
  • 网络putuoshan island
  1. 浙江普陀山岛晚更新世的两种木化石

    Two species of late Pleistocene wood fossils from Putuoshan island , zhejiang Province

  2. 浙江普陀山岛老红砂的成因与环境

    Origin and Circumstance of Old Red Sand Sediment On Putuo Island

  3. 选取普陀山和湄洲岛为分析对象,两地同样是海滨岛屿,都以女神为其文化核心标识,并且都拥有悠久的历史和丰富的文化古迹、民俗风情等资源。

    Mountain Putuo and Meizhou Island are selected for research for that both of them are coastal islands which are centered with goddess culture . Besides , they both obtain long history , rich cultural relics as well as abundant folk customs and other resources .

  4. 利用1996~2001年国内旅游客流月份分布数据,分析了三亚、北海、普陀山等海滨(岛)型旅游地和黄山、九华山等山岳型旅游地国内客流季节性特征。

    In this paper , data of monthly distribution of domestic tourist flows in recent years are applied to analyzing the seasonal characteristics of domestic tourist flows both in coastland resorts such as Sanya , Beihai , Mt. Putuo and mountain resorts such as Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Jiuhua .