
  • 网络Ahmedabad;gujarat;Ahmadabad
  1. 艾哈迈达巴德和金奈等印度城市去年已开始试行3D斑马线。

    In India , cities such as Ahmedabad and Chennai have already experimented with 3D zebra crossings in the last one year .

  2. 该校佳奇商学院(Judgebusinessschool)正在帮助艾哈迈达巴德、卡拉奇和阿布扎比刚起步的商学院打造学术能力,在中国也有类似计划。

    The Judge Business School is helping build academic capacity at fledgling business schools in Ahmedabad , Karachi and Abu Dhabi and has plans to do so in China , too .

  3. 以艾哈迈达巴德为例,今年前几个月,一对艺术家母女就绘制出了3D人行道。

    In Ahmedabad for instance , a mother-daughter artist duo has painted 3D crosswalks in the first few months of 2016 .

  4. RanganathNavalgund是印度艾哈迈达巴德的印度空间研究组织空间应用中心的主任。

    Ranganath Navalgund is director of the Space Applications Centre at the Indian Space Research Organisation in Ahmedabad , India .

  5. 位于艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)的印度管理学院堪称印度最著名的商学院。负责课程的院长阿贾伊堠迪(AjayPandey)称,该校计划提高学生的入学年龄并增加工作经验要求。

    At IIM Ahmedabad , arguably the most prestigious business school in India , there are plans to push up the entry age and work experience of students , says Ajay Pandey , dean for programmes .

  6. 受到位于艾哈迈达巴德的SiddiSyed寺的启发,印度馆入口处设立了一个刻有生命之树字样的拱形门。

    Highlight 1 : Tree of Life The entrance to the pavilion is through a vaulted portal with the " Tree of Life " carving inspired by the " Siddi Syed Mosque " at Ahmedabad .

  7. 在印度,新兴城市包括班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德和金奈。

    India 's rising urban centers include Bangalore , Ahmedabad and Chennai .

  8. 最新的袭击目标是古吉特拉邦首府艾哈迈达巴德。

    The latest target : the capital of the state of Gujarat .

  9. 在新德里发生9月13号的爆炸事件之前,班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德和斋浦尔最近都发生过爆炸事件。

    The September 13 attacks in the capital followed recent bomb blasts in Bangalore , Ahmedabad and Jaipur .

  10. 班加罗尔的爆炸只造成一人死亡,但是艾哈迈达巴德的爆炸造成的伤亡人数要多得多。

    While only one person died in the Bangalore bombings , the number of dead and injured in Ahmedabad is much higher .

  11. 警方表示,本月初在艾哈迈达巴德,有超过100人在饮用假酒后死亡,另外有超过200人因此生病。

    In Ahmedabad this month , police said more than 100 people died and more than 200 were sickened after drinking tainted alcohol .

  12. 该服务现已覆盖包括新德里、印多尔、班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德、浦那、科印巴托尔和钦奈这7座印度城市。

    Its service is now available in seven Indian cities , including New Delhi , Indore , Bangalore , Ahmedabad , Pune , Coimbatore and Chennai .

  13. 白宫表示,特朗普将前往印度新德里以及总理莫迪的故乡古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德市。

    The White House says Trump will travel to New Delhi and Ahmedabad , a city in Indian Prime Minister Modi 's home state of Gujarat .

  14. 他们说,他也曾经帮助实施了在艾哈迈达巴德和斋浦尔的爆炸袭击,这两个城市近几个月来都发生过连环爆炸。

    They say he also helped in carrying out bomb attacks in Ahmedabad and Jaipur-two other cities that have been hit by serial blasts in recent months .

  15. 这些新的研究结果来自“积雪和冰川研究”项目,该项目由印度艾哈迈达巴德市的空间应用中心承担,得到了政府的资助。

    The new results come from the " Snow and Glacier Studies " project , undertaken with government support by the Space Applications Centre ( SAC ) in Ahmedabad .

  16. 阿富汗指责巴基斯坦情报部门策划了攻击活动。印度媒体指责伊斯兰堡是上周在班加罗尔和艾哈迈达巴德发生的系列炸弹爆炸事件背后的黑手。

    Afghanistan blamed the attack on the Pakistani intelligence service , and Indian media have pointed a finger at Islamabad for being behind last week 's serial bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad .

  17. 上一次公厕,奖励1卢比印度艾哈迈达巴德市政当局规定,公民每到公厕撒尿一次,就可得到1卢比的奖励,意在防止人们在路边随处排便,造成严重的公共健康隐患。

    A rupee for a real pee The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation in India is offering people a rupee for a pee in public toilets to prevent them from defecating on footpaths and posing a major public health risk .