
  • 网络central college;Centre College;CentreCollege
  1. 这位年轻演员现在是中央戏剧学院的一名大四学生。

    The young actor is now a senior at the Central Academy of Drama .

  2. 17岁时,他进入了霍尔本的中央艺术学院(CentralSchoolofArt),学习绘画和动画片制作。

    At 17 he went to study painting and animation at the Central School of Art in Holborn .

  3. 刁亦男毕业于中央戏剧学院,他的另外两部电影《制服》(Uniform)和《夜车》(NightTrain)也很有名。

    Mr. Diao , a graduate of China 's Central Academy of Drama , is also known for his two other films , ' Uniform ' and ' Night Train . '

  4. 她毕业于北京中央美术学院,亦曾比少励画廊提名参与2006年Sovereign亚洲艺术奖比赛。

    A graduate from the Central Academy of Fine Arts , Beijing , Hou was nominated by Schoeni for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize competition in2006 .

  5. 他在著名的中央圣马丁学院(CentralSaintMartins)学习(他和传奇教授路易丝·威尔逊[LouiseWilson]的关系变化无常,有时互相伤害)。

    His years at the prestigious Central Saint Martins ( and his volatile , poisonous relations with that school 's legendary professor , Louise Wilson ) .

  6. 在中央美术学院的帮助和支持下,AIGA的资源将通过适当和有效的途径为中国的设计院校所用。

    With the assistance and advice of faculty at CAFA and the AIGA China Advisory Board , these tools and practices will be distributed through the most appropriate channels .

  7. 根据报告显示,Papi酱是中央戏剧学院的一名学生,今年伊始因在各大媒体平台发布40多个原创视频而爆红网络,在这段时间,她在中国网络名人中位列第一名。

    Since the start of the year , Papi Jiang , a graduate student from the Central Academy Of Drama , has captured increasing attention on media platforms via more than 40 original videos , ranking No.1 among Internet stars in China during the period , according to the report .

  8. 毕业于中央美术学院版画系;

    BA , Printmaking Dept. , Central Academy of Fine Arts .

  9. 2001年留学回国,中央美术学院任教至今;

    2001-now Teaching in the China Central Academy of Fine Arts ;

  10. 姜文曾就读于中央戏曲学院学习表演。

    Jiang Wen was trained at the Central Drama Academy-as an actor .

  11. 艺术家海报展,中央美术学院,北京。

    Artists'Post Exhibition , Fine Arts Center College , Beijing .

  12. 中央美术学院设计文化与政策研究所所长;

    Students of Design School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts ;

  13. 中央美术学院现代美术馆

    Central Academy of Fine Arts , Museum of Contemporary Art

  14. 相聚在中戏&中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展综述

    A Summary of The 3rd Central Academy of Drama International Theatre Showcase

  15. 现为中央美术学院中国画学院副教授。

    Currently as the associate professor of Chinese Painting Faculty , CAFA .

  16. 艺术简历孙路1978-1982年就学于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系,设计专业。

    Sun Lu1978-1982 Studied in the Central Academy of Drama .

  17. 目前中央美术学院设计学院数码媒体工作室正在着手设计这样一款应用程序。

    At present , CAFA Media Lab is designing this kind of APP .

  18. 1962至1963年在中央音乐学院任教。

    She worked as a teacher at the Conservatory from 1962 to 1963 .

  19. 回顾与前瞻&试述中央美术学院国画系水墨人物画室

    Past & Future : Figure Painting Studio in China Center Academy of Arts

  20. 来自中央音乐学院附中,专业学习长笛。

    From the accessorial School of center music institute , studying flute professionally .

  21. 中央美术学院举办新资源·2002设计节

    New Resources · 2002 Design Festival Held in Central Academy of Fine Art

  22. 1977年,爱好文艺的郭雪波考上了北京中央戏剧学院。

    In1977 , Guo Xuebo entered the Central Institute of Drama in Beijing .

  23. 中央美术学院研修班

    Research Class in Central Academy of Fine Arts

  24. 我当时是接管中央美术学院的军代表。

    I was then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts .

  25. 现任中央美术学院油画系第三工作室教授,中国美术家协会会员。

    Currently he is an professor in CAFA , member of Chinese Artists Association .

  26. 1965年毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系。

    Graduated from the Composition Department of the Central Conservatory of Music in 1965 .

  27. 中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展的概况和评论

    The summary of the Third International Theatre Showcase of the Central Academy of Drama

  28. 中央美术学院

    Sculpture Department in Central Academy of Fine Arts

  29. 整个学校就像是(北京)中央音乐学院的一个班。

    The whole school is like one class of the ( Beijing ) conservatory .

  30. 蒋华与李德庚分别执教于中央美术学院设计学院与清华大学美术学院。

    Now Jiang Hua and Li Degeng are the lecturer at CAFA and Tsinghua University .