
tóu biāo
  • bid;tender;submit a tender;enter a bid;submit public bids in
投标 [tóu biāo]
  • [bid;enter a bid;submit a tender] 投标者提出的价格,以求得中标

投标[tóu biāo]
  1. 当地的公司被邀请投标承包建筑工程。

    Local firms were invited to tender for the building contract .

  2. 工作人员不得投标承接私营部门的工作。

    The staff are forbidden to tender for private-sector work

  3. 一家法国公司将投标争取这项合同。

    A French firm will be bidding for the contract .

  4. 投标承办酒席的有六家商号。

    There were six bidders for the catering contract .

  5. 该公司投标承包这所医院的清洁工作。

    The company submitted a bid for the contract to clean the hospital .

  6. 他已经投标来拯救这个岌岌可危的周刊。

    He has submitted a bid to resuscitate the struggling magazine .

  7. 他们被禁止对客户进行最初的投标。

    They have been barred from primary bidding for clients .

  8. 建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。

    Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work

  9. 有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。

    Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders .

  10. 我们投标建一座大楼。

    We bid for the erection of a multistory building .

  11. 有多少家公司投标争取那座桥的营造权?

    How many firms bid on the contract to build the bridge ?

  12. 有几家公司正在投标争取承包建桥工程。

    Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge .

  13. 投标将按照订货单的技术条件严格评估。

    Bid will be evaluated strictly in accordance with the indent specifications .

  14. 多Agent协作系统应用在招投标时的通信机制

    Study on the Application of Communications Mechanism of Multi-agent Cooperation System in Tender Offer and Bidding

  15. 清单计价模式下利用ABC法编制投标报价的探讨

    Setting bidding price based upon ABC method under engineering bill pricing mode

  16. 基于D-S证据理论的工程投标决策研究

    On the Bidding Decision Model Based on Evidential Reasoning

  17. MTBE装置的流程模拟综合单价法投标报价

    PROCESS SIMULATION FOR MTBE UNIT Comprehensive unit price tender offer

  18. 在我国已加入WTO的局势下,对我国的招投标进行规范化管理有着举足轻重的意义。

    Under the situation that China has joined WTO already , It is of very important meanings to carry on standardized management in bidding and tendering in China .

  19. 随着我国加入WTO和建设工程工程量清单计价规范的的推行,经评审的最低投标价法在我国建设工程招投标中将得到进一步的推广和应用。

    With China entering into the WTO and carrying out of bill of quantities , the method of the lowest bidding price subjected to appraise will be put into application further .

  20. WBS工作方法在工程项目投标中的探讨

    Discussion of Work Method in Engineering Project Bid

  21. FIDIC合同条件下国际土木工程投标策略与技巧

    Tactics and Techniques in Bidding for Civil Engineering Project Under the Terms of FIDIC Contract

  22. 工程量清单计价法是国际上在建筑工程招投标工作中通行的做法。方法:建立大鼠肝纤维化模型并行IL-10干预。

    The quotation based on Bill of Quantities ( BQ method ) is currently the Vulgate in international bidding of construction projects .

  23. 以珠江黄埔大桥项目的招投标管理为背景,介绍了基于WEB的公路工程项目招投标管理系统的系统构架、系统功能、开发模式以及系统特点。

    The architecture , function , development mode and characteristics of bidding MIS of Highway Engineering Project Management based on WEB are introduced in this paper , using the bidding procurement management of ZhuJiang-Huang pu bridge as an example .

  24. 面对如何实现活动的多Agent分担,提出了一种招标-投标协商机制,它很好地解决了Agent之间的公平竞争与活动执行者的最优选择问题。

    In order to solve the problem of activity-sharing , an inviting-bid negotiation mechanism was presented , which can also solve the problem of fair competition between agents and optimization selection of activity executor ( agent ) .

  25. 然而,随着建筑市场竞争的日益加剧及我国加入WTO后面临的外来压力,建筑企业如何在工程招投标过程中增强其竞争力,已成为人们广泛关注的问题。

    But with the increasingly fierce competition of the domestic construction market and the external pressure after China entered into WTO , how construction enterprises enhance their competence has been the focus of people .

  26. 文章通过作者在Delphi开发平台下的资质与招投标系统的开发实例,验证了组件技术在软件开发中的具体实现方法和途径。

    These components are designed and the specific implementation of component technology is validated by the experiment of developing the intelligence and bid system under the Delphi platform .

  27. 加入WTO之后,我国的建筑业也面临许多新的挑战,国内的建筑企业如何有效的参与到国际项目的招投标当中,取决于其是否精通国际通行的招投标模式和工程计价模式。

    After joining the WTO , China architecture industry also faces many new challenges . That the domestic construction enterprise enters international items bidding effectively is decided whether he is skilled in the international general bid pattern .

  28. 然后,电网调度机构(ISO)按照输电网使用者对容量投标的价格来分配输电线路的可用容量,使得输电可用容量的总价值最大化。

    The Independent System Operator ( ISO ) dispatchs the usable transmission capacity on these paths so that it maximizes the value of the capacity by the users ' bids .

  29. 投标报价计算与决策CMRC法

    The Bid Quotation Calculation and Decision CMRC Method

  30. 由于基于T-S模型的模糊神经网络具有较强的学习和推理能力,本文将其应用于建筑工程投标报价的研究中。

    Due to the better self-learning and reasoning abilities of fuzzy neural networks based on T-S model ( FNN-TS ), it is used in the research of construction bidding .