
  • 网络The History of Linguistics
  1. 清末民初的语言变革运动与现代文学的历史关联&以语言学史、文化史和思想史的叙述为例

    Historical Connection Between the Language Transformation at the End of the Qing Dynasty and at the Beginning of the Republic of China and the Origination of Chinese Modern Literature & Taking Narration in the History of Linguistics , Culture and Thought as an Example

  2. 从新的视角看语言学史&读《思想的流派:从葆扑到索绪尔的语言学发展史》

    Schools of Thought . The Development of Linguistics from Bopp to Saussure .

  3. 现代语言学史研究的又一朵奇葩&《语言学理论与流派》评介

    A Review of Theories and Schools of Linguistics

  4. 《中国语言学史》评介

    A Review of A History of Chinese Linguistics

  5. 梳理当代西方的中国语言学史研究具有语言史、学术史的双重价值。

    This research has the double value of the Chinese history of language and learning .

  6. 当代西方的中国语言学史研究

    Contemporary Western Chinese Linguistics History Studies

  7. 理性主义和普遍主义的历史批判及其现代意义&索绪尔语言学史思想研究

    The Historical Criticism and Modern Significance of Rationalism and Universalism & a study of Saussure 's concept of linguistic history

  8. 名物研究在我国语言学史上占有重要地位,前人的研究成果已相当多。

    Research of naming holds important position in linguistics history of our country . The previous research results have been considerable .

  9. 关于语言变革与现代文学的发生之间的关系问题,除了在文学史中的叙述外,语言学史和文化史、思想史也常涉及此一问题,且能发文学史之所未能发的创见。

    As to the relationship between the language transformation and the origination of Chinese modern literature , the narration in the history of linguistic , culture and thought proves to be more innovative than that of literary history .

  10. 与文学史的叙述不同,语言学史、文化史和思想史更加注重自晚清以来的语言变革运动和五四白话文运动、文学革命之间的连续性、一贯性。

    Being different from the narration in literary history , the former pays more attention to the continuity between the movement of language transformation since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the May 4th vernacular movement as well as the literary revolution .

  11. 《助字辨略》在收字规模、词类划分和训释方法上取得了巨大的成果,是中国语言学史上一部具有重要价值的虚词著作。

    Zhu Zi Bian Lue has made remarkable achievement in three aspects : the scale of words , the division of parts of speech and the means of explanation of ancient words , it is an important function words work in the history of Chinese linguistics .

  12. 应用语言学发展史综述

    A Summary On Applied Linguistics Development History

  13. 把握语言学发展史的总脉络&试论五段两线三解放

    Five Stages , Two Lines and Three Breakthroughs : The General Trend in Studies of Linguistics

  14. 他的描述被称“格里姆规律”,是当代语言学发展史上的一个里程碑。

    Known as Grimm 's Law , it was a landmark in the development of modern philology .

  15. 该书同义词在训诂学、语言学发展史上具有重要地位及影响,我们对此也进行了归纳阐释。

    We study the important status and effect of the synonyms on the history of Xun Gu subject , linguistics .

  16. 研究方言古词语,对于语言学和文化史的研究都有重要的意义。

    The research on the archaic words and expressions in dialect is of great importance to the study of linguistics and cultural history .

  17. 索绪尔首创的结构主义语言学是语言学史上的第一次革命,主要有三个分支流派,即:布拉格学派,描写语言学和伦敦学派。

    The Structrualism founded by Saussure was the first revolution in Linguistics which has three branches ; the Prague School , American Structrualism and London School .

  18. 西方哲学语言学转向的哲学史意义

    Linguistic Turn and its Significance in Philosophy History

  19. 词汇研究俄国语言学的靓点俄国语言学史学习笔记

    Vocabulary Research-Highlights of the Russian Linguistic Studies & Notes of the Russian Linguistic History

  20. 如果对古籍的注疏进行分析和研究,就可以理清各个时期学者的语言学观点,从而丰富和完善中国语言学史。

    Once we start to analyze and study these notes and commentaries , we can put their linguistic ideas in good order and then enrich and develop the history of Chinese linguistics .

  21. 西方语言学史家基于自身的语言观,其关于中国语言学史的论述往往有独特的发现。

    These western scholars usually have some unique findings because of their special point of view about Chinese linguistic history .

  22. 经验主义和理性主义作为西方哲学认识论中的两大理论阵营伴随着整个语言学的发展过程,以不同的形式贯穿了整个语言学史,它们之间的斗争和妥协反映了西方语言学研究发展的一个侧面。

    Rationalism and empiricism as the two great theories of Western epistemology are following the whole linguistics all the time . They have run through the whole linguistics history in different forms , the struggle and compromise between them have reflect that study a side of development in western linguistics .