
  • 网络hornblende;Ca,Na;Common hornblende
  1. 主要矿物成分为富铁普通角闪石,含量一般>90%。

    The dominant mineral ( over 90 percent in general ) is Fe-rich hornblende .

  2. 南海东部表层沉积物中普通角闪石和磁铁矿的特征及其成因

    Mineral characteristics of hornblende and magnetite in surface sediments in the east of the South China Sea and their genesis

  3. 笔者发现,当石英呈明显波状消光时,普通角闪石未显示变形结构;

    It is found that the horn-blendes show no micro-structure while their coexisting quartz displays apparent undulatory extinction .

  4. 普通角闪石和磁铁矿的成因性质与其共存的矿物特征和研究区的区域地质背景相吻合。

    Genetic characteristics of both hornblende and magnetite in sediments are consistent with those of coexisting minerals as well as the geological background around the study area .

  5. 基于主要重矿物,比如蛋白石、普通角闪石、紫苏辉石和普通辉石的定量综合分析,至少可将研究区的浊积砂岩划分为6种类型;

    The turbidite sandstones in the study area can be classified at least into six types based on the combination of the quantitatively major heavy minerals such as opaque minerals , hornblende , hypersthene , and augite .

  6. 通过研究该玉石发现,其黑色不是由于含有石墨造成,其主要成分为深绿色的普通角闪石。

    In this article , the " black jade " is studied , and it is found out that the main composition is dark green hornblende , so the jade must not be named " ink " jade but hornblende jade .