the process of updating technology and improving service , the capability and level of project management is a very important factor .

  14. 最后通过具体案例,介绍了基于模糊综合评判的项目管理能力评价模型的运用。

    Finally , with specific cases , it introduces the application of evaluation model of project management ability based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  15. 中方主要建筑师多来自国家大型建筑设计院,具有丰富的工程设计经验及项目管理能力。

    Most of Chinese primary architects who have project design experience and the ability of item managing were from famous construction design organization .

  16. 结合离岸外包行业的发展与中国目前的国际市场开拓能力、大型项目管理能力、大型项目实现能力等多方面因素,提出了合作的战略发展方向。

    Due to Chinese companies ' international marketing , managing and implementing capability for big projects , cooperative strategy is currently suitable for China .

  17. 公共部门战略管理能力分为战略规划能力、公共政策能力、资源管理能力和项目管理能力四个层次。

    The capacity of public sectors ' strategy management includes the capacity of strategy planning , public policy making , resource management and project management .

  18. 多项目管理能力使本系统成为建设单位有效的管理工具。

    It makes the client be convenient to the tired job with its multi facility and capability of managing the complexity information of different projects .

  19. 通过将随机产生的数据输入系统,得出了组织整体及各关键过程的项目管理能力成熟度值。

    By inputting a sample that produced stochastically to the model , the whole capability maturity values and the key process capability maturity values were obtained .

  20. 较强的领导能力,项目管理能力,书面和口头沟通能力,及财务预算能力。

    Demonstrated Leadership skills , project management , ability to manage multiple priorities , effective written and oral communication skills , presentation skills and budget and management skills .

  21. 在竞争日益激烈的形势下,如何提高铁路施工企业项目管理能力,增强企业竞争力,成为企业管理者们关心的问题。

    Under the increasingly competitive situation , how to improve the project management capacity and the competitiveness of the railway construction enterprises has become an issue that managers focus on .

  22. 银行内部开发组织在面临巨大的压力下,积极探索,力图寻求一条提升项目管理能力的发展道路。

    Under the huge pressure , the organization of software development in bank actively explores , enduringly carries out to find a way of upgrading its own the capability of the software development .

  23. 评价结果可作为企业执行激励措施、纠正管理弊端的有效依据,从而最终提高房地产开发企业的项目管理能力。如何准确、科学地评价房地产开发企业项目管理的成为重中之重。

    Evaluation results can be the effective basis for enterprise executing incentive measure and correcting weak points in the management so that the ability of project management in real estate enterprise would be raised .

  24. 有效的知识转移不仅对于提升IT外包服务提供商的项目管理能力、关系管理能力以及服务交付能力,也对获取更高的IT外包项目绩效有重要意义。

    Effective transfer of knowledge not only to enhance project management , relationship management and service delivery capabilities of the IT outsourcing service provider , but also to obtain higher performance of IT outsourcing projects .

  25. 研究结果如下:(1)共享心智模型问卷共有五个维度,分别为对队友的了解、团队交互作用、专业知识技能、项目管理能力和团队认同。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The shared mental model scale includes five elements : Understanding of team-mate , Team Interaction , Professional knowledge and skills , Project management and Team Identity .

  26. 随着我国市场竞争的进一部加剧,提高企业的项目管理能力,增强企业产品的竞争力,防范企业经营风险,已成为现代企业发展过程中越来越重要的课题。

    With more and more competition about the market economy in China , modern enterprises are facing such important topics as improving the ability of project management , improving the competitive ability of product and preventing the risks in the operation of enterprises .

  27. 实践证明,在很大程度上项目管理能力的高低直接影响了项目的成败,但目前有关企业信息化绩效评价的研究尚还没有成熟的研究成果。

    The practice proved that , the project management ability has directly affected the project success or failure in the very great degree , but at present the research on the evaluation of enterprise informatization performance still did not have the mature research results .

  28. 随着经济全球化,建筑企业的市场竞争越来越激烈,提高建筑企业的项目管理能力及水平,成为企业增加竞争优势的重要手段。

    The competition in construction market is now becoming more and more intense , along with economic globalization all through the world . It has become more urgent for construction enterprises to improving their ability and level of project management , which will raise their competence in the market .

  29. 代建单位的评选指标体系分为五部分:项目管理能力、投标报价能力、技术能力、市场信誉和经济实力,从定量指标和定性指标两方面相结合来对代建单位进行评价。

    The evaluation indicator system of the construction agency comprises the following five parts : managerial ability of the project , bid offer ability , technological ability , prestige of market and economic strength . It combines the quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis together to evaluate the construction agency .

  30. 本文最后,用AHP方法和模糊综合评价对包头供电局的项目安全管理能力进行评价,并指出有待改进的地方。

    At last , this paper evaluates the project safety management ability of Baotou power supply bureau with AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and shows clearly the aspects that are needed to be improved .