
  • 网络White chocolate;White;J-WILL;Chocolate
  1. 同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。

    Meanwhile , melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water

  2. 我喜欢白巧克力,因为它的口味如此香甜,吃的时候总让我欲罢不能。

    I adore white chocolate , as it has such a sweet taste and I always feel very wicked when eating it .

  3. ConfiteriaRialto已经卖酥脆精美的马尔科纳杏仁白巧克力华夫饼(250克售价12欧元)卖了80多年。

    Confiteria Rialto has been selling crisp and delicate Marcona-almond and chocolate moscovita wafers ( 250 grams for 12 euros ) for more than 80 years .

  4. 这款名叫Scoff-eeCup的杯子是用饼干做成的,饼干外包着一层可食用糖纸和一层隔热白巧克力。这样既能为咖啡保温,也能让杯子吃起来香脆可口。

    The cup , named the ' Scoff-ee Cup ' is made from biscuit , wrapped in sugar paper and then lined with a layer of heat-resistant white chocolate to keep the coffee hot and the cup crispy .

  5. 倒好后,在上面撒上巧克力和白巧克力。

    Immediately sprinkle milk chocolate and white chocolate morsels over top ;

  6. 我知道有些人认为不值得一吃白巧克力。

    I know some that think White Chocolate isn 't worth eating .

  7. 歧视小小的白巧克力是很遗憾的罪行。

    Discriminating against little white pillows of heaven is a sorry crime .

  8. 我们想点白巧克力慕斯蛋糕及二副叉子。

    We 'll have the White Chocolate Mousse Cake with two forks please .

  9. 一款带有生奶油的超大杯白巧克力摩卡,每杯含有18茶匙的糖;

    A venti white chocolate mocha with whipped cream has 18 teaspoons of sugar ;

  10. 在白巧克力中,不含有可卡。

    White chocolate doesn 't contain cocoa .

  11. 哎呀,你真是应该尝尝上星期她做的白巧克力蛋糕。

    Oh , you should have tasted the white chocolate cake she made last week .

  12. 由70%牛奶、20%黑巧克力和10%白巧克力制成的巧克力饼状图,重5.5盎司。

    5 oz chart made of70 % milk , 20 % dark and10 % white chocolate .

  13. 白巧克力和牛奶巧克力虽然保存不了这么久,不过它们也很耐久的。

    White and milk chocolate will not keep for as long , but they are surprisingly robust .

  14. 新鲜的烘焙夏威夷果仁和润滑的香草奶油美妙地组合在一起,外表铺着白巧克力。

    An incredible combination of fresh roasted macadamia nuts and creamy vanilla filling coated with white chocolate .

  15. 所以这时的我在白巧克力中加入了可可粉,提醒我打起精神努力学习。

    So I add some cocoa into my white chocolate , and remind me to work harder .

  16. 它的高价咖啡饮品有着诸如冰薄荷白巧克力摩卡以及双巧克力碎屑法布其诺之类的名字。

    Its high-priced coffee drinks have names like Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha and Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino .

  17. 我不得不承认,我的早餐就是一小杯白巧克力摩卡咖啡。

    I hate to admit it , but a skinny white-chocolate mocha is my staple in the morning .

  18. 高含量的黄烷醇被发现存在于黑巧克力当中,但在牛奶巧克力和白巧克力中则相对要少很多。

    High levels of flavanols are found in dark chocolate but less so in milk or white chocolate .

  19. 最好的办法是通过传授风味的巧克力和白巧克力通常与百奇。

    The best way to impart the flavours was via chocolate and white chocolate is usually used with Pocky .

  20. 适宜:白巧克力,未成熟的奶酪,冰酸奶和牛奶。

    O.K.to try : white chocolate , non-aged cheeses such as cottage or American , frozen yogurt and milk .

  21. 我知道市中心的一家店有卖杏仁白巧克力。很好吃。

    Alice : I know of a store downtown that sells white chocolate with almond . It tastes delicious .

  22. 吃了这个数量巧克力的人们结果要比那些吃白巧克力的人们的血压更低。

    People who ate that amount ended up with lower blood pressure readings than those who ate white chocolate .

  23. 如果你喜欢牛奶巧克力(也叫白巧克力)小糖果胜过那种黑巧克力的,你最好还是改变一下。

    If you favor those milk chocolate bon-bons over the dark variety , you might be better off switching .

  24. 比较黑巧克力和白巧克力的优劣就像一只小狗试图抓到自己的尾巴那样可笑。

    Comparing the benefits of dark versus white chocolate , is like a dog trying to catch its own tail .

  25. 天秤座会买两盒巧克力,一盒白巧克力,一盒纯巧克力;一盒给你,一盒留给自己。

    LIBRA : Chooses two boxes of chocolates , white and dark ; one for you , one for them .

  26. 钳子和扳手们,都是用白巧克力做的哦。

    The set features a pair of pliers , a couple of spanners and a wrench all beautifully cast in milk chocolate .

  27. 黑巧克力能够提高血液中抗氧化剂的含量,有助于预防心脏病,而白巧克力则不能。

    Eating dark chocolate but not milk chocolate raises levels of antioxidant in the blood , which could help protect against heart disease .

  28. 冰淇淋、奶酪蛋糕、奶油干酪片、白巧克力、拿铁饮料和热巧克力等等都可以添加抹茶。

    Matcha is being used in ice cream , cheese-cakes , cream cheese spreads , white chocolate , latte beverages , hot chocolate etc.

  29. 这个绰号为“白巧克力”的男人,他的有些动作是很少有组织后卫敢于尝试的。

    The man nicknamed " White Chocolate " had a mastery of the moves that few point guards had the audacity to attempt .

  30. 现有白巧克力、牛奶巧克力还有黑巧克力口味,每个“康伯兔”都配有22克拉的黄金小领结和闪粉。

    Available in white , milk and dark chocolate each ' Cumberbunny ' comes complete with an edible 22 carat gold bow-tie and lustre dust .