
  • 网络iowa city
  1. 电视和电台采访的个人和群体的作者在广播艾奥瓦城和大学社区。

    Televised and radio interviews with individuals and groups of writers are broadcast in the Iowa City and university communities .

  2. 我和你们的妈妈今天去艾奥瓦城,以便我能更好地治疗。我们一定会充分利用每一个机会。

    Your mother and I went to Iowa City today so I could start treatments . We 'll have to make the best of it .

  3. 1932年,他在艾奥瓦州的石头城创建了一所学校,那儿成了艺术家的聚居地。

    In 1932 , he established a school and artists ' colony in Stone City , Iowa .