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qǐ lì
  • beautiful;gorgeous;enchanting
绮丽 [qǐ lì]
  • [beautiful;enchanting] 鲜艳美丽

  • 春天的西湖显得格外绮丽

绮丽[qǐ lì]
  1. 他写了诗体绮丽的长诗《维纳斯与阿童尼》献给好友索桑普敦勋爵,

    He wrote his beautiful long poem , Venus and Adonis , for his friend Lord Southampton ,

  2. 如今,它与当地多彩的民族文化、绮丽的自然风景一起,成为当地宝贵的旅游资源。

    This , together with colorful local culture and beautiful natural scenery , becomes precious local tourist resources .

  3. 晨雾中,夏洛的网显得异常的绮丽。

    On foggy mornings , Charlotte 's web was truly a thing of beauty .

  4. 人们是怎样描绘桂林绮丽的风景的?

    How do people describe depict the picturesque scenery in guilin ?

  5. 变色绮丽绸新产品印花技术

    Printing Technique about the New Products of Discolored Damask Silk

  6. 由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。

    Since the Bali 10000 kinds of customs , scenery is lai .

  7. 那真是无法描绘的绮丽风光。

    The scene was one of indescribable beauty .

  8. 在德国与法国的交界处景色绮丽。

    There are majestic vistas of the landscape near germany 's border with france .

  9. 今年49年的蕾珍·绮丽住在巴西的阿雷格里港。

    Rejane Chili is 49 years old and lives in Porto Alegre , Brazil .

  10. 绮丽绰京:你杀不了我,你太不舍得我了。

    Elektra king : you can 't kill me , you would miss me too much .

  11. 大海也随着潮汐着色彩,时而翠微,时而碧蓝,展现出一个迷人的绮丽世界。

    An enchanting world where the ocean turned from emerald to aquamarine with the changing tides .

  12. 骊山不仅以风光绮丽闻名,更有温泉著称。

    Mount Li is not just well-known for its picturesque scenery but also for its hot springs .

  13. 紫禁城有4个富丽堂皇的大门,在城四角矗立着风格绮丽的角楼。

    The ForBidden City has four imposing gates and at each comer is an exquisitely designed watch tower .

  14. 从古至今,自然界中的水是自然景观中的绮丽的角色。

    From ancient times till now , in the nature water is in the natural landscape beautiful role .

  15. 其风格对晚唐的绮丽派有深刻的影响力。

    And this kind of style had a great influence on the beautiful school in the late Tang Dynasty .

  16. 她不断地吐露相思和爱慕,为她的向往作了徒劳而绮丽的追寻。

    She keeps on pouring out her love and lovesickness in her beautiful but fruitless pursuit of her yearning .

  17. 这一切决定了魏晋南北朝文学创作的趋同性和绮丽繁华的城市品格。

    And all these determined the general trend in literature production and the urban quality and style of literature .

  18. 自然的和绮丽的&萧红张爱玲小说语言、色彩比较

    On Styles of Simplicity and Gorgeousness & Compare ZHANG Ai-ling 's Fictional Language and Colour With XIAO Hong 's

  19. 漫步狭窄的街道或闲荡到一间小食店找个位子坐下慢慢尽情享受这个城市的绮丽风光。

    Stroll along the narrow streets or linger over a meal to soak up the feeling of the city .

  20. 课程在可爱的古老庄园Northcourt进行,周围自然风光绮丽。

    It is based at Northcourt , a lovely old manor house in an area of outstanding natural beauty .

  21. 爱上了这个春天,爱上了这份运动。背上行囊,走出家门,伴清风斜雨,登绮丽山峰。

    Taking adventure bag , walking out of family , going forward with soft wind and rain , climbing beautiful mountains .

  22. 他以阳刚、气壮为美,极力抵制绮丽柔媚的浮艳文风。

    He by positive just , was mad that strongly for beautiful , resists the beautiful gentle flowery literary style vigorously .

  23. 美:一道绮丽的风景,不是吗?别担心,你很快也会加入它们的。

    Medusa : wonderful sights , weren 't they ? Don 't worry , you 'll be joining them soon enough .

  24. 她的伙伴似乎热衷于体能耐力的考验,她却偏爱欣赏绮丽的自然风光,以及与当地人接触。

    Her partner seemed intent on testing his stamina , while she preferred admiring the fantastic scenery and meeting the locals .

  25. 是否,你已把我珍藏,不然为何微笑总在装饰我的梦,留下绮丽的幻想。

    Have you cherished me or not , otherwise why you leave my a beautiful illusion and smile or ornaments my dream .

  26. 一幅清新、明快、绮丽、和谐的图画&《晚登三山还望京邑》解读

    A Fresh , Bright , Gorgeous and Harmonious Picture & A critic of Climb San Mountain and See the Capital City at Night

  27. 在深达近千米的海底,生长着大片绮丽的珊瑚礁、婀娜多姿的海星和黄褐色的海胆。

    On the sea bed at depths of up to3,000ft are vast coral reefs , forests of willowy feather-stars and russet-red sea urchins .

  28. 微胶囊技术应用到纺织品上可以赋予纺织品绮丽的外观、宜人的香气、保暖的特性、阻燃的功效等等。

    With application on microcapsule technology in textile , it will give nice look , pleasant fragrance , warmness and flameproofness of textiles .

  29. 如果你已经是勃纳·诀克夫人了,那么就把我这封信看作是对一场不可能实现的,美好绮丽的恋爱依依不舍的赞美词。

    If you are Lady Burnewilke by now , take my letter as a wistful farewell compliment to an unlikely and wonderful love .

  30. 颐和园规模宏大,布局精巧,建筑华美,风光绮丽,是中国现存的最富丽的古典园林。

    With its perfect layout , magnificent Buildings and enchanting landscape , the Summer Palace is the most splendid classical garden in China .