
  • 网络YuXi;Yuxi city
  1. 采用GPS和GIS技术研究了云南省玉溪市红塔区植烟土壤养分分布状况和施肥分区。

    The spacial distribution of soil nutrients was studied at Hongta district of Yuxi city , Yunnan province by applying GPS and GIS technique .

  2. 3S技术在玉溪市林权勘查中的应用

    Application of " 3S " Technology to Forest Tenure Reconnaissance of Yuxi City

  3. 玉溪市三湖一库COD(Mn)与BOD5的相关性分析

    Correlated Analysis on COD_ ( Mn ) and BOD _5in Three Lakes and A Reservoir in Yuxi

  4. 云南省玉溪市甲型副伤寒沙门菌PFGE数据库的建立及其应用

    Establishment and application of PFGE database on Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi A in Yuxi , Yunnan

  5. 结果表明,CMB法和FA法是比较可靠的源解析研究方法,解析结果与玉溪市的实际情况基本吻合。

    The results indicate : CMBs and FA are reliable models for sources apportionment and outcomes are in accord with what it is .

  6. 分析了2002年玉溪市各县区县城环境空气质量状况和污染特征提出应采取措施,减轻SO2,对城市大气的污染。

    The paper analyzes the pollution characteristics and air quality situations of every districts of Yuxi City in 2002 . It points out that countermeasures should be applied to reduce the pollution from SO2 .

  7. 健康教育前玉溪市部分农村受调查人群基本知识的知晓率为0%,Hp相关性疾病知识知晓率为0%,常见上消化道疾病保健和防治知识为9.2%;

    Before the health education , the understanding rate of the basic knowledge in the group being investigated in part villages in Yuxi was 0 % , the understanding rate of Helicobacter pylori associated knowledge was 0 % , and 9.2 % of common diseases of upper digestive tract .

  8. 结论玉溪市计划免疫冷链系统运转良好,OPV接种质量得到保证,目标人群有较高的脊灰免疫抗体水平,形成了抵御脊灰的免疫屏障。

    Conclusion The cold chain system for vaccines in the city of Yuxi is in good condition , which contributes to guaranteeing the quality of OPV vaccination . There exist high levels of immune antibodies in the target population , forming an immune barrier against poliomyelitis .

  9. 玉溪市红塔区水资源可持续利用初探

    Sustainable Exploitation of Water Resources of Hongta District of Yuxi Municipality

  10. 谈玉溪市城市建设的绿色环保目标

    The Green & Environmental Goal of urban construction of Yuxi city

  11. 玉溪市散发流行小儿甲型副伤寒216例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 216 Cases of Paratyphoid Fever in Yuxi City

  12. 玉溪市桶装饮用水生产卫生状况的调查分析

    An Investigation into the Sanitary Situation of Barreled Drinking Water In Yuxi

  13. 玉溪市急性职业中毒的特点与分析

    Analysis of features of acute occupational poisoning in Yuxi City

  14. 玉溪市矿产资源开发对环境影响的特点及对策

    Study on the Environmental Impact of Mines and the Countermeasures

  15. 玉溪市农业信息服务模式探讨

    The research for the service mode of yuxi agricultural information

  16. 第四部分,分析了玉溪市产业结构调整的机遇与挑战;

    Chapter four discusses the opportunities and challenges to Yuxi .

  17. 玉溪市旅游资源开发可持续发展研究

    A Study on Sustainable Development of Tourism Resources in Yuxi

  18. 玉溪市百合病害种类的调查与鉴定

    The survey and identification of Lilium spp . diseases in Yuxi City

  19. 玉溪市文化生态村建设与发展的思考

    A Consideration on Yuxi 's Cultural and Ecological Village Construction

  20. 玉溪市交通通讯基础设施建设与可持续发展

    Transportation and Communications Infrastructure Construction in Yuxi and Sustainable Development

  21. 玉溪市生活饮用水微生物污染状况分析

    Analysis of Microbial Contamination in the Drinking Water of Yuxi

  22. 玉溪市桶装饮用水的质量问题十分突出,其水源水和饮用水的合格率仅为61.1%和54.3%。

    Barreled drinking water in Yuxi has serious quality problems ;

  23. 玉溪市工业经济发展思考

    Reflections on the Development of Yuxi 's Industrial Economy

  24. 玉溪市城镇生活垃圾填埋现状及控制对策研究

    A Study of the Present Household Garbage Burying Situation and the Controlling Countermeasures

  25. 关于发展玉溪市特色旅游商品的思考

    Some Thoughts on Unique Tourism Commodities Development of Yuxi

  26. 玉溪市曲江流域段综合治理规划研究

    Research on Comprehensive Treatment and Planning in Qujiang River Basin in Yuxi City

  27. 玉溪市民族文化资源开发研究初探

    The Developing Research of Yuxi 's National Cultural Resources

  28. 玉溪市薪炭林树种选择和营造技术

    The silvicultural technique and species selection for the fuelwood plantation in Yuxi City

  29. 玉溪市农村旅游开发的可行性分析

    An Feasibility Analysis of Countryside Tourism Development in Yuxi

  30. 玉溪市医疗危险废弃物的集中焚烧处理

    Medical Hazardous Waste Central Incineration Treatment in Yuxi City