
  • 网络University of Iowa;Iowa University
  1. 哈钦森一家给艾奥瓦大学打了电话,在那里,亚力克西丝(Alexis)在孕育22周零一天后诞生了,当时体重之有1.1磅(约0.5公斤)。

    The Hutchinsons called the University of Iowa , and there , at 22 weeks and one day , Alexis was delivered , weighing 1.1 pounds .

  2. 今年秋季,艾奥瓦大学的国际学生入学总数从2015年的4100人下降到了3564人。

    At the University of Iowa , overall international enrollment this fall was 3564 , down from 4100 in 2015 .

  3. 艾奥瓦大学减少的主要是中国学生,而中密苏里大学(UniversityofCentralMissouri)负责招生工作的副教务长麦克·戈达德(MikeGodard)表示,该校今年的印度学生数量骤降。

    While Iowa primarily lost Chinese students , the University of Central Missouri experienced a sharp decline this year in students from India , said Mike Godard , vice provost for enrollment management .

  4. 艾奥瓦大学国际项目主任唐宁·托马斯(DowningThomas)表示,十大联盟(BigTen)中的其他高校也遭遇了人数下降,没有一所学校还有不久前的那种快速增长。

    Downing Thomas , the university 's dean of international programs , said that some other schools in the Big Ten are also experiencing declines , and none are seeing the rapid increases of the recent past .

  5. 她在布鲁克林圣约瑟夫学院作家培训MFA班教授创意写作,并担任艾奥瓦大学作家坊的英文与创意写作副教授。

    Ayana taught Creative Writing at The Writer 's Foundry MFA Program at St. Joseph 's College , Brooklyn . She is an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the Iowa Writers " Workshop .

  6. 阿雅娜·马蒂斯毕业于艾奥瓦大学作家坊,获得过2014-2015年纽约公共图书馆Cullman中心奖金。

    Ayana Mathis is a graduate of the Iowa Writers " Workshop and a recipient of the 2014-15 New York Public Library 's Cullman Center Fellowship .

  7. 该研究由艾奥瓦大学的研究人员开展,研究结果在本周一的媒体报道中被引述。

    The findings by Researchers at the University of Iowa are part of a study quoted by media reports Monday .

  8. 来自于美国艾奥瓦大学和密歇根大学的科研人员对将近7000名成年人进行了调查研究,这些人中只有一部分是与年龄在17岁以下的孩子共同生活的。

    The researchers from the University of Iowa and University of Michigan questioned nearly 7,000 adults with and without children aged under 17 .

  9. 该研究的对象是来自艾奥瓦大学、华盛顿大学、弗吉尼亚大学和宾州州立大学的学生。

    The study 's participants were college students from the University of Iowa , the University of Washington , the University of Virginia , and Penn State University .

  10. 艾奥瓦大学的社会学教授安东尼•帕伊克说:在发生性关系前耐心等待的人有一些特点,这些特点与高质量的恋爱关系有关。

    There 's something about the characteristics of people who wait before sex that is linked to higher-quality relationships , said sociology professor Anthony Paik of the University of Iowa .

  11. 本文研究对象包括两组:一组是由60名郑州航空工业管理学院的教师和学生组成,另一组是由60名美国艾奥瓦大学的学生和在中国任教的美国和加拿大的外籍教师组成。

    The subjects comprise two groups : 60 Chinese teachers and students in Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management and 60 North American teachers and students both in China and at Iowa University .

  12. 麦克唐纳1904年在艾奥瓦州立大学(IowaStateUniversity)获土木工程学学位。

    In1904 , MacDonald had graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in civil engineering .

  13. 艾奥瓦州立大学的一组研究人员对175对新婚夫妇开展的研究发现,通过在线交友网站或社交网站结识的夫妇通常比通过传统的“线下”方式结识的夫妇年龄大。

    Ina study of 175 newlywed couples scientists at Iowa State Universitysaid those who met through online dating agencies , or social networkingsites , tended to be older than other couples who met throug htraditional ways offline 。

  14. 由艾奥瓦州立大学进行的这项研究,重新分析了德州库珀研究所的数据,也查阅了其他的研究运动和死亡率两者之间关系的海量数据。

    The study , conducted at Iowa State University , reanalyzed data from The Cooper Institute , in Texas , and also examined results from a number of other recent studies that looked at the link between exercise and mortality .

  15. 在美国艾奥瓦州立大学,据报导说,有个学生有个习惯,老是在半夜里起床然后步行3/4英里路走到艾奥瓦河,他习惯于游一会泳,然后才回到他的房间上床就寝。

    At the University of Iowa , a student was reported to have the habit of getting up in the middle of the night and walking three-quarters of a mile to the Iowa River . He would take a swim and then go back to his room to bed .

  16. 电视和电台采访的个人和群体的作者在广播艾奥瓦城和大学社区。

    Televised and radio interviews with individuals and groups of writers are broadcast in the Iowa City and university communities .