
  • 网络Cutting Zhou
  1. 论武王伐纣战役中的巴、蜀之师

    Discussion on Ba Army and Shu Army in the Campaign of Wu King Attacking Zhou

  2. 反对武王伐纣,恰是因为武王暴力、做作的方式违背了其理想。

    They are against King Wu as a result of Wu 's violence breaching their beliefs .

  3. 周乐《大武》,是武王伐纣胜利后由周公创编的。

    The dance " Dawu " was composed by the Duke of Zhou after Emperor Wu successfully overthrew the Shang Dynasty .

  4. 《逸周书》中的《武寤》篇是歌颂武王伐纣事迹的《大武》乐辞的第二乐章“再成而灭商”,即《宿夜》。

    Wuwu in Yizhoushu is Suye , the second movement of Dawu , which sings the praise of the deeds that King Wu conquered King Zhou .