
bái gē
  • pigeon
白鸽[bái gē]
  1. 好的,先生感谢你的忠诚,白鸽托迪。或者我该称呼你老板

    Thank you for your loyalty , Pigeon Toady.Or should I say boss .

  2. 一会儿,白鸽和山鸠连骨头都被吃得精光,大家都说很好吃。

    Then the pigeon and ringdove were devoured to the bones and declared excellent .

  3. 白鸽被看成是和平的象征。

    The white dove is looked upon as the symbol of peace .

  4. 为白鸽颈间系上黑纱,

    Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves ,

  5. 在它周边,一只白鸽飞翔,永恒地环绕着。

    Around it , a white dove flies , forever circling .

  6. 山或海,日或夜,乌鸦或者白鸽,

    The mountain or the sea , the day or night ,

  7. 山或海,日或夜,乌鸦或者白鸽

    The mountain or the sea , the day or night

  8. 在这对新人说完“我愿意”的誓言之后,顷刻间80只白鸽被放飞到空中。

    Eighty white doves were released moments after the couple said'I do ' .

  9. 因此白鸽的翅膀将再次触及我们的世界。

    So the wing of the white dove will touch our world again .

  10. 一只白鸽要飞跃几重大海。

    How many seas must a white dove sail .

  11. 白鸽是和平的象征。

    The dove is the symbol of peace .

  12. 白玫瑰&一只白鸽。

    And the white rose is a dove .

  13. 白鸽象徵著和平与希望。

    The white dove represents peace and hope .

  14. 亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。

    Armenia : Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness .

  15. 吴宇森拍戏之前,有没有人放白鸽?

    Before John Woo did it , who would bring pigeons to the set ?

  16. 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

    P > May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight .

  17. 圣火点燃以后,下一个仪式是放飞白鸽。

    The lighting of the Olympic Flame was followed by a symbolic release of pigeons .

  18. 你能要爸爸在圣诞节时送我白鸽吗?

    D : Will you ask Dad to give me a white dove for Christmas ?

  19. 白鸽象征着和平。

    A dove is symbolic of peace .

  20. 有些人放出白鸽,其中一只鸽子停在她的肩头。

    Some released white doves , one of which flew to perch on Benazir 's shoulder .

  21. 小白鸽低下头开始在灰堆里拣起来,一颗一颗地拣,不停地拣!

    The pigeons nodded their heads and began to pick , pick , pick , pick .

  22. 用一只白鸽将它承载,带到你等待的地方。

    It will be carried by a white dove , To the land where you stay .

  23. 它既然无法在白鸽当中得到食物,只得再回到穴乌群里去。

    Failing to obtain food among the Doves , he betook himself again to the Jackdaws .

  24. 一只白鸽要飞越多少海洋,才可以安睡在沙滩上?

    And how many seas must the white dove sail , before she sleeped in the sand ?

  25. 这种爱情是一种百合花瓣和白鸽羽毛的收藏。

    This sort of love is a recollection of lily petals and the plumage of the dove .

  26. 他们举着标语牌,上面写着“战争不解决问题”,并送给部长一只白鸽。

    They hoisted placards saying " war 's no solution " and presented the minister with a white dove .

  27. 在动物中,一个生来要成为白鸽的生物是从来不会变成猛禽的。

    Never , even among animals , does the creature born to be a dove change into an osprey .

  28. 我叩求外国的白鸽也佩带中国的桃花,盛满和平的祝语,飞翔宇宙。

    I beg foreign white doves would fly to the universe taking Chinese peach blossom with bless of peace .

  29. 海鸥鸽式喷泉工艺独特结构巧妙纵向摇摆灵活,水姿轻颖优美,似海上鸥鸟飞波逐浪、又似云中白鸽展翅飞舞。

    Its jetting water gesture is graceful and beautiful like seagull flying over the sea and pigeon gliding in air .

  30. 如果你是一只白鸽,我愿是你脚下的风铃守护着你。

    If you are a white pigeon , I wish to be the bells under your foot to protect you ;