
  • 网络puer;Pu'er City;puer city
  1. 普洱市深化集体林权制度改革工作主要做法

    Principal Ways of Reforming Collective Forest Property Right in Puer City

  2. 如何提高普洱市中学英语教师教学效能感值得以后继续研究。

    How to improve ELT teachers on teacher efficacy in Puer City is worth studying in the future .

  3. 运用SWOT分析找出普洱市经济发展的优势和劣势,在发展中的机遇和面临的挑战,得出其工业发展的总体战略。

    The use of SWOT analysis to identify the advantages and disadvantages of economic development in Pu ' er City , the opportunities and challenges in development , concluded the overall strategy of industrial development .

  4. 2007年普洱市孕产妇死亡监测结果分析

    The Analysis of Pu'er City in 2007 to Monitor the Results of Maternal Mortality

  5. 这三个品种的经济效益在普洱市墨江县表现较好。

    These economic character of the three variety were better performance in Mojiang County , Pu ' er City . 5 .

  6. 因此,本研究对普洱市中学英语教师教学效能感进行了研究。

    Therefore , this study explored the current status of ELT teachers teaching efficacy in Puer high schools and the factors in relation to teaching efficacy .

  7. 针对这一结论,找出影响普洱市工业发展的制约因素,并且通过影响四大支柱产业的市场和资源状况做详细的分析。

    For this conclusion , identify the impact of industrial development in Pu ' er City , and analysis the impact of the four pillar industries for markets and resources .

  8. 对支柱产业进行逐一的优化,可以为普洱市的其他重点产业和新兴产业的发展起到借鉴的作用,对普洱市整体工业的优化对策为其工业经济的发展打下基础。

    Optimization of pillar industries can play the role of key industries and new industries and the optimization measures the overall industrial development lay the foundation of its industrial economic .

  9. 普洱市政府的大力扶持,使这朵艺术奇葩不仅得到了保护与发展,也使它在普洱有了后续者。

    Pu'er city government has given vigorous support so that this arts wonderful work has not only been the protection and development , but also has it 's continuators in Pu'er .

  10. 因此本文通过分析影响普洱市工业产业的因素,尤其是支柱产业的影响因素,提出合理的发展建议。

    This paper analyzes the factors which will affect the industrial structure of Pu ' er city , especially the factors of mainstay industry , so that establish the reasonable industry of the city .

  11. 然而,大多数高中学生的英语口语能力较弱,尤其在相对落后的普洱市镇沅县,绝大多数高中学生的英语口语水平很低。

    However , many senior students are weak in spoken English . Especially in Zhenyuan , a poor county of Puer City , most of the students ' spoken English level is very low .

  12. 适宜区主要包含云南省西南部的普洱市以及临沧市大部分区域,这些地区可以通过地膜覆盖与温室育苗等栽培技术来有效降低热量条件不足对烤烟种植产生的影响。

    Suitable area were mainly consisted the city of Pu ' er and most of the Lincang , these areas can effectively reduce the impact of the lacking heat by using cultivation techniques such as plastic film mulching and greenhouse nursery during tobacco planting .