
  • 网络AmeS;Eames;ems
  1. 胶卷被装在小罐子里,然后送到森尼韦尔的美国国家航空航天局埃姆斯研究中心(NASAAmesResearchCenter),这里离乔布斯家不远。

    The film was dropped in canisters and returned to the NASA Ames Research Center in Sunnyvale , not far from where Jobs lived .

  2. 2010年,该政府为爱荷华州埃姆斯的纽琳基因公司(NewLinkGenetics)发放VSV-EBOV疫苗许可。

    In 2010 , it licensed the vaccine , known as VSV-EBOV , to NewLink Genetics , in Ames , Iowa .

  3. 他在埃姆斯维尔经营他父亲的牛奶公司。

    He ran his father 's dairy in amesville .

  4. 她的名字是苏珊N埃姆斯壮。N是她中间名字的缩写。

    Her name is Susan N.Armstrong . N is the abbreviation of her middle name .

  5. 埃姆斯强调,该协会绝不反对使用音乐(music)技术,特别是在小剧场里,在那演出的制作人承担不起整个(entire)乐队的伴奏费用。

    He stressed that the union was in no way opposed to the use of technology , especially in smaller theatres where the producers could not afford to pay for a full orchestra .

  6. 曾在2004年为英国获得奥运会羽毛球银牌的盖尔埃姆斯(GailEmms)观看了比赛。埃姆斯说,这对羽毛球运动来说是非常令人难堪的事,且有违奥林匹克精神。

    Gail Emms , a 2004 British Olympic badminton silver medallist watching the game , said it was very embarrassing for the sport and was not in the Olympic spirit .

  7. 埃姆斯,埃姆斯,快到前厅去。

    Eames ! Eames , get to the antechamber now !

  8. 原谅我想知道得更具体些埃姆斯。

    Forgive me for wanting a little specificity , Eames .

  9. 埃姆斯,这是你的梦境。

    Eames , this is your dream .

  10. 埃姆斯说:“这就像消费者应该知道他们要买的是什么”。

    " This is about consumers knowing what they are buying into ," he said .

  11. 我去看看埃姆斯。

    I gotta go visit Eames .

  12. 广西泥盆纪早埃姆斯期沉积事件与矿产关系的探讨

    A discussion on the relations between deposition events and the formation of mineral resources during early emsian of Devonian time in Guangxi

  13. 本文讨论了龙门山中段白石苟家大型飞来峰内早埃姆斯期的甘溪组分布及岩性特征。

    The stratigraphy and lithology are discussed for the early Emsian Ganxi Formation within the Baishi Goujia klippe in central Longmen Mountains , Sichuan .

  14. 一般而言,埃姆斯试验操作规程应该符合目前经合组织和欧盟的准则(见一节‘参考’)。

    In general , the Ames test should be performed and interpreted in conformity with existing OECD and EU guidelines ( see section'References ' ) .

  15. 认为区内早埃姆斯期属深水陆棚至深水盆地沉积环境,为龙门山区泥盆纪沉积盆地的性质和演化提供了新资料。

    This new explanation has provided new evidences for the interpretation of the nature and evolution of the Devonian sedimentary basins in the Longmen Mountain area .

  16. 比尔布鲁克是来自加利福尼亚州的开普勒科学首席研究员,他表示说,“开普勒-62E行星和开普勒-62F行星都是看起来可能存在生命的星球”,他在墨菲特地区的美国国家航空航天局埃姆斯研究中心工作。

    Both Kepler-62e and f , " look very good as possibilities for looking for life , " said Bill Borucki , the Kepler science principal investigator , of NASA 's Ames Research Center in Moffet Field , California .