
  • 网络ayer;A J Ayer
  1. 综合命题和分析命题的区分也是艾耶尔逻辑实证论的一个基石。

    Comprehensive analysis of proposition and the distinction between propositions of logical positivism is a cornerstone for Ayer .

  2. 他试图通过区分这两种不同的分歧,以克服艾耶尔无法解释真实道德分歧的缺陷。

    He tried to distinguish these two differences , in order to fix out that Ayer can not explain the real moral differences .

  3. 道德的客观性何以可能?评普特南的道德客观性思想及其与逻辑实证主义的分歧事实与价值的分离与融通艾耶尔与普特南的观点与启示

    How Is Moral Objectivity Possible ? The Division and Fusion of Fact and Value

  4. 艾耶尔提出:我们直接感知到的是感觉予料,以此还为经验知识找到了感觉予料陈述作为不可错的基础。

    Ayer insists : ' What we directly perceive are sense-data ' , and furthermore , he produces the incorrigible foundations for the empirical knowledge .

  5. 曾经有个时期,他似乎赞同艾耶尔的观点,只有那些能够被经验和科学证明的观点才是真正重要的观点。

    He appears to have shared for a time AJ Ayer 's assertion that the only significant propositions are those that can be empirically or scientifically verified .

  6. 艾耶尔将道德判断仅仅归结为情感表达,因此,面临无法解释真实的道德分歧的困惑。

    Ayer just define the moral judgment is emotional expression , therefore , it is hard to explain the confusion of the real moral differences in the real world .

  7. 斯蒂文森澄清了情感主义者本身的一些模糊说法,同时也对艾耶尔、卡尔纳普等人的某些观点作了修正,使情感主义的理论趋向温和。

    Stevenson clarifies some vague statements the emotionalists raised , he also amend some of the ideas that Ayer , Carnap and some other people hold , so as to make the theory of emotionalism tend to be moderate .