
Wǔ Zé Tiān
  • Wu Zetian; usurper empress who strengthened Tang rule
  1. 美天娱乐和Entree电影公司将制作一部关于中国女皇武则天的英文电影。

    Metan Entertainment and Entree Pictures are to produce an English-language movie about Chinese Empress Wu .

  2. 据好莱坞记者报道,HBO魔幻巨制《权力的游戏》的制片人将根据中国历史上唯一的女皇武则天的生活,制作一部新的历史题材的美剧。

    Producers of HBO 's fantasy drama Game of Thrones will work on a new historical series based on the life of Wu Zetian , the only empress in the history of China , according to a report by Hollywood Reporters .

  3. 简论武则天对唐代文学发展的贡献

    On WU Ze-tian 's Contributions to the Development of Tang Dynasty Literature

  4. 武则天是中国历史上仅有的一个女皇帝。

    Wu Zetian is the only empress in Chinese history .

  5. 试析陈子昂对武则天的态度问题

    Analysis on Chen Zi-ang 's Attitudes towards Wu Ze-tian

  6. 武则天在位期间,将唐朝的政治、经济的发展又向前推进了一步。

    During her reign , the politics , * economy kept developing progressively .

  7. 武则天唐代是中国唯一的女皇帝。

    Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty was the only female Emperor of China .

  8. 相信的自己的实力能够把武则天演好。

    Believe that the strength of their own be able to better my Wu .

  9. 因此古人推测卢舍那佛正是武则天的化身。

    Ancient people assumed that the statue was an embodiment of Empress Wu Zetian .

  10. 高宗死后,武则天独揽大权,成为一国之君。

    After Emperor Gaozong 's stroke , Wu ruled the country in her own right .

  11. 武则天长安年间开始在原址重建大雁塔,在规格上有所改变。

    At that time the Empress ordered to rebuild the tower on the former address .

  12. 武则天精明机智,通文史。

    Wu Zetian was shrewd and tactful , and also an expert in literature and history .

  13. 太宗死后,武则天被送进寺院做尼姑。

    After Emperor Taizong died , she was sent to a temple , and became a nun .

  14. 著名诗人李白,就把武则天列为唐朝七圣之一。

    Famous poet Li Bai , once regarded her as one of the seven sages in Tang Dynasty .

  15. 武则天是中国历史上唯一的女皇帝,是继唐太宗之后又一位爱好文学、提倡文学的帝王。

    Wu Ze-tian is an unique empress in Chinese history , who values literature greatly as Tang Tai Zong .

  16. 武则天是中国有史记载以来的唯一一位女皇帝。

    Wu Zetian , the only recorded empress of China , was concubine of Emperor Taizong in Tang Dynasty .

  17. 武则天从小聪明果断,通文史,长得又漂亮,14岁那年被唐太宗召进皇宫,成为才人。

    At the age of14 , she was taken into the imperial palace by Emperor Taizong as a concubine .

  18. 该剧集将沿着武则天作为唐太宗最宠幸的妃子,如何一步步走向权力的巅峰而展开。

    The series will follow her rise to the top through the court of Emperor Taizong as his favorite concubine .

  19. 前者是武则天攀登权利的阶梯,后者则是她晚年生活的开心果。

    The former is Wu Zetian ' sclimbing ladder to rights , and the latter is the delight in her later life .

  20. 唐代的武则天是中国历史上唯一一位女皇帝。

    It was during the Tang dynasty that the only female ruler of China , Empress Wu Zetian , made her mark .

  21. 武则天以其聪明机智和残酷无情,以及不择手段获得最高权力而著称。

    Wu was known for her wit and intelligence along with her ruthlessness and desire to achieve ultimate power regardless of means .

  22. 围绕明堂展开和发生的一系列事件,不仅是当时历史的缩影,也从某种角度折射出武则天的种种心态,明堂对当时的政治、社会产生了重大而又微妙的影响,很值得分析和回味。

    It is of great significance to make an investigation into the great influence of Ming Tang on political society at that time .

  23. 而据古书记载,武则天有着“龙睛凤颈”,眼大而有神、脖颈细长;“方额广颐”,额头较方、脸颊较大。

    According to ancient records , Wu Zetian had big eyes , a long neck , a big face and a square forehead .

  24. 唐高宗因患风眩,目不能视,使武则天协助裁决政事。

    Because of eye disease , Li Zhi could not read well , he often made Wu his assistant in verdict the government affairs .

  25. 这一外交手段可追溯至公元七世纪,当时中国唐朝的女皇帝武则天将一对大熊猫赠予了日本天皇。

    The practice dates back to the 7 century , when Empress Wu Zetian delivered a pair of pandas to the emperor of Japan .

  26. 中国历史上唯一的女皇武则天是中国唐代(公元618-906年)的一位统治者。

    Wu Zetian , China 's only empress in history , was ruler of the country during the Tang Dynasty ( AD 618-906 ) .

  27. 人的欲望是无穷大的,武则天最终又踩着自己儿子的尸体坐上了皇上的宝座。

    Driven by her unbridled greed , she finally ascended the throne using any means including killing her son , one of her political rivals .

  28. 陕西盛阳市唐顺陵的石狮,是武则天为其母亲杨氏陵墓建造的。

    Those in the tangshun tomb in Shengyang city , Shaanxi province , were built by the Tang empress , Wu zetian , for her mother .

  29. 而龙门石窟奉先寺中的“卢舍那佛”,则被不少学者认为是武则天44岁时的“写真”。

    Among them , a large Vairocana Buddha in Fengxian Temple is considered to be a " portrait " of Wu Zetian at 44 years old .

  30. 唐朝曾中断于武则天登基后建立的武周朝(690年10月1日——705年3月3日)。

    The dynasty was interrupted by the Second Zhou Dynasty ( October 1 , 690 - March 3 , 705 ) when Empress Wu Zetian seized the throne .