
  • 网络St James's Park;St. James Park;St. James's Park;St James' Park;st jam es's park
  1. 到达圣詹姆斯公园的只有6节

    And only six carriages arrive at St James 's Park .

  2. 从威斯敏斯特到圣詹姆斯公园需要十分钟.

    Ten minutes to get from Westminster to St James 's Park .

  3. 下一站圣詹姆斯公园

    And the next stop , St James ' Park Station .

  4. 它在圣詹姆斯公园和西敏寺站台间消失

    It vanishes between St James 's Park and Westminster .

  5. 圣詹姆斯公园近似于一个长长的三角形。

    St james 's park is approximately a long triangle .

  6. 它在圣詹姆斯公园和威斯敏斯特之间某处消失,莫兰勋爵的消失

    It vanishes between St James 's Park and Westminster.Lord Moran vanishes .

  7. 到了圣詹姆斯公园车就空了

    And the car is empty at St James 's Park Station .

  8. 接下来一站.圣詹姆斯公园站.却是这样

    And the next stop , St James ' Park Station . And ...

  9. 如果是这样,俱乐部已经为那些漂亮的圣詹姆斯公园的常客们找到了最佳答案:俱乐部品牌女式内衣!

    If so , the club could have the answer for all saucy St James'Park regulars : club branded lingerie !

  10. 因此笔者预测星期一在圣詹姆斯公园的比赛会是一场平局。

    Portsmouth 's need for points is still serious and therefore I predict a draw at St James'Park on Monday .

  11. 阿兰。史密斯下赛季将在圣詹姆斯公园球场征战超级联赛,纽卡已经正式确认签下了这名射手。而费用没有公布。

    Alan Smith will play his football at St James'Park in2007 / 08 after Newcastle confirmed they have signed the striker for an undisclosed fee .

  12. 山姆阿勒代斯怀揣着一笔可观的转会资金在英格兰本土以及境外大肆寻找新鲜血液注入纽卡斯尔,以求为圣詹姆斯公园重新带来活力。

    Armed with a considerable transfer kitty , Newcastle boss Sam Allardyce is scouring England and abroad for fresh recruits , as he looks to rejuvenate fortunes at St James'Park .

  13. 另一个跑步的好去处:宽敞开阔的海德公园,这里西邻肯辛顿公园,东临绿园和圣詹姆斯公园。

    Another good place to run : expansive Hyde Park , which is adjacent to Kensington Gardens to the west , and Green Park and St. James to the east .

  14. 在圣詹姆斯公园被伤病摧残的四年期间,欧文仍出场七十九次攻入三十球,但球队不幸降级英冠。

    After four injury-blighted years at St James ' Park , in which he still managed to score 30 goals in 79 appearances , the club were relegated from the Premier League .

  15. 本月早些时候在圣詹姆斯公园的比赛他几乎无处不在,1-4输给利物浦的比赛他也被认为是表现最好的曼联球员。

    At St James'Park early in the month he was absolutely everywhere , while many agree he was the best United player on the pitch in the Reds '4-1 defeat at the hands of Liverpool .

  16. 随后,热切期待的人群安静下来,查尔斯走到话筒前开始讲话。有1.8万人在白金汉宫现场观看,还有25万人聚集在圣詹姆斯公园和林荫大道上观看。

    A hush descended over the expectant crowds 18,000 were watching in front of the Palace , and another 250,000 on screens in St James Park and The Mall as Charles took the microphone to speak .