
  1. 首先概述了中国古典建筑木结构平坐层中的附角斗;

    This article describes the Fu-jiao-dou of the support platform firstly .

  2. 在1月14日到24日的卡萨布兰卡会议上,丘吉尔仍然可以和罗斯福平起平坐。

    The Casablanca conference , from 14 to 24 January , saw Churchill as Roosevelt 's equal .

  3. 由于克莱德受人欢迎,交游日广,格里菲斯一家也就不得不在社交活动中和克莱德平起平坐,这使基尔伯特十分反感。

    Clyde 's growing popularity forced the Griffiths to receive him socially , much to gilbert 's disgust .

  4. 根据实测结果分析了木塔构件及整体变形,对残损严重的二层平坐层变形进行了详细讨论。

    With actual measurement , the horizontal and vertical deformations of the tower are analysed , and the seriously damaged second floor is discussed in detail .

  5. 卡德罗夫的权力日益扩大,他表现得不像是俄罗斯的下级和雇员,倒像是与克里姆林宫平起平坐的结盟者。

    Mr Kadyrov has been expanding his personal power , acting more as a Kremlin ally than as a subject and state employee .

  6. “休息”从字面理解是肌肉的放松,可以通过短时间的平趟或者坐着来达到。

    ' Rest ' , in terms of muscle relaxation and so on , can be achieved by a brief period lying , or even sitting down .

  7. 一本正经的平放着腿坐着。

    Sitting primly with uncrossed legs .