
  • 网络language conflicts;linguistic conflict
  1. 美国教育史上出现过三种文化冲突:宗教冲突、语言冲突、种族冲突。

    Three types of cultural conflicts have occurred in the history of American education , they are religious conflict , linguistic conflict and Americanization .

  2. 但是由于存在文化冲突、心理冲突和语言冲突等因素,目前的少数民族人才的外语水平与现实需求之间的差距很大。

    Cultural , psychological and language conflicting result in the low level of their foreign languages .

  3. 目前基于策略网络管理的研究工作主要集中两个方面:策略规则研究,包括策略定义语言,冲突检测等研究工作;

    At present , most researches on policy-based network management focuses on two aspects : policy rule research and policy-based network management system .

  4. 但是,如果它与保留的关键字或语言关键字冲突,则会为标识符添加转义码格式设置,以区别于关键字。

    But , if it conflicts with reserved or language keywords , has escape code formatting added to differentiate the identifier from the keyword .

  5. 测试标识符是否与保留关键字或语言关键字冲突,如果冲突,则返回一个不冲突的有效标识符名称。

    Tests whether the identifier conflicts with reserved or language keywords , and if so , returns a valid identifier name that does not conflict .

  6. 鬼还是两种不同文化及语言系统冲突给华裔后代身份认同带来的紧张与矛盾的象征。

    In the process of identity seeking for Chinese Americans , " ghost " also serves as the symbol of anxieties and dilemma made by the conflicts between different languages and cultures .

  7. 首先,对于戏剧语言、情节冲突和人物形象等进行鉴赏式阅读。

    Firstly , appreciating reading is used for the drama language , plot conflicts and characters .

  8. 在人们日常交际过程中,冲突话语是一种复杂而普遍的语言现象,冲突话语也称为话语冲突。

    In daily communication , conflict talk is a common but complex linguistic phenomenon . Conflict talk is also known as the adversative episode .

  9. 然后对基于策略管理的研究现状进行综述,主要包括策略定义、体系结构、策略语言、策略冲突检测、策略的实现模型以及基于策略管理目前的进展情况6个方面;

    After that , the current situation of research in policy based management is overviewed , including policy definition , the architecture of policy-based management , policy language , the conflict detection of policy , policy implementation model , and the recent process .

  10. 赞比亚一些工会领导人说,除工资差异外,语言差异以及文化冲突也是造成劳资矛盾的重要原因。

    Some Zambian union leaders say language gaps and culture clashes are as much to blame for labor frictions as wage differences .

  11. 在跨文化的背景下,除了学习和生活上可能碰到的问题之外,由于语言差异、文化冲突等因素导致的留学生群体在华生活的心理问题也日益显现。

    Besides the problems encountered in study and life , the cross-cultural mental depression problems caused by factors such as language differences and cultural conflicts has gradually appeared .

  12. 同时,他们将《降临》的预告片摆上了首页,上面的说明是“语言是一场冲突中双方最先使用的武器。”

    In the meantime , they 've pinned the " Arrival " trailer to the top of their page with the caption , " Language is the first weapon drawn in a conflict . "

  13. 针对语言与文化的冲突对学生语言交流能力和理解能力的影响,提出了在英语语言教学中进行文化对比的一些思考。

    The paper focuses on the influence of the conflicts of language and culture on students ' communication and comprehension ability , and puts forward some thoughts on culture contrast in language teaching and learning .

  14. 网络语言与传统语言的规范冲突和它的负面影响对语文教学产生了冲击。

    The conflict and the opposite effect between the net language and the traditional language develops a collision to Chinese teaching .

  15. 研究表明文学语言与普通语言之间没有冲突,将语言学研究方法与英语文学作品的研究相结合是科学有效的研究方法。

    It turns out that there is no contradiction between " literary language " and " ordinary language " and it is an efficient approach to study language in English literary works by virtue of linguistic methods like DA .

  16. 研究重点与难点是如何处理各语言集团之间的语言差异与冲突;

    And its key point and difficulty of study is how to deal with the language difference and conflict among different language groups .

  17. 本文认为:要解决立法语言中所存在的问题,应从语言冲突、语言逻辑、语言结构、语体风格等四个方面着手;

    The author has come to the conclusion that , to resolve the problem existed in the legal language , we must embark from four aspects , i.e. language confliction , language logic , language structure , style of the type of writing ;

  18. 21世纪,中国写意重彩艺术绘画语言仍在本土传统语言和西方现代语言的冲突与融合中进行着。

    In the twentieth century , The Chinese heavy color painting language is still in process under the circumstance of the confliction and fusion of local traditional language and western modern language .

  19. 现在我们再次看到了面向对象语言(此次是Java)和函数式语言之间的冲突。

    Today we are seeing echoes of that conflict with object ( Java this time ) and functional languages .

  20. 现行的规范性法律文件中普遍存在着语言表述上的问题,这些问题较明显地体现为语言的冲突、语言逻辑的错误、语言内部结构的不规范和语体风格的误区。

    It is quite a prevalent drawback that problems in linguistic expression are always found in legislative documents in current operation , which include contradictions , logic errors , structural incorrectness , and stylistic anomalies .

  21. 合同正式语言为英语,当与合同中包含的任何文件的另一语言版本相冲突时,相关文件的英文版本优先。

    The official language of the contract is English and in the event of any conflict with another language version of any document comprised in the contract the English version of the document concerned shall take precedence .

  22. 不同文化环境下网络语言有着很大的悬殊,这种悬殊其实体现出网络语言作为后现代的审美和现代语言的文化冲突。

    The network language varies greatly in different cultural environments , and the varieties embody the conflict between the network language as post modern aesthetics and the culture of modern language .

  23. 不同的非语言行为在不同的文化背景下所表示的内含不尽相同,跨文化交际中的非语言交际的冲突也日益显露。

    Since different nonverbal behaviors have different meanings in different cultures , conflicts are unavoidable .