
  1. 语义网服务利用本体技术增强了Web服务的语义表达能力,使服务的发现与执行,组合与交互更加自动智能化。

    Semantic Web Services uses ontology to enhance the expression ability of Web Services . It brings more automation and intelligence to the discovery , execution , composition and interaction of Web Services .

  2. 采用-△V来判断充电过程的结束,实现了对蓄电池的全自动智能充电。

    The - △ V of battery during the anaphase of charge process was adopted to control charge termination , automatic intelligent charge to storage battery realized .

  3. 利用GP-IB接口和单片机系统实现光功率的自动智能检测

    Use the interface of GP-IB and system of SCM to realize the automatic measure of optical power

  4. 介绍了小麦全自动智能着水机控制系统的设计原理。

    This article introduces the design principle of automatic intelligent wheat dampener .

  5. 小杂果全自动智能分级技术装备的开发与研究

    Develop and Study of Technical Equipment on Sundry Fruit Automatic and Intelligent Grading

  6. 全自动智能陀螺寻北仪中待测光标信号采集模块的设计

    Design of Cursor Signal Acquisition Module in All Automated Intelligent Gyroscope North Finder

  7. 全钒氧化还原液流电池全自动智能监控系统研究与设计

    Research and Design on Intelligent Inspection and Control System for All Vanadium Redox Flow Battery

  8. 通过自动智能应答,既加快了反应速度,又减轻了教师的负担。

    The automatic intelligence response can improve the reflection speed and reduce the teachers burden .

  9. 全自动智能小麦着水机控制系统研究

    Study on automatic intelligent wheat dampener

  10. 针对动态环境中的全自动智能运输系统的控制问题,提出一种适用于该系统的分布式递阶控制方法。

    The fuzzy neural network and hierarchy control is used to solve the problem of traffic control for the trunk roads .

  11. 此外,监控技术、运动检测和图像识别技术互相结合,发展成为无人自动智能监控系统。

    On the other hand , monitoring technology gradually with motion detection and image recognition technology integrated into the automatic unmanned monitoring system .

  12. 燃烧室采用全自动智能化控制手动控制,控制温度精确。精确:高精度微电脑温控仪,控温精确、可靠。

    Firebox using automatic intelligent control system of manual control system . Precise : high-precision microprocessor temperature controller makes temperature control precise and reliable .

  13. 希望投入更多的力量进行研究,找到更好更自动智能的土地利用分类方法,合理的开发利用土地。

    Hoped that invest more resources on research to find better and more intelligent automatic land use classification method , and rational development and utilization of land .

  14. 利用智能结构材料,设计出一种新型的全自动智能扶手电梯,可以感知载物存在后命令电机开始运行,电梯输送载物到达目的地,确认载物离开后又命令电机停止。

    An automatic intelligent handrail elevator , which is designed with intelligent structure and materials , can control the electric motor work or stop according to a person on or off .

  15. 入侵检测:从很大程度上讲,入侵检测实际上就是结合了包嗅探和记录功能,并在其上添加一层自动智能层。

    Intrusion detection : In lots of ways , intrusion detection is just packet sniffing combined with logging , with a layer of automated intelligence thrown on top of it all .

  16. 针对传统光标阅读机信息录入效率低和精度差等问题,本文提出了一种集图像获取、数据交换和信息识别技术于一体的全自动智能光标阅读机的设计方案。

    In order to solve the existing low efficiency and poor accuracy problem of traditional OMR , this paper presents a design of automatic intelligent OMR , which integrates image acquisition , data exchange , information recognition technology .

  17. 随着计算机安全技术的高速发展,渗透测试作为网络安全的一种新技术,越来越受到重视,建立一种自动智能的网络渗透测试系统已经成为当前的重要研究方向。

    With the high-speed development of computer security technology , penetration testing as a new technology of network security has been attached more and more importance . Establishing an auto and intelligent network penetration testing system has been the important direction of today 's research .

  18. 基于ARM的粉料自动仓库智能控制节点开发

    The development of powder product automatic storage intelligent node based on ARM

  19. 基于多Agent的变电站操作序列自动生成智能系统的研究动作技能型与心智技能型人才内隐序列学习能力的比较

    Multi-Agent Technique Based Substation s Operating-Sequences Intelligent System ; Comparison study of the implicit sequence learning ability between motor skilled and intelligence skilled talents

  20. AMT自动换档智能控制系统设计与研究

    AMT Automatic Shift Intelligent Control System Design and Investigation

  21. 此ADIC生产自动线智能灌封电控系统,采用BP(BackPropagation)神经网络进行故障诊断与监控,从而提高产品生产质量。

    This ADIC automated production line intelligent embedding control system using Back Propagation neural networks to diagnostic and monitoring some fault improving the quality of the products .

  22. 此ADIC生产自动线智能检测电控系统是基于虚拟仪器智能设施和PCI(Peripheralcomponentinterconnect)总线进行运作的。

    This ADIC automated production line intelligent testing control system is based on the intelligent of virtual testing equipment facilities and PCI ( Peripheral Component Interconnect ) bus operation .

  23. 然后,本文结合华中电网利用EMS实时信息进行自动计算智能决策并实现控制的新型稳定控制系统的工程实践任务,对预决策稳定控制系统的实用化问题进行了研究。

    Then the paper devotes to solve some project problem by the working in the novel on-line pre-decision transient stability control system of Central China Power System based on online stability calculation using real-time data from EMS .

  24. 第三,传统的CSCL缺乏对角色分配的研究,其角色分配常通过教师手工完成,没有结合人工智能技术实现角色的自动和智能分配。

    Thirdly , there is no research about roles ' assignment in CSCL and no roles ' assignment is based on AI . So system can 't assign roles automatic and intelligent .

  25. 基于计算机控制的自动分拣智能系统设计

    The design of computer auto - sorting intelligent control system

  26. 水质自动分析仪智能控制器软件开发中的若干问题

    Development of expert controller software for autoanalyzer of water quality

  27. 新型自动拍照智能防盗系统的设计

    The Desingn of a New Automatic Photo Taking System for Defending Thieves

  28. 新型金属铭牌自动打字机智能化的研究与实现

    Study on the Intellectualization of a Metallic Data Plate Typewriter

  29. 如何自动、智能地为员工安排工作;

    How to arrange work for staff automatically and intelligently ;

  30. 装载机自动变速智能换挡控制系统设计

    Intelligent Control System on Automatic Transmission of Wheel Loader