
  • 网络christmas dinner;Christmas feast
  1. 下午一点,圣诞大餐出炉了。

    At about one o'clock in the afternoon , the Christmas dinner is brought in .

  2. 这算得上是今年杭州最贵一个档次的圣诞大餐。

    This can be regarded as the most expensive Christmas dinner this year in Hangzhou .

  3. 有没有人愿意拿肯德基(KFC)当圣诞大餐?在日本,人们会响亮地回答“有”。

    KFC for that special Christmas meal , anyone ? In Japan , the answer is a resounding yes .

  4. 据称,火鸡肉首次取代诸如孔雀肉、野猪肉、鹅肉等的肉类发生在十六世纪,在英国国王亨利八世(KingHenrytheVIII)把火鸡肉纳入他的圣诞大餐之后。

    In England it first replaced meats such as peacock , boar and goose in the 16th-century , after King Henry the VIII was said to have dined on turkey as part of his Christmas feast .

  5. 西德尼和以斯帖正在规划一顿12个人的圣诞大餐。

    Sidney and Esther are planning a Christmas lunch for12 people .

  6. 但所有家庭都有一顿丰盛的圣诞大餐?通常在中午。

    But all families have a huge Christmas dinner-usually at midday .

  7. 可惜突然间他们不得不与我们的《横扫千军》共享圣诞大餐了。

    Suddenly , they were forced to share Christmas with Total Annihilation .

  8. 你们愿意来我家共进圣诞大餐么?

    Would you like to come to our house for Christmas supper ?

  9. 我以为你要赶着去做圣诞大餐。

    Thought you had aChristmas dinner to cook .

  10. 为准备圣诞大餐,他们一直忙着给杀好的家禽清洗、去毛。

    They 'd been busy cleaning and plucking the birds for the Christmas feast .

  11. 互联网如何分享圣诞大餐

    How does Internet share the Christmas Market

  12. 我们家通常喜欢到饭店去享用圣诞大餐。

    Our family normally like to go to the hotel to enjoy the Christmas feast .

  13. 如今大多数家庭在这个时候开始享用圣诞大餐的第一部分。

    Nowadays most families take the first part of their Christmas meal at this point .

  14. 想象一下我们圣诞大餐的情形吧。

    You can imagine the Christmas dinners .

  15. 今年47岁的安迪帕克在过去的17年里,每天都要吃圣诞大餐。

    Andy Park , 47 , has eaten Christmas dinner every day for the past 17 years .

  16. 我们正在策划一次圣诞大餐,那会很棒。

    And we are planning a couple of very big meals , that , that will be great .

  17. 尽管加了大量香料的肉类和水果盘并不仅仅是圣诞大餐,也是整个冬季的奢侈食品。

    Though the highly spiced meat and fruit dishes were luxury winter foods , not simply Christmas dishes .

  18. 怡君:假如这跟你妈的圣诞大餐类似的话,那可是要大费周章呢。

    Yi-jun : If it 's anything like your mom 's Christmas feast , then that 's a lot of work .

  19. 今年没有享用到传统的圣诞大餐,但我吃了白松露菌大餐!

    I didn 't get to enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner this year . instead , I 'd a white truffle dinner !

  20. 让我们来面对这个现状,圣诞大餐没有哪道菜比素菜更容易被人忽略。

    And let 's face it , there 's no part of the Christmas dinner that is more overlooked than the vegetable .

  21. 如果法蒂和奥利华可以说通托尼让咖啡店开门,我就会为大家下厨制作圣诞大餐。

    If Fadi and Olivia can ask Tony to open the cafe , I 'll cook a proper Christmas dinner for everyone !

  22. 人们通常会在超市买许多特别的香料来做他们的圣诞大餐。

    People who cook usually buy a lot of special spices for their Xmas baking and there is usually a spice sale at the supermarkets .

  23. 那些走出家门、到时髦酒店吃圣诞大餐的日子已成为过去:今年,人们想与家人一起呆在家里。

    The days of sashaying out to smart hotels for Christmas banquets are over : this year people want to stay at home with their families .

  24. 不过比起瑞士的猫,它们就幸运多了,瑞士仍有少数顽固分子至今还会把本地猫咪当作他们的圣诞大餐。

    But they had it better than some cats in Switzerland , where a small number of diehards still eat the domestic variety for their Christmas meals

  25. 该酒店介绍,这是杭州城里首次出现的地下酒窖圣诞大餐。

    This is the first time in Hangzhou that Christmas dinner can be enjoyed in the underground wine cellar , according to the boss of the hotel .

  26. 在美国,因为已在感恩节吃过火鸡,平安夜丰富多样的圣诞大餐多以火腿为主。

    In the US , having just celebrated Thanksgiving with turkey , Christmas Eve dinner is more likely to have ham on the menu with a heavy dessert .

  27. 他补充道:“今年我的家人会从法国赶来,所以我非常期待能和他们一同享用传统的圣诞大餐。”

    He added : " My family is coming over this year from France so I 'm really looking forward to sharing a traditional meal with them . "

  28. 回到家后其实根本没时间让我们尽情把玩礼物,因为我们马上又得去爷爷奶奶家共进一年一度的圣诞大餐。

    Once we got home , there was barely time to enjoy our presents . We had to go off to our grandparents ' house for our annual Christmas dinner .

  29. 传统的圣诞大餐包括各种奶酪,面包,甜品,火腿,熏鱼,香肠,“妈妈肉丸”等等。

    Traditional Christmas Eve dinner usually includes smorgasbord or a Swedish Christmas buffet with ham , pork , or fish , as well as a variety of sweets and Mama 's meatballs .

  30. 上周六,体重46英石(约293公斤)的唐娜辛普森坐在一张特别加固的金属椅子上,狼吞虎咽地吞下这顿世界上最丰盛的圣诞大餐,一吃就是两个小时。

    Forty-six-stone ( about293kg ) Donna Simpson , sitting in a reinforced metal chair , chewed down on the world 's biggest Christmas dinner as she ate for two straight hours on Saturday .