
  • 网络Wuling Mountains
  1. 本文对武陵山脉中段的张家界地区的气候特性和气候资源进行了研究。

    The climatic resources and its characteristics of Zhang Jia Jie district situated in the middle area of Wuling mountains were studied .

  2. 常德古称武陵,地处武陵山脉向洞庭湖的过渡地带。

    Changde is called Wuling in the ancient time , which is located a transitional area between Wuling mountains and Dongting Lake .

  3. 武陵源山是武陵山脉的一部分,它于1992年被联合国教科文组织列入了世界遗产名录。

    Inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in1992 , Wulingyuan forms part of the Wuling Range .

  4. 澧水流域的城镇地处湘西,位于武陵山脉东南山麓。

    The towns of Lishui basins are located in western Hunan Province , where is from Southeast of Wu Lin mountains .

  5. 武陵地区是指的以武陵山脉为中心的湘鄂渝黔边区。

    WuLin region is intersection broader area of Xiang , E , Yu and Qian province .