
yù lán
  • yulan;yulan magnolia;Magnolia denudata
玉兰 [yù lán]
  • [yulan magnolia] 乔木。一种中国木兰属植物(Magnolia denudata),出叶前开放香味浓郁的大白花,供观赏

玉兰[yù lán]
  1. 平顶山地区大规格广玉兰移植技术初探

    Transplant technology of big specification yulan magnolia in Pingdingshan

  2. 三块焦木曾是一棵几百年的玉兰树被雷电击穿燃烧后的残骸。

    The three pieces of burnt wood are the ruins of an age-old Yulan magnolia after being hit by a bolt of lighting .

  3. IBA和NAA都能提高荷花玉兰扦插时不定根的发生率。

    Both IBA and NAA could increase rooting rates of Southern Magnolia .

  4. 那一大片玉兰长得可真好啊’或者说‘SJ家说今年他们家的花一朵也开不出来了;

    It is a perfect mass of flowers , 'or else'Smith-Jenkins tells me there won 't be a single blossom on their magnolia this year ;

  5. 广玉兰叶片随栅栏组织厚度、栅栏-海绵组织比值、叶片总厚度、气孔长度和气孔宽度这些相关结构的增大,PAHs含量呈上升的趋势。

    For species Magnolia grandiflora , the PAHs concentrations increased with the increases of palisade tissue thickness , ration of palisade to spongy tissues , total leaf thickness , stomatal length and stomatal width .

  6. pH为5.0,4.0和3.0的模拟酸雨降低了广玉兰、樟树、桂花的单叶质量,使杜鹃Rhododendronsimsii叶片的单叶质量增加。

    The simulated acid rain of pH 5.0,4.0 and 3.0 reduced the weight per leaf of Magnolia grandiflora , Cinnamomum camphora and Osmanthus fragrans , but increased the weight per leaf of Rhododendron simsii ;

  7. 玉兰路为南京雨花区2002年第三、四季度设计施工的一条水泥混凝土路面。本文结合新的《公路水泥混凝土路面设计规范》(JTGD2002)对玉兰路路面进行了结构设计评价。

    Yulan road , built by Yuhua District of Nanjing city in the winter of 2002 , is evaluated with the new Design Specification of Cement Concrete Pavement ( JTG D2002 ) in this paper .

  8. 玉兰树高大而挺拔,树上长满枝丫。

    Magnolia trees tall and upright , tree covered Zhi Ya .

  9. 皂用玉兰型香精的调配及应用问题探讨

    Discuss on Perfume and Application of Magnolia type Perfumery to Soaps

  10. 广玉兰黑斑病病原菌的生物学特性研究

    Study on biological characteristics of Leaf Spot Pathogen of Magnolia grandiflora

  11. 对南京玉兰路水泥混凝土路面结构设计的评价

    Appraising Cement Concrete Pavements ' Design of Yulan Road in Nanjing

  12. 玉兰的花瓣在风儿的吹拂下,也纷纷地落下。

    Magnolia petals in Feng ER-Wind , they have to fall .

  13. 不同光照对广玉兰1年生移栽苗的生长影响

    Effect of different light intensities on growth of 1-year Magnolia grandiflora transplants

  14. 山玉兰中3~7个胚珠的发现

    Discovery of 3 ~ 7 Ovules in One Carpel of Magnolia delavayi

  15. 她住在洛杉矶玉兰街421号。

    She lives at 421 Magnolia St. , Los Angeles .

  16. 玉兰花芽分化观察

    An Observation on Differentiation of Magnolia denudata Dess Flower Buds

  17. 绿色建筑技术在东莞玉兰大剧院建设中的应用

    Application of Green Building in the Dongguan Yulan Opern

  18. 玉兰减数分裂观察及染色体构型分析

    Meiosis observation and chromosome configuration analysis of Magnolia denudata

  19. 丰产栽培条件下玉兰的花枝类型

    Types of Flowering Branch of Magnolia denudata Desr . under High Yield Conditione

  20. 春天又到了,园中的玉兰也开了。

    Spring came around again , the garden 's Magnolia has also opened .

  21. 我在玉兰中学学习,我每天走路去上学。

    Magnolia Middle School in my study , I could walk to school .

  22. 作者调查了玉兰在丰产栽培条件下的花枝类型。

    The typos of flowering branch of Magnolia denudata under high yield conditions were investigated .

  23. 白玉兰与望春玉兰花香成分和含量的比较研究

    Comparative study on aromatic constituents and contents between Magnolia denudate Desr and Magnolia biondii Pamp

  24. 在小学的最后一个学期,在即将朋友离别之时,一起赏玉兰。

    In primary schools last semester , when parting friends in the coming together Magnolia reward .

  25. 玉兰花园的智能化设计

    The intelligentized design of YULAN GARDEN

  26. 本文依据工作实际,介绍玉兰花苑建设和展示工作中的一些做法。

    This paper instructed some methods about how to build and exhibit according to working experience .

  27. 结果表明,白玉兰和望春玉兰花香成分的种类及含量存在较大差异。

    The results showed that the aromatic constituents and contents of two plants were distinctly different .

  28. 模拟酸雨对盆栽广玉兰幼苗叶矿质元素含量的影响

    Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Mineral Element Content in the Leaves of Potted Magnolia grandiflora Seedlings

  29. 晚上观察玉兰是最好的,清新的空气里混着玉兰的幽香扑面而来。

    Magnolia is the best observed at night , fresh air blowing from Hunzhe Magnolia 's fragrance .

  30. 而此刻,他却不在这里了,但是这玉兰中仿佛有他的影子一般。

    The moment , he is not here , but it seemed in Magnolia has his shadow .