- 网络language pair

An Analysis of Extended Petri Nets with Signal Language
Make Use of C # Carry Out the Most Short-circuit Path of City to Search Calculate Way
The Discussion on the Significance of Teaching Matlab Programming Language in Colleges and Universities
The paper resolves the Neugebauer equation by the C language . The program improves precision and general - unility .
Visual Basic programmable language is to process , send , and store the data , and then show them out directly .
Ability to query the data using an object-oriented query language : Object Constraint Language ( OCL )
Matters Need Attention When Using VHDL to Develop FPGA and CPLD Chips
The impact pressure on the surface of product and the flowing velocity were calculated by hydromechanics theory , and the calculation process was programmed by language C.
The finite element analysis is parameterized with the APDL language of ANSYS .
Adopting the Matlab language to program and solve BP Network model of farm land nature quality mark computing and optimized model .
Application of VHDL Language in Describing and Simulating 8051
This optimization model takes into account the heterogeneity of oil layer and the influence of partition board in reservoir . The model is come true by Visual Basic language .
In this thesis , VHDL hardware description language was applied to program FPGA to realize high accurate pulse generator .
While you can use PHP to create command-line scripts for such tasks as systems administration and traditional data processing , the language predominantly powers Web applications .
One hybrid cooperation-oriented agent structure is presented , and it is described in Z language , at the same time agent realization in Java class is introduced .
The virtual assembly and interference examination of the wainscot extrusion dies have been realized by exploitation language Solid Works , hence shorter part design cycle and lower production cost and meeting demands of customer .
Firstly , we improve the arithmetic of FIR filter . Then we design each module of the audio processing chip by VHDL .
Lastly , case study of Shenzhen Tobacco Company is presented by means of DYNAMO language .
In this paper , simulation of the bank operation was conducted by using the basic theories and method of dispersed incident and system simulation , the data type of queue in data structure and Visual Basic language .
The hardware IP core based on FPGA for the full function I 2C bus controller is implemented in VHDL , and an application result is given .
Based on MATLAB language , the starting performance of an induction machine with compound cage rotor is calculated by simulation and the result of simulation is consentaneous with practical result basically .
This paper uses xml language to describe the employment of resources and gives a description format and a implementation of the key issues in employment resources Information publishing and employment resources information searching system .
Graphics processing module generates SVG graphics files imported into webpage templates with primitive database and completes interactive operations using JavaScript and DOM scripting language .
Complex program logic device ( CPLD ) has been chosen as the hardware design platform , driving schedule generator has been described with VHDL .
In the process of designation , PCI interface controller is applied in the programming of FPGA and Verilog HDL is used to describe the language .
Based on Object Oriented Programming , I designed Virtual Circuit module of prototype SU router and coded its function with C + + in linux kernel .
In this thesis , we use shader language to program the GPU to achieve shallow flat water effect .
According to the requirement of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization ( MDO ) Problem description in Virtual Prototype Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Framework ( VPMDOF ), the Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) was used to describe MDO problem models .
This article describes the optimum control of vibration system of the CPT with linear quadratic by MATLAB , and the analysis of optimum parameter of controller .
On the basic of self-developed 2D parametric design system of thin film evaporator , the 3D parametric design and virtual assembling design of thin film evaporator were realized by the development of SolidWorks based on Visual Basic .