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  • folium artemisiae argyi
艾叶[ài yè]
  1. 研究背景:艾叶为菊科植物艾蒿ArtemisiaargyiLevl。

    Background : Folium Artemisiae Argyi is the dry leaf of Artemisia argyi levl .

  2. 与功效、毒性相关的艾叶化学成分研究进展

    Research Development on Chemical Compositions of Folium Artemisiae Argyi Related with Efficacy and Toxicity

  3. 今年的端午,我们家挂上艾叶,包好粽子。

    Dragon Boat Festival this year , we put Artemisia argyi home , wrap dumplings .

  4. 浓度为100%的艾叶精油1h可杀灭全部蠕形螨。

    All the mites were killed by 100 % of P-Cymene within one hour .

  5. 广西产艾叶挥发油成分GC-MS研究

    Study on Chemical Constituents of the Volatile Oil from Artemisia argyi of Guangxi by GC / MS

  6. 采取超临界CO2、微波和水蒸气蒸馏三种方法提取艾叶挥发油,利用GC-MS分析了不同方法提取的艾叶挥发油指纹图谱。

    The volatile oils of the leaves from Artemisia argyi were obtained with supercritical CO2 . microwave and stream distillation .

  7. 艾叶挥发油β-环糊精包合物的热分析谱与TLC层析谱和β环糊精、β环糊精与挥发油的物理混合物有很大的差别;

    The DTA spectrum and TLC showed difference among inclusion complex , β - cyclodextrin and physical mixture .

  8. 艾叶(Artemisiaeargyi)为菊科(Asteraceae)蒿属(Artemisia)植物,主要分布于亚洲东部地区,普遍生长于路旁荒野、草地。

    The Artemisiae argyi belongs to Asteraceae Artemisia vegetation , mainly in the eastern region of Asia . It generally grows at the roadside wilderness and grass .

  9. 乙基纤维素-艾叶粉溶液微胶囊的制备及缓释性能研究

    Preparation and Controlled-release Study of Ethyl Cellulose-moxa Leaf Powder Solution Microcapsules

  10. 艾叶中抑菌物质的提取及抑菌作用研究

    Study on extraction and antimicrobial effect of the leaf of moxa

  11. 甘肃艾叶类药材的原植物调查及资源分布

    Original Plant investigation and Resource Distribution of Artemisia Medicinal Materials in Gansu

  12. 目的:研究复方艾叶油乳膏的兔皮肤毒性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the cutaneous toxicity of Compound p-cymene cream .

  13. 有的地方,还在煮大蒜和鸡蛋时放几片艾叶。

    Some places put a few pieces leaves when cooking garlic and eggs .

  14. 活性离子水提取艾叶挥发油的研究

    A study of essential oil extracted by active ion water from Folium Artemisiae Argyi

  15. 不同品种艾叶挥发油的化学成分分析

    Analysis of the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Artemisiae argyi of different regions

  16. 艾叶提取物消毒气雾剂的毒理学评价

    Toxicological assessment of an aerosol disinfectant

  17. 主要成份:皮脂吸附粒、黑头乳化剂、珊瑚粉末、金缕梅原液、艾叶精华。

    Main compositions : Coral powder , Fatabsorption particle , blackhead emulsifier , hamamelis essence , Mugwort essence .

  18. 在临床上,艾叶被广泛应用于治疗妇科疾病、呼吸道疾病。

    On clinical , Ye is widely applied in the treatment gynecology department disease , the respiratory disease .

  19. 阳虚肾虚者宜温补肾阳如艾叶、续断、鹿角霜等。

    Treat deficiency of kidney-yang with herbs that can warm kidney-yang , such as mugwort leaf , Teasel etc.

  20. 以花椒、艾叶、烟叶、雄黄为原料,研究具有抑菌、驱蚊功能的基元材料。

    To study the effectiveness of Chinese medicinal herbs as mosquito repellents , as well as their antibacterial properties .

  21. 随著时代的进步,对艾叶的研究和应用更全面深入。

    Along with the time progress , is more comprehensive thoroughly to the leaf 's research and the application .

  22. 在临床应用方面,艾叶广泛应用如支气管炎、肺结核、感冒等。

    In clinical practice aspect , leaf widespread application like bronchitis , pulmonary tuberculosis , cold and so on .

  23. 目的研究不同型号大孔树脂纯化艾叶总黄酮的工艺条件及参数。

    Aim To study the technology for purification of total flavonoids from artemisia argyi with different types of macroporous resin .

  24. 针刺配合艾叶熏洗治疗外阴瘙痒28例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 28 Cases of Pruritus Vulvae Treated with Acupuncture Combined with Fumigation and Washing with Chinese Mugwort Leaf

  25. 艾叶最佳采收时间及水法提取总黄酮工艺研究超声提取鬼灯檠中岩白菜素的最佳工艺研究

    Study on the Extraction Technology by Water Method of Total Flavones from Chinese mugwort Leaves and Their Optimum Harvest Time

  26. 结论:综上结果表明艾叶油具有支气管扩张、镇咳和祛痰作用,是一个从中药中提取的安全有效的支气管哮喘和慢性气管炎治疗药物。

    CONCLUSION : These results indicate that oil of Artemisia argyi has a certain pharmacological effects on bronchodilatation , antitussive and expectorant .

  27. 艾叶提取物α-萜品烯醇对哮喘小鼠气道炎症及外周血Th1/Th2平衡的影响

    Effects of Alpha-Terpineol Isolated from Folium Artemisiae Argyi on Airway Inflammation and Blood Th1 / Th2 Balance in a Mouse Model of Asthma

  28. 结果利用显微鉴别可鉴别出妇康宁片中白芍、三七、香附、艾叶、当归;

    Results Radix Paeoniae Alba , Radix Notoginseng , Rhizoma Cyperi Folimu Artemisiae Argyi and Radix Angelicae Sinensis can be identified by microscopic identification ;

  29. 结论:《艾灸通说》在艾叶的加工、艾绒的制作、艾炷的大小都有一定的技术标准。

    Conclusion Processing of argyi leaf , manufacture of mugwort floss and size of moxa cone have a certain technique standards in the book .

  30. 采用正交设计法,以总黄酮含量及传统外观质量标准为评价指标,综合评分,优选出醋艾叶炮制工艺。

    Choosing traditional outward appearance and content of total flavonoids as indicators , the best processing technology of FAA was ascertained by using orthogonal design method .