
  1. 管仲改革与宗法制度

    Guan Zhong 's Reform and the Patriarch System in China

  2. 第一阶段自西周初叶姜太公封齐始,至春秋前中期管仲改革止。

    The first stage was from Jiang Taigong 's founding Qi State to Guan Zhong 's reformation .

  3. 第二阶段自管仲改革始,至田氏代齐止。

    The second stage was from Guan Zhong 's reformation to the Tian State substituting the Qi State .

  4. 其理由之一是管仲改革已使齐国从血缘政治过渡到了地缘政治,使以血缘为基础的宗法制度不复存在。

    One of the reasons for this argument is that Guan Zhong s reform transformed the blood-oriented politics of the Qi State into geopolitics , putting an end to the blood-based patriarch system .

  5. 管仲通过多项改革措施使齐国强大了起来。

    Guan Zhong modernized the state of Qi by starting multiple reforms .

  6. 齐桓公继位后,以管仲为相,改革内政,使齐国迅速强大。

    When he was in the throne , he designated a statesman named Guan Zhong as his prime minister to carry out reforms , and Qi became powerful rapidly .