
  • 网络Language Geography;geography of language;linguistic geography;Geographie Des Langues
  1. 这为全面研究中国云南的语言地理进而构建区域语言地理学的基本范式奠定了重要的客观基础。

    This established an important base for studying language geography of Yunnan province and then seting up the basic paradigm of regional language geography .

  2. 同时运用了语言地理类型学的观点,共时分析了不同方言类型处置式和被动式的标记词,证实了襄樊方言的方言类型。

    Meanwhile , adopting a geographic typological point of view , the paper analyzes the markers of dispositional and passive structures in different dialects , which proves the dialectal typology of Xiangfan dialect .

  3. 符号是GIS的语言,地理信息共享要求GIS的符号库能够实现跨平台的显示。

    Symbol is the language of GIS , and geographic information sharing requires that the symbol-base of GIS can be displayed on multi-platform .

  4. 首先介绍了GIS领域的通用交流语言-地理标记语言GML。

    Geography Markup Language is a common language used in the field of GIS ( Geography Information System ), .

  5. 实现自然语言中地理空间信息的挖掘,不仅能够丰富地理信息系统(GIS)的信息来源,而且能够提升GIS的表达能力和可理解性。

    Mining geo-spatial information from natural language not only enriches information sources for Geographic Information System ( GIS ) but also enhances representability and perceptibility of GIS .

  6. 还有些城市名同语言及地理有关。

    Other American cities are linked by language and geography .

  7. 图片能在人与人之间建立一种联系,不论文化、语言和地理位置。

    Pictures make connections between people regardless of culture , language or geography .

  8. 其他域名能以语言、地理或行业来协助互联网的分类。

    Other suffixes could help organize the Internet by language , geography or industry .

  9. 英国人是极富创造力的民族,并受惠于我们的历史、语言和地理。

    The British are an ingenious people , and benefit from our history , language and location .

  10. “我当时在想历史等科目太差,语言,地理,文学,”迪科索赔。

    " I was very bad in subjects like history , languages , geography , and literature ," Mausumi claims .

  11. 志愿服务建立在团结和互信的价值之上,超越所有文化、语言和地理的界限。

    Founded on the values of solidarity and mutual trust , volunteerism transcends all cultural , linguistic and geographic boundaries .

  12. 在安装过程中用户可以分别选择语言,地理位置(国家)和本地环境以最大化的灵活提供配置。

    During installation the user can choose language , location ( country ) and locale separately to provide maximum flexibility in configuration .

  13. 笔者依据有关考古、语言、地理、文献等资料,对“比剌”地名予以比较深入的考证,认为它就是现在的莫桑比克岛。

    Based on the archaeological , linguistic , geographical and documentary materials , this paper has made a rather deep research on " Bila " and believes that it is the present Mozambique .

  14. 他们用这些单词推演了印欧语系的家族树,再结合语系中每种语言的地理位置信息,追溯这些单词的形成时间,以推断家族树的起源地,也就是印欧语系的起源地。

    They used these words to infer a family tree of the languages and , together with geographic information about each language , traced the words back through time to infer the location of the tree root – the Indo-European birthplace .

  15. 新疆农村信息化建设因为受到多民族语言、地理环境及资金等方面制约,起步较晚,发展较慢,与国内一些省份相比,具有一定的差距。

    Xinjiang countryside informationization construction limited by many aspects , such as multi-language , environment and funds , The start is a little bit late , The development is slower compared with some other provinces in China , it has a certain margin .

  16. 本研究以绿地作为研究对象,以计算机为载体,以传统的城市绿地理论为依据,以现代的计算机语言及地理信息系统组件为手段,建立科学的先进的绿地分类信息管理系统。

    With greenland as the object , the computer as the carrier , the traditional theory of greenland as the basis , and modern programming language and GIS components as the means , this work establishes an advanced scientific information management system for greenland classification .

  17. 按照现代软件工程的管理方法,分析和研究了农田地理信息系统的开发模型与开发方式,提出了采用螺旋式模型,以通用高级编程语言结合地理信息系统组件的系统开发方案。

    According to the modern software engineering technology , the system develop models and fashions were analyzed and compared . It was designed using a high-level programming language ( VB6 ) and a geographic information system component ( MO2 ) to develop the system , in accordance with spiral model .

  18. GML语言是开放地理信息系统联合会制定的基于XML的空间数据编码规范,对于GIS互操作的研究有重要的参考价值。

    Geographic Markup Language ( GML ) is a specification for encoding spatial data formulated by Open GIS Consortium , and it plays an important role in GIS interoperability studies .

  19. 对语言特性的地理分布的研究。

    The study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features .

  20. 语言障碍、地理距离和心理障碍对知识转移绩效的影响均不显著。

    Language barriers , geographical distance , or psychological barriers do not effect knowledge transfer performance significantly .

  21. 我国民族古籍卷帙浩繁,种类繁多,其内容涉及政治、哲学、法律、历史、宗教、军事、文学、艺术、语言文字、地理、天文历算、医药等诸多方面。

    Our ethnic ancient books are rich and various , which deal with politics , philosophy , law , history and so on .

  22. 实验结果分析表明,该方法具有较高的准确性,能够满足相似地址匹配检测的应用需求。基于该算法,本文实现了一个基于自然语言描述的地理位置查询系统。

    Experimental result shows that the algorithm has high accuracy , the address in English to meet the application requirements of similarity calculation . A prototype system which use natural language as interface has been implemented based the algorithm in this study .

  23. 本课题使用开放的三维函数库OpenGL以及面向对象程序设计语言C++,融入地理信息系统(GIS)和数字摄影测量(DP)技术,为小城镇规划管理系统搭建了一个虚拟现实平台。

    The basic Virtual Reality platform for town 's layout and management is constructed by OpenGL and C + + , blended in Geography Information System and Digital Photography .

  24. 然后根据矢量图的特点,利用VML标记语言实现了空间地理信息和气象信息服务的联合查询。

    Then according to the characteristics of vector , using VML markup language to achieve joint inquiry of spatial geographic information and meteorological information services .

  25. 非语言因素包括:地理环境、文化、经济、宗教信仰因素及重大事件的影响等。

    Non-linguistic factors include environmental , cultural , economic , religious factors and the effect of significant events .

  26. 考古文化与某些古老的语言特征,在地理分布上的重合,能够更有力地证明古代文明的地域传播。

    The coincidence of both geographic distribution and language features can strongly confirm the existence of ancient civilization .

  27. 姓名是社会成员相互区别的符号,隐含着一个民族语言、历史、地理、宗教和阶级状况的信息。

    Names are distinguishable symbols of the society members . They imply the information about language , history , geography , religion and social class condition in a nationality .

  28. 人们在选择姓名时有着种种原因和道理,所以它隐含着一个民族的语言、历史、地理、宗教和文化传统的信息。

    People in choosing a name for a variety of reasons and reasonable , so it is implied a national language , history , geography , religious and cultural tradition of the information .

  29. 本文就如何提高学生的聆听理解能力,用实验分析了图式理论中的背景知识在学生自上而下处理加工语言输入中能帮助语言习得者更好地理解聆听材料,并提出了相应的一些教学建议。

    On how to improve students ' listening comprehension , this paper analyzes the function of background knowledge in the form of schemata in the top down processing of language input by using experiments , and raises some corresponding suggestions on foreign language teaching .