
zhōnɡ duàn chǔ lǐ
  • interrupt processing;interrupt handling
  1. 嵌入式Linux中断处理程序的设计与注册

    Design and Registration of Interrupt Handling Program based on Embedded Linux

  2. μC/OS-II在ARM处理器上移植过程中的中断处理

    Interrupt Handling in μ C / OS-II Transplant Process on ARM Processor

  3. 中断处理是DSP应用系统中必不可少的一个重要环节。

    Interrupt processing is an indispensable step in DSP application system .

  4. 并给出了CAN的初始化、收发数据及中断处理过程的基本C程序。

    Finally , it gives out the initial program , transmit data , receive data and interrupt handling programs .

  5. Linux在保护模式下的中断处理分析

    Analysis of Linux Interrupt Procedure Based on Protected Mode

  6. net的平台结构,阐述了WINDOWSCE驱动的系统结构,对驱动中断处理过程进行了详细分析。

    Net platform , elaborates the driver architecture and interrupt handle of Windows CE .

  7. ArmLinux中断处理实时性能分析

    ARM Linux Interrupt Process Real Time Performance Analysis

  8. 中断处理技术与嵌入式Linux的实时性能紧密相连。

    Technology of interrupt handling is closely associated with real-time performance of embedded Linux .

  9. 嵌入式Linux的中断处理技术研究

    Research on interrupt handling technology in embedded Linux

  10. 一种Linux嵌入式系统的中断处理机制

    A Mechanism of Linux Embedded System Interrupt Handling

  11. 高性能DSP中断处理技术

    Interrupt Processing Technique of High Performance DSP

  12. Windows下的硬件中断处理

    Hardware Interrupt Process in Windows

  13. WINDOWSnt设备驱动程序的中断处理

    Interrupt Handling in the Device Driver of Windows NT

  14. ARM处理器中断处理的编程实现

    Interrupt Programming of ARM Processor

  15. 之后文章给出了X处理器中断处理部件验证方案,对设计进行了模拟验证和逻辑综合。

    A verification scheme is raised for the interrupt component of X processor , following implementation and synthesizes .

  16. bottomhalf方法可以将设备驱动程序中的工作延迟到中断处理后执行。

    A bottom half is a way to defer work from interrupt handling to be done later in a device driver .

  17. Windows和Linux有各自的中断处理机制,都使用中断分配表来查找特定中断服务程序。

    Windows and Linux has each interrupt processor , specifically interrupt service program is searched with interrupt assignment table .

  18. PCI总线的中断处理技术

    Interrupt Processing Technology in PCI System

  19. 实验结果显示,X处理器中断处理部件设计的功能正确、性能符合X处理器的设计要求。

    The results of the experiment show that the function of design is right and the performance meets the requirements of X processor .

  20. 对控制软件中的关键模块&平台电机伺服控制模块、PID控制模块及中断处理模块的实现原理和实现方法进行了详细分析,并编写了软件控制程序。

    Research on the key modules including servo control module 、 PID control module and interrupt processing module , write the software procedures .

  21. UNIX中断处理程序的研究

    Interrupt service routine in Unix

  22. 针对WINDOWS环境下硬件中断处理的问题,在监控报警系统控制中开发了相应的中断控件,从而实现了对报警信号的实时处理。

    Focusing on Hardware interrupt in WINDOWS , the interrupt VBX is developed to finish the alarming signal real-time processing in monitoring and alarming system .

  23. tophalf(中断处理程序)完成少量的任务,然后安排微线程在晚些的bottomhalf中执行。

    The top half ( the interrupt handler ) performs a small amount of work , and then schedules the tasklet to execute later at the bottom half .

  24. 本文以Linux内核源代码为基础,分析了中断处理机制、进程调度策略、虚拟内存、文件系统等Linux的内核机制;

    Based on the Linux kernel source codes , the interrupt , process scheduling , virtual memory , file system and so on are analyzed .

  25. 设备驱动程序设计中重点介绍了FPGA驱动程序的中断处理机制,以及利用驱动分层的思想实现的温度传感器驱动。

    In device driver design part , this paper emphasizes the interrupt handling mechanism of FPGA driver and temperature sensor driver realized through layering ideas .

  26. Ada语言中的实时中断处理

    Real-time Interrupt Processing for Ada Programming Language

  27. 如果发生这种情况,亲合就会失效,以太网适配器的中断处理可能会在不合适的CPU上执行。

    If that happens , affinitization will be nullified and interrupt processing for an Ethernet adapter may not take place on the intended CPU .

  28. 中断处理程序是orinoco模块的一部分,并与Linux网络栈交互。

    The interrupt handler is part of the orinoco module and interacts with the Linux networking stack .

  29. 结合对源代码的分析,具体描述了Linux独特的时钟中断处理过程和时间系统各功能的实现。

    We analyze the source code of Linux and detail the process of the special clock interrupt handler in Linux and the implementation of the functions of clock .

  30. 通过分析Linux驱动中相关的关键技术,如中断处理流程、竞争条件等,并依据芯片特有的功能特性,对管理模块各个部分进行了分析与划分,然后给出了各个模块所需实现的目标。

    Based on chip 's function , the analysis of Linux 's interrupt and race conditions , all modules can be layered and their tasks can be assigned reasonably .